'accidents' or 'surprises'


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I dunno- it's never been brought up! xD

I was born a day before my grandma's birthday and being the first grand child, she was really excited. Best birthday present I suppose. ;)

I was planned I think.

I only got told this the other day, but I have a half sister that was born more than 20 years before me, and she was put up for adoption because my mum was only young and things were bad at home for her. My mum was upset because they didn't take any records of the adoption and she had no way of finding my sister to see how she grew up or anything and my uncle said the best way to get over her grief was to have another child... and then I came along. :p

I really want to meet my sister though. B)

I was an accident.

My mother didn't plan on having me.

She didn't find out she was pregnant with me until her 5th month.

My mother is stupid.


- xd3vilx

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Well...I'll start to oldest to youngest...but otherwise I was planned.

My oldest brother I guess was an accident because my mother was really young when she had my oldest brother.My oldest sister was planned.And then I WAS PLANNED.And My youngest brother was planned.All planned but yeah yeah my oldest brother XD I feel special because I was born yesterday hahahahaha straight on 12pm!!!! it was (in my time in Australia) 9-1-2008 today (or shall i say tonite) is the 10th.and i was born straight on 12pm!AWSOME!

(thats why im always hungry at 12pm lolz)

I am an accident. My parents met in a bar one night and well... you know the rest. They were never even married. They split up when I was two.

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I was an accident.My mother didn't plan on having me.

She didn't find out she was pregnant with me until her 5th month.

My mother is stupid.


- xd3vilx
She isn't stupid, sometimes it can be hard to realise your pregnant. Some people still get light monthly bleeds and don't show or get symptoms. Then others almost show straight away and have no period. Pregnancy isn't just a 'I'm pregnant' and you know in your gut, some people do and some people don't it all depends on the person. So don't be so hard on your Mother ^_^ .

My mom originally was going to have 4 kids and not 2 like she has now, but she had some trouble getting pregnant, so my sister and I are 10 years and 6ish months apart. After 2 kids though she decided enoughs enough lol.

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