How much do you weigh?


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
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Connecticut, United States
I weigh 75 and I'm 11, which I THINK is healthy for my age.

But I am getting fat, because I wished to be skinny for a long time and it got turned around. Blah. If anyone has some advice for me, please tell me. ;)

So... how much do YOU weigh? Is it healthy for your age?

Edit: Yesterday when I realized I was so fat I took a belt and tied it REALLY tight around my belly and it didn't work. It hurt, so just some advice, don't try that at home. xD

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i weight 124 lbs and i have 12, i am a bit, well too tall ._. i am ALMOST TALLER THAN MY MUM!

and i am really strong, got a lot of muscle (heritage of my dad)

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I weight 107 lbs. I seriously gained 25 lbs this year. No kidding kids.

It's really starting to bother me, but I know most if it is from track. We weight lift everyday after school, and muscle weights more than fat. So when you lift weights, you GAIN weight, but slim down. (Just an fyi for all you kiddos who didn't know that.) I'm still a size 0 in pants, so I'm not too concerned yet.

I'm 5'1 1/2, 14 years old (going on 15 8D) and 107 lbs. :3

87 pounds.

That's not really normal for my age, but I'm really short so I guess it's okay.

87. Turning fourteen in twenty four days. Five feet even.

I weigh 105 O:

I'm 12 and really tall... at school we all had to get weighed and I spent the rest of the day screaming THE SCALE LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

I'm not fat ;)


Around 100 pounds. Sometimes I'm one pound less, or one pound more. I'm 13 1/2 and 5'5"

I get all of my weight from my height basically, because I'm pretty skinny ._.

I always got "underweight" for all of the school health things >.>

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I took a BMI test:


You are below the BMI range of 20-25 considered by medical experts to be healthy for someone of your height and weight. Consider seeing a physician or medical advisor to discuss guidelines for a healthy lifestyle.

Pffft. After that, there was a rant on the dangers of being underweight. They can go die.

I am 5'3" and 90 pounds =] My BMI is 15.9, so it says I'm underweight.

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Oh GOD. How dare you ask this question xD. But, no srlsy, I weigh 141 ibs. I'm 24. :p .

I'm 11, 5'7 and 99.2lbs.

Haha, I had to do a weight converter thinggo to see how much you guys actually weigh cuz I don't understand lbs, lolio. I'm 45kg.

My BMI is 16.1. So I guess I'm not fat. I'm really tall, so that makes me weigh more. In fact, people say I'm too skinny. Like, unhealthy skinny.

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