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  1. Y

    Green Day Tamagotchi Poll

    Green Day sucks >_>
  2. Y

    Was there ever a Tamagotchi watch?

    could have been a McDonals toy..?
  3. Y

    OMG! My mom just said...

    that just shows how smart people can actually be
  4. Y

    Konnichiwa! ^_^

    my mum sold all my old ones in a gradge sale now i only have a batteryless V1 and V2
  5. Y


    i probably only have 6 or more, i havent been there in ...maybe, 3 months now..?
  6. Y

    Anyone in Canada able to get V3?

    I ahvent seen any yet T_T ....they dont even have tamagotchi's at wal-mart where i live, al they have is those pixle chicks things *-.-
  7. Y

    Do you like the Tamagotchi Version 3 commercial?

    it needs a catchy song, something that will stiick in your head for the rest of week, make you pleeed for one of those tamagatchi V3...but, i guess it ws ok, i didint realy like it thought-but then agein im someone who doesnt watch TV alot, so i dont realy know what kind of comerctials they make...
  8. Y you have any?

    X_x i cant fiond them anywhere, when do they come out anyways?
  9. Y

    whats a ufottchi?

    its one of the characters
  10. Y


    i wish i had a mutsu T_T
  11. Y


    it could be possible, but not for someon eho lives in a melting hut....I have Grate Grate Grandma who is 95 :)
  12. Y


    if the girls mum had given the computer to her, the the little grl would have been 4 years old r younger, that doesnt make no four year old wil be able to use a computer -.-' maybe a super genius four year old, and if shes 7 and her dad is 98 then her dad would have been 91 when she was born...