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  1. P

    Which tama is better?

    Do you think that the TamaSuku/Tamagotchi School 1 or the TamaSuku/Tamagotchi School 2 is better? Is there a difference besides different games and and more characters?
  2. P

    TamaSuku/ Tamagotchi School pause function?

    :P Does any one know if the TamaSuku/Tamagotchi School has a pause function? :huh:
  3. P

    What kind of tama is the best?

    What kind of tama is the best? Because I was thinking of getting one off eBay but I don't know which one to choose. (please do not suggest V4,4.5, or 5 as I already have those) ;) :P :P
  4. P


    Well today I am going to my first ever gymnastics class but I was wondering if any of you people had any tips or anything cause to be honest I dont know what to expect and honestly I am a little scared but not to sound like a baby or anything. :) :huh: :) :huh: :D
  5. P

    How do I get an avatar?

    Um, I was wondering how I get an avatar for when i post. :)
  6. P

    Connecting Problem on the V5

    Ok, when ever i connect my two v5 tamagotchis one of mine (my pink one) always then beeps and then says download or reset! Help me someone please!!! :) :o :o
  7. P

    Connecting Problem on the V5 :huh: :huh: :huh:

    Ok, when ever i connect my two v5 tamagotchis one of mine (my pink one) always then beeps and then says download or reset! Help me someone please!!! :) :o :o
  8. P


    My Tamagotchi V5 was the Smart Family (not the Mame Family :mimitchi: ) then it turned into teens and its not the Smart Family any more! What happened?! :mimitchi:
  9. P

    What Should I Name My New Tamagotchi V5 Family

    I am going to get my Tamagotchi V5 very, very soon and before Friday! I only have like two days to figure out a family name, and fast. My first V5 was named Lindo ( Spanish for cute)! I want something thats five letters but also sweet. Any ideas? :P :wub: :angry: :angry: :o :o
  10. P

    Major V5 Tamagotchi Problem! Please Help!

    My Tamagotchi V5 was doing fine and was at the adult stage and was the space character Sunnytchi. I found out that it was mad and the hungry and happy hearts were completely empty so I went to feed it when I found out that the buttons were not working which was strange since I just got it about...
  11. P

    Time to evolve?

    Does any body know how long it takes a tamagotchi to evolve from a baby then to a child? Then to a teen to a adult? I need to know because mine has been at the same stage for a long, long time! ^_^