100 weird things to do in wal mart


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I've got one, though I've never actually tried it. But my best friend and I plan to! :D
Go to the children's/toys section and go to the bouncy balls. Pick a small one out, then go hide in a place where customers walking past can't easily see you. When you see someone coming (that's not a Wal*Mart employee!), jump out, throw the ball down on the floor, and yell "PIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU!!!!". Then stare at the ball, and when nothing happens groan, sigh, or shrug and walk away as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. XD

It sounds fun to me! Plus it can't get you arrested. Maybe escorted out of Wal*Mart, though. :lol:
Lol, I'd like to see that, that's actually a very interesting thing to try out!

Start games of tag with random people. If they don't respond, get really mad, yell at them, and stomp off to the music section, yelling over your shoulder "AND DON'T EVER FOLLOW ME AGAIN, YOU MOOCHER OF MY VALUABLE TIME AND COMPANY!!!"

Act like a ninja and stalk random people. Hide in the clothes racks if you can and peer out.

As people stop and turn around to look at something or yell at their kids, if you can hide in their cart (under their groceries) and wait until they start checking out. When they see you becoming uncovered under their groceries, jump out and yell "SURPRISE!!!" and roll out and crawl away, mumbling "Mommy, mommy..." Then find a shelf to hide behind. XD

i accidentally did this at toys r us...
i found a super bounce pink bouncy ball, and i bounced it really hard, and it flew over into the other aisle, and almost hit a kid!

it was pretty funny...
Heh...that happened to me once. I bounced the ball really hard on Wal-Mart and it went to another aisle. You just hear, "Ow! My head!!!"

This is what I did once:
I waved at people and said "Hello! I'm Michelle!!!! Nice to meet you!" then I shook their hands and walked away.

Araceli and I were doing it at Peter Piper Pizza too. xD
my name is saramichelle but everyone calls me michelle

oh well on with my little joke... at walmart when i go if people come up to me and say 'hi michelle' i say you must be mistaken im (insert anyname here) michelle is my identical twin sorry and if they are from school they ask me alot of questions the next day its really funny to see the look on their faces when you tell them after they are sure that you are an identical twin then you pretend it never happened and if the ask questions say 'what twin?'

Sit or stand next to the fridge where the chicken meat is kept and cluck at anyone who walks past.

Do what I did a year ago:

Run up to a random old woman and hug her then scream, "HI MOMMY!WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME IN THE SHOE AISLE?" Everyone looked at the woman and I ran back to my real mom.


Go up to an old man's cart and while he's not looking, stick a box of tampons in his cart. It was funny when i saw im checking out his stuff and he's like, "This isn't mine. I'm serious!"

This is a funny one i've always wanted to do:

Go up to a scan it yourself check out scanner and then start fiddling and start kicking it and shouting "WHY WON'T THIS INTERNET WORK!"

Get a trolley and jump onto the back of it yelling 'WHEEEEE!!' lol i used to do it all the time! it is better in aisles with no people because you can push it faster.

Also, run while pushing a trolley as fast as you can and yell 'OUTTA MY WAY!! OR ILL HIT YOU!' :blink:

Ah haha ha!

Today I gots a new idea:

You take little pieces of paper that say something random, mine said "the fat man walks alone" and I stuffed them in random places in safeway for people to find as they try to buy stuff. I should try it in Wal Mart one day.

Kerry*Bridget will be so proud. Today we were handing out those papers to random kids in the school and I had some leftover! We want to do all 101 things mentioned on dat one site sumone gave out!

go up to a old man, look him up and down.look at his body and ask his size.Go get him the biggest size in a tacky girls dress and hand it to him and say, THIS IS SO PERFECT FOR YOU!!

Prance and Skip and leap through an isle singing, "I love you! You love me!" (Aka: Barney Song)

Run to random people and hug them and say, "PASS IT ON!"

15 Things To Do at walmart


1. Stack 27 boxes of tampons in your arms (Each Of You)& but them in random guys carts, when they aren't looking of course!


2. Set all the alarm clocks thhat you see in a store & make them go off every 2 minutes!


3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the bathrooms.


4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, "'Code 3' in housewares" and see what happens.


5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay



6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.


7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other

shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.


8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'


9. Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick your nose.


10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the

clerk if he knows where the antidepressants are.


11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the Mission Impossible" theme.


12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels.


13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!"


14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume

the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!"


15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while and, then, yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"

yeah! who would want to put on clothes that was in someones pants??????????

Here's 25 funny things to do at walmart i made up:

1. Go up to an old woman and scream, "Mommy! Why did you leave me in the shoe section?!" Watch as everyone stares at the the woman, she'll be so embarrased.

2. While at the checkout place where you scan your own items and start banging on it and screaming "WHY DOESN'T THIS STUPID INTERNET WORK!"

3. Go into the electronics section where there are TVs and turn them all up to full blast. You would hear it through the whole store with like, 20 TVs blaring.

4. Repeat number 4 with radios.

5. Run around evilly and try running people over with shopping carts.

6. Play dodgeball with friends, then "accidently" hit other people.

7. Go into the section with crutches and walkers and pretend to be someone elderly with the walkers and say stuff to your friends like, "Hello, sonny boy! Wanna soda?"

