A tama girl's life


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May 21, 2008
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There was once a :gozarutchi: named Karla. She was a new student in Tamatown High School. She was always the shy type until she met a :unsure: named Dave. She always felt in happy whenever she was with him but they never got to talk to each other until one day....

you continue!

One day Karla ran into him and said, "Oh sorry!" She smiled.

Just then a ;) turned the corner.

"Dave!" she called.

"Bailey!" Dave replied. "Gotta go." He turned and ran up to Bailey. They started kissing.

How did Karla react?

Karla was really sad.She decided to find a way to make Dave break up with Bailey.

so she decided to make a love potion which she learned from a witch...when she was making the love potion she accidentally poured in some dangerous ingrediant and didn't notice...so she drink the "Love Potion" the next day she saw Dave and tried to make eye contact with him(This way the potion will work)but Dave didn't fall in love with her...at midnight Karla is at home all by herself in her bedroom then suddenly she heard someone calling her....it said:"WwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhHhHhaAattTT is Yoour Wishhhhhhhhh"The voice sounded like someone scracthing the blackboard then Karla was terrified she saw the ghost of her very own house!!!

"What is your wish?"It asked."I want to be Dave's girl."Karla said."ok"the ghost said"wait for tomorow.".Karla woke up and went to school.Dave walked up to her"Hey Karla"And he kissed her."Where do you want to go after school?"He asked.Karla said...

Karla said she wanted to go to a park."Sure! Meet me at the shop down the street later." said Dave.But Karla's evil twin named Kelly was tring to steal Dave from her. So after school at the park....

Kelly followed Karla to the shop. Karla was wondering where Dave was, when she heard a scary voice behind her say...

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Karla saw Kelly and they decided to team up and look for Dave.But still, Karla was very scared.

They both drank a potion so they wouldn't die and looked and looked.When they had found him,Karla untied him and they kissed.Kelly slaped Karla and the cops came and arrested Kelly.Dave perposed to her and she said yes.At the wedding...

But then... after marridge... everything went WRONG!!!!!!When Dave kissed karla... there was no passion in him and when he gave Karla flowers he just gave it to her like a robot!!!sometihng wasn't right.............the next day Karla tried to ignore that strange feeling and kissed Dave but ..... when she kissed Dave,Karla felt like she kissed a ROBOT!!!!Se went to a temple and asked god....the next day she got a mysterious letter which wrote....You can't cheat your way to love....go undo the spell you put on him...then maybe you could find another person who loves you for what you are.....Seeing this letter Karla was touched and undid the spell the next day... she met a :ichigotchi: ......

Hope my continued story's good cuz it really is true you can't cheat your way to love!!!

But Dave broke up with Baily and sundenly had REAL feelings for Karla. He went to her and asked her out on a date,she said yes.But when the Mimitchi saw this,he got jelous.He decided to spy on them on the date.

:) (Luis) came with Karla and Dave and pretended to be nice. Later on, Luis said he needed to talk to Karla in private. After that...
Karla started to like tow people: Luis and Dave. So she went out on a date with both of them. Luis first. They had no clue of her plan. Luis kept talking about how Dave isn't smart, and then he PROPOSED to her. Karla said I'll think about it and then she had a date with Dave. Dave said Luis was fat and PROPSED to her. She said I'll think. The next day she sat on her bed and thought...

I don't think ethier of these guys are cool.They both call eachother names to win me.She met with them andtold them both no.Then she spotted a :eek: ...

the Kuchipatchi stared at her saying "YOU ONLY HAVE 15 DAYS TO LIVE AND I WILL HAUNT YOU FOR THE REST OF THE 15 DAYS OF YOUR LIFE!MOOWAHAHAHAHA!". Karla got scared then she decided to meet Luis and Dave the next day.In the next day, she saw Dave knocking on the door. She explained everything about what happened the other day. Tears rolled out of Dave's eyes so he did his best to make Karla love him without fighting. The next day he said sorry for always arguing with Luis and he he wanted to give her the best last 13 days of her life."But I am under a curse of being haunted..." cried Karla. "Don't worry, Karla because I will protect you." said Dave. Karla suddenly realized how hungry she was so they walked to a restorant nearby to eat breakfast. When they went in the restorant they saw Luis' dead body on one of the seats. They called the police. After that they ordered food. "I have to go to the bathroom. Just wait for me..." said Karla. When she went in one of the cubicles, it said in the wall in blood "Its your turn to die in 13 days, Karla.".She was very scared so she ran back to Dave and said everything about what she saw. "I will always be there for you so never fear. I will protect you." said Dave while trying to make Karla feel better.Later at night, they explained everything to Karla's parents. "We suggest you to sleep with us." said Karla's mom. They had no guestroom, so Dave needed to sleep with Karla.Later at night, Karla thought that on the last day of her life, she would marry Dave. After that she hugged Dave and fell asleep....

Then, and Angelgotchi and Devilgotchi appeared. karla woke up.

"We have reached a compromise," the Angelgotchi said,"You may live but you must complete a quest."

"During half moon of this month," said Devilgotchi,"You must go to the house of the Ponyitchi with black hair and green boots. She will give you your next task."

You must go to the kuchipatchi forest, find a tiny glowing diamond and mix it with these ingredients: A gold tama-dollar, a pencil, a rare coco flower, a ghost and coldplays new album.one you have mixed it give it to the guardian of the gem gem flower.

So Karla went to the Kuchipatchi Forest to find the ingredients. Luckily, she found a Makiko. "Hi. I'm looking for a tiny glowing diamond.Do you know where I can find one?" asked Karla. "I saw a KuroMametchi holding different kinds of diamonds. If you're lucky he might give you one." said th Makiko. Karla decided to look for the KuroMametchi. While walking, she saw a pencil on the floor. "Cool! One of the ingredients!" she said. After that she saw a silouhette(sp?) of a... Mametchi? KuroMametchi? Chamametchi? Ura Mametchi? who could it be....

It was a KuroMametchi.

"What do you want?" he growled.

"I need a tiny diamond that glows. A Makiko I met said you had many diamonds." said Karla.

The KuroMametchi thought for a moment. "My name is Guisseppi. I will give you it, but you wil have to MARRY ME!!"

He leaned forward to kiss her.

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