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  1. U

    Any tips on getting Kinakomotchi?

    It's the one toddler I've never managed to get. Anyone know any way to get it? Any certain way to treat the baby?
  2. U

    Will my Oyajitchi get the Matchmaker?

    Anyone know how breeding with that one works?
  3. U

    Oyajitchi -- secret character questions

    My friend and I recently bred our two oldies and Oyajitchi was born to us this morning. I noticed that it is already at oldie stage -- able to play all games and eating oldie food.   My biggest question is breeding. At present it is 0 years, though is at adult stage. Will the Matchmaker come...
  4. U

    What influences evolution?

    For example, one Tama I had became an adult at age 3, while I have one currently at age 3 that hasn't evolved.   Another Tama turned into the old character at age 10, while my friend's is at age 10 and did not turn into the old character.   Any ideas?
  5. U

    How long can Ojitchi -- old man -- live?

    I've got Ojitchi and I'm not sure if I should go ahead and reset, as he's already 13. If he'll live long enough, I don't mind holding off until my other Tama has grown up. It would take ten days, however, for one of my Tamas to reach old age. Would Ojitchi make it to 23 or 24?
  6. U

    Old Man Tama

    I have an old man Tama -- anyone know its proper name? How long does he live? He turned into an old man at age 10, and now he's at age 12. It'll be another four days before my other Connection is of breeding age. I'm just curious if he'll live that long. Also, if he dies untimely of simple old...
  7. U

    Mating Question

    I have an old man Tamagotchi, and my friend has an adult flower character (the unnamed one). Her character only turned into an Adult today. Is it too young to mate with my old character? Can old characters mate at all? Or only with another old character?   I had my old character give the...
  8. U

    Can you get old characters on v2?

    Anyone know?
  9. U

    Aw, I think I got an unknown Tama.

    Just a few minutes ago, Remus evolved into, well, I'm not sure what it is. Essentially, if you go here and scroll to the second page, it's character 3E. I think it's one of the new Connection 2 Tamas and therefore unnamed. Can anyone verify?   What should I refer to it as? Weedchi? :(
  10. U

    Tamagotchi Character Pronunciation Guide

    Is there one anywhere? I haven't the faintest how to pronounce Oniontchi...
  11. U

    Do Tamas have to be a certain age to Connect?

    I have two teen (?) Tamas --see evolution below -- and they will not connect to exchange presents. Am I doing something wrong?
  12. U

    If I were to keep my Tama alive until old age...

    ...and it died (say it is generation 10), would I start all over again at the first generation?
  13. U

    When the Matchmaker comes...

    ...and shows a potential mate for your Tama--if you decline the Tama shown, will you get another choice immediately? Or will she simply return the next day?
  14. U

    utopianmachine's Tama-Journal

    I will be the first to admit I am probably too old for this sort of childish device which hankers to the neediness in myself. Still, it is a trifle, an amusement which requires little of my time and little expense (provided I can restrain myself from purchasing every last Tamagotchi variation I...
  15. U

    How do I train my Tamagotchi?

    I notice it has training points, but I've never even had one bar. What do you do to give it training points? What do training points do -- the differet points vary your Tama's evolution?
  16. U

    Are Tamagotchi Character Names not translated...

    Or are they pretty much what they are?
  17. U

    My Tama is a dolphin...with a string for a body... it acting like this? It keeps moving close to the screen for an extreme close-up of its face.   I guess it's happy. Full, happy, 4 years old.
  18. U

    Tama Keepers? Carriers? Cases?

    After my Tama paused itself while in my purse today, I want a carrying case of some kind. Preferably, I'd like a cute, stuffed one, or a hard case. But at this point, anything.   Anyone know where to find such things for the Tamagotchi Connection 2?
  19. U


    My Tama sleeps for 12-15 hours a day, it seems. Is this normal? Or as it reaches adult phase, does it sleep less? (I'm more needy than my Tama. :angry: )