1/16/09 - 3:45pm


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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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Today (1/16) at 3:45pm was the worst moment of my life.

Here's the story:

At the end of my street, me and my dad switch places so I drive. He said to pull in the garage. I didn't want to but I decided to anyways :] My foot went on the gas pedal and we went fast for a sec, but my dad's foot was by the break pedal so he slammed on them. I slammed my foot, on what I THOUGHT was the break pedal, but it wasn't! It was the gas pedal!!! I drove the car through the wall and into the game room! I broke the pool table, his turntable, a table, some boxes, and of course, broke the wall.

I feel so bad it's been an hour and I'm still crying :[

Ohmygawd, that's.... Bad. It sounds like something I would do. xD

But, yea. So you and your dad are okay? What about the car? Did it live? Do you have insurance? Are you in trouble?

Ohmygawd, that's.... Bad. It sounds like something I would do. xD
But, yea. So you and your dad are okay? What about the car? Did it live? Do you have insurance? Are you in trouble?
The car's perfectly fine. Airbags THANK GOD didn't come out!! Just a few scratches on the car. My dad and I are fine. He called the insurance company right after it happened. Thankfully, I'm not in trouble.

It's a horrible feeling when it happens - but good that your Dad was understanding about the whole thing :huh:

Sometimes these things happen when you're learning. Good that you and your Dad are OK. Don't let it put you off trying to drive again :D

I did something similar when I was learning to drive.

Drove my mum's car into the bay window wall of our house.

Someone (not me, thankfully) had left the car in gear (it was a stick shift - not an automatic car). I didn't check that the car was in neutral, so when I started it up it just jumped forward and kept going - trying to drive through the wall :huh:

I didn't get into too much trouble either. (I should have checked that the car was in neutral, but Mum was the one who left the car in gear... a big no no) :huh:

I'm sorry that happened to you...I understand that you must be feeling terrible. But remember, it was just an accident, and those items that broke can be replaced. Fortunately your Dad understands. This is the kind of thing that one day you will look back and laugh about! I know several people who have done similar things learning how to drive. I know it's upsetting, but everything will work out alright!

Its not the first time I've accidentally pressed the gas pedal.

A couple years ago I was riding on the mule (not the animal, an automobile) and we were going very fast and I thought he was going to slam on the breaks as we were getting closer to the gate, so I accidentally put my feet on the gas pedal and didn't realize it. We slammed through and broke the gate and into the fence then I jumped out because my leg hurt :[

Oh my. Thankfully no one got hurt, and your dad understood it was an accident. o_O

Wow.... maybe you should practice a bit more....

I'm sorry about all the broken stuff :unsure: Well, at least you and your dad are ok :D

My parents would laugh at me if I drove a car through the wall. Wait... Well, if I drove it through the first garage, I'd go through a brick wall, back to the outside, or through the kitchen. My mom would be pretty mad that I destroyed her big dark wood dining table, but she could buy another one. If I drove the car through my other garage, I'd hit the stairs, which would be incredibly inconveintent, because we wouldn't be able to reach the second story of our house. Or I would go through into the front hall, right into my mom's japanese painting things that I don't think are special but she bought for like two thousand dollars when my Grandmother went to Japan. Nothing that money can't replace. Actually, my mom would be happy cause it'd give her an excuse to buy another car. Gasp, what if my mom rigs the brakes so that I slam into a wall or something so she can get a new car? xD Stupid rich person. Getting her daughter to risk her life so you can get a mini van with the little doors that open 'automagically' [that's my new word] and the little DVD player and like 675685742320940238 cup holders xD

Well, I'm glad everything turned out fine.

I'm glad everything's okay, and that your parents aren't mad. ;P

If I were to do that, my family would never let me live it down. It would probably either take out a wall and go into my backyard, or veer left and destroy two doors and possibly a trash can. xD

My parents would laugh if that happened to me..

Probably because we live on the fourth floor of a big condo.

Today (1/16) at 3:45pm was the worst moment of my life.
Here's the story:

At the end of my street, me and my dad switch places so I drive. He said to pull in the garage. I didn't want to but I decided to anyways :] My foot went on the gas pedal and we went fast for a sec, but my dad's foot was by the break pedal so he slammed on them. I slammed my foot, on what I THOUGHT was the break pedal, but it wasn't! It was the gas pedal!!! I drove the car through the wall and into the game room! I broke the pool table, his turntable, a table, some boxes, and of course, broke the wall.

I feel so bad it's been an hour and I'm still crying :[
awwww, some1 needs a hug, and alot of money..... ^_^ :lol: :lol:

Srry that happend but, i can't do anything about it! So srry...... :lol: :lol: ^_^

Well I wasn't asking for donations.. :/ or people to come help...

Man, that must suck. But it's not like you did it on purpose, and I'm sure your dad will forgive you. :]

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