1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi


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839: Force it to go in the bathroom with you no matter how much it's grossed out.

840: Shove a pointed stick through the screen and all the stuff inside and roast it like a marshmellow.

841: Bury it under the Great Wall of China.

842: Reprogram it to overload and blow up.

843. Bite the buttons.

844: Bite the buttons OFF.

845: When saying goodbye to someone who is going on a boat, use the tama instead of a white cloth.

846: When on a boat (if you are *ahem*... feeling seasick), barf on it.

847: Take it to the "Museum of Naked People" xD.

848: Chuck it down a sewer

849: eat it because your starving and thought it was a egg

850: drop it in the sink

851: drop it on the toilet

852: leave it to rot in your desk

853:drop it in the street

854:drop in in front of your dogs without noticing

855:slice it up when it's in your birthday cake

856:give it to a hobo

857: Try out your new make-up on it.

858: Blame your dog for putting make up on it.

859: Blame your friend for giving it to the hippo.

875. Put it on the train tracks.

876. Throw it in a volcano...

877. Force it to listen to Vanessa Hudgens until it's ears bleed. (Which might take a while...)

871: give it to a little girl who likes to smash things X3
I'LL DO IT!!! I'LL DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D

882: flush it down the toilet xD

883: smash it into the wii xP

884: chuck it at walls until it dies (did this once of bordom xP)


889: Leave it in a city 400 km away (my friend did that)

890: Go skydiving with it and forget its parachute

891: Let your hamster eat it.

892: Make it go to your hamsters funeral when it poisons him

893: Bury it with ur hamster

894: Throw it in the fire

895: Try and return it

896: Use it as a ping pong ball

897: Dissect it

898: Hot wire it and turn it into a motorized scooter

899: Throw it away

900: Roll it in bread crumbs and bake it at 350 F

Only 100 more to go!

911- Put it in a blender and sprinkle it into the food of your retarded neighbors.

912- See how long it takes for it to dissolve in Coke-a-cola.

913- Try to attach it to the computer via wires --- that can only result in bad things.

914- Try to alter the build of the tama to make it into a time bomb. Uh oh.

915- bury it in ice cream

916- bury it in pudding

917- smother it in chocolate

918- eat it XD


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