8. In the bed section, make a huge pillow fort and make a stupid sign like, "No girls allowed." or "Army Headquarters."

9. Hide in the clothing racks and when someone takes something and looks at it say "Are you kidding me?" or "Do you really think that's your size?" or "Put down the pants and noone gets hurt."

10. Two words: Chicken Dance.

11. Leave pieces of paper in random spots with random sayings like "The fat man walks alone."

12. Grab something out of the women's section like a thong or bra and then put em inside of the freezers next to the ice cream or something.

13. Start a water gun fight.

14. Take placebos (sugar pills) and hand them out to small children and then tell them to tell their parents that they bought drugs. *WARNING* Parents may not find this as funny as you do.

15. Chase people around, trying to pierce their ears with earrings from the jewellery section.

16. Challenge people to a YuGiOh card game.

17. In the toy aisle, set up a racetrack with remote control cars.

18. Act as if you're possessed and run up to people screaming, "I START FIRES! I BURN DOWN HOUSES! I ATTACK THE ELDERLY! I DON'T WEAR SOCKS!"

19. If you're a girl, try on tuxedos and other men's clothing and if you're a guy, try on dresses and skirts. Then walk around the store as casually as possible.

20. Mix up some milk and oatmeal and then dump it onto the floor. People will be sickened as they believe it is barf.

21. Pretend you're browsing around the utensils, then take a knife and walk up to a lady and say, "I hear voices in my head. They're telling me evil things! MUST...NOT...cut...nice lady..."

22. On a hot day, when the door is open to let out some heat, run up to people and squirt honey on them and say. "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar!" Watch as they are pestered by flies from outside.

23. Stick a ball in your shirt and walk around saying, "I'm pregnant." Watch people's reactions. Much funnier if you add something like, "With my 4th child" or something else.

24. Go up to people (preferably the same gender) and tell them, "I LOVE U........NIVERSITY!"

25. Fill up a 2 litre bottle with baking soda and then put it in an aisle where everyone else is. Then pour in a large amount of vinegar and watch as everyone gets trapped in puddles of fizz.

I'll be back soon with 25 more!


By the way, these are my ideas. OH! And kerry*bridget and I have tried some. Mostly in school.

Here's 25 funny things to do at walmart i made up:(from ta9394: NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
1. Go up to an old woman and scream, "Mommy! Why did you leave me in the shoe section?!" Watch as everyone stares at the the woman, she'll be so embarrased. (From Ta9394: you didn't make this up. It is almost WORD FOR WORD like the other one!!!!)

2. While at the checkout place where you scan your own items and start banging on it and screaming "WHY DOESN'T THIS STUPID INTERNET WORK!"(from ta9394: you didn't make this up either. It is on the site)

11. Leave pieces of paper in random spots with random sayings like "The fat man walks alone." (from ta9394: SOMEONE ELSE ON TAMATALK SAID THE EXACT SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

21. Pretend you're browsing around the utensils, then take a knife and walk up to a lady and say, "I hear voices in my head. They're telling me evil things! MUST...NOT...cut...nice lady..." (this is from TA9394: this isn't EXACLY copied, but it is the same as another one in the site only you put the word CUT instead of HURT.)
Sorry, but i KNOW that you didn't make these up. Please make your own up and do not claim some one elses as yours. (these were on the 101 fun things to do in wal-mart site givin on the first page) Some of them aren't copying the site, but are very close. So i just quoted the ones almost word for word.

I hate people who lie.

Add really funny things to other peoples’ carts and watch them pay for it and see if they notice.

Ask if you can buy a shopping cart.

Constantly wink at a person you don't know. Follow them around and blow kisses to them.

Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from "Mission: Impossible."

Drag a lounge chair on display over to the magazines and relax.

Drape a blanket around your shoulders and run around saying, "...I'm Batman. Come, Robin--to the Batcave!"

Fill your shopping cart with matchbooks and gasoline and walk around smiling at people.

Gather a bunch of bouncy balls and bounce them into neighboring aisles.

Get 20 people together and play hide-n-go-seek.

Go into the dressing room and yell real loud... “Hey, we’re out of toilet paper in here!”

Go up to the clerk and say code Red! and see what they do.

Go up to someone and start taking items from their basket and put them into yours.

Make a trail of orange juice on the floor, leading to the rest rooms.

Make farting noises as you walk by someone.

Make up nonsense products and ask newly hired employees if there are any in stock, i.e., "Do you have any Shnerples here?"

Ride a display bicycle through the store; claim you're taking it for a "test drive."

Set up a "Valet Parking" sign in front of the store.

Switch the men’s and women’s signs on the doors of the restroom.

Take a snickers bar, go in the bathroom and smoosh the snickers bar in your hand and reach over to the next stall and say "uh do you have some toilet paper over there?"

Walk about 10 centimeters in front of a moving shopping cart and yell "Its gonna get me!"

Walk through the store pushing a cart that is upside-down.

Walk up to complete strangers and say, "Hi! I haven't seen you in so long!..." etc. See if they play along to avoid embarrassment.

When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, assume the fetal position and scream, "No, no! It's those voices again!"

When someone asks if you need help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people just leave me alone?"

From GetAnnoyed.com :p

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