1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi


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1037.leave it in a towel (if u like to fling open towels,hint,[whooosh]

1038.put it in radio

1039.tie it to a rocket and launch it

1040.send to someone who :( tamas [enough to drive them nuts,love hurts.]

1041.put it on keybord,slam laptop shut

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1042.put it in tea

1043.put tama on fire, call 911,fire fighter sprays it

1044.put it in stuffed animal "accidentally" drop it in a river,ocean,lake...

1049. Infect it with GUILT (O_O I'm so geeky)

1050. Operate on it (thats even more geeky xD)

1051. Stab it with a scalpel (OMG how geeky can this post get?! xDDD)

If any of you said these, you may do #1051 on me (I'm too small to be this geeky ROFLOL*)

*Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud

86.Try to slam it into an 1inch box made out of iron

87.Use it as basketball

88.Wash it in really deep water

89.put it on desk full with ants

90.Put in the microwave oven and put 10 minutes


EMOTICONS RULE~ :mellow: :huh: :eek: :D :p ;) :lol: B) :angry: :angry: :) :( :D :mametchi:

1052. Put in an ice breaker.

1053. Chrush it, then smear the "Tama Glop" on you're sister's sandwich.(Tama glop is a tam that is glop. o_O)

1054. Let your dog eat it.

1055. Put it in the air condishaner.(If I spelled that wrong, you can spell if again.)

^ That is wrong. And I'm not spelling it again. >_>

1056: Bake it in a cake! xD

1057: Eat it.

1058: Throw it in the toilet.

1059: Spread it with peanut butter and throw it off a click to some squirrels with rabies

1060: Kiss it - ick!

1061: Do any of the above

1062. Debug it to get the charater you want!(Or food)

1063. Hard-Boil it.

1063. Cut the buttons off.

1064. Take it apart.(Take batteries out, etc. etc.)

1065: use it as a toothpick

1066: let your goldfish play with it :huh:

1067: use it as toilet paper

1068: spread apple butter on it

1069: kick it while on top of Mt. Everst

1070: Cover it in tartar sauce and ketchup

1071: throw it into a tree so it gets stuck and a bird EATS IT

1072: Put it in your knickers :huh:

1073: color on the screen with sharpies and crayons

1074: Put it in a mousetrap

1075: Throw it at a TV

1076: Diguise it as a mouse and put it in a snake cage :D


1080.Try to slam it into an 1 inch box made out of .. um.. IRON!

1081.Use it as basketball! Maybe a tennis ball would work more..

1082.Wash it in really deep water. Or just drop it.

1083.put it on desk full with ants and It has to be red fire ants! OHHH!

1084.Put in the microwave oven and put 10 minutes. (1 hour would be better!)

1086. Reset it.(Unless there is a glitch)

1087. Leave it on a conveyer belt in a butter factory.(acctuly, in any factory)

1088. Give it to a strong dude that will break it.

1089. Use it as a marshmellow at camp because your friend will win you the lottery if you did it.

1090. Put your volume on MAX on your radio and let it listen to the geeky-est song eva.

1091. Put 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 tons on it.(It wil SMASH)

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