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  1. X

    Help on beating sprint!

    yeah i know the rules i was looking around " tips and help " forum and i forgot and made a new topic.
  2. X

    mametchi's favorite food?

    I have a Mametchi :huh: but on charts i cant tell what its favorite food is. its too small on charts. could someone look and see if you know? thanks
  3. X

    Help on Sprint!

    I can never beat it! i Only get ti round 4! My character is Mametchi which i heard is good at sprint. But noooo. I've tried it all. A,B them C. All at once and one at a time! it all goes up to round 4. Does it take practice like the ball or what?
  4. X

    Help on beating sprint!

    My character is Mametchi :huh: but it only gets to round 4 on Sprint. I've tried it all. click A, B then C. Clicking them all. And clicking one at a time. I can never beat it! does it take practice? Like the ball? Or what!?
  5. X

    Help on beating sprint!

  6. X

    which one should i choose?

    i think you should get both!! i mean V3's are great so get one now! and i bet you'd gain money before the V4 gets out. :D
  7. X

    sick? or not

    noo no no i didnt mean like its impossible to get sick if its a leaftchi i said "if you want a leaftchi, your teen cant get sick" is what i meant... ;)
  8. X

    sick? or not

    i hear that to get a leaftchi it can't be sick. does a toothe ache count? because i feed it snacks so it will play games or else it wouldnt... ;)
  9. X

    Toilet training?

    mine did that too! i don't think you train it its just random
  10. X

    confusedddd! about the growing process!

    thanks guys. :wacko:
  11. X

    confusedddd! about the growing process!

    are you sure?? i heard people say they turn to adult at 3 days old?? i can't wait that long!! LOL.
  12. X

    ahh HELP! my tama isnt turning into an adult!

    people say that they change at 72 hours. i realize that. but do you mean 72 hours after its birth or 72 hours after teen? or does it depend? reply please! :wacko:
  13. X

    confusedddd! about the growing process!

    when people say it will turn into an adult after 72 hours does thhat mean 72 hours after its born or after its a teen? :wacko:
  14. X

    are young mametchi and obotchi good?

    but is a young mametchi and obotchi good?
  15. X

    are young mametchi and obotchi good?

    are young mametchi and obotchi good? and since mine is young mametchi will it turn to a mametchi next?
  16. X

    my tama never calls so i cant train it

    is there times where it will call? and is there any other ways to train? my and my brother's are both the same age. maybe its because of my character??
  17. X

    why won't my tama play games?!

    help!! after it grew up it hasnt wanted to play any games. its happiness is full & its not hungry i dont know what to do to make money! :ph34r: