Adventure Awaits!


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Name: Nutessa (Tessa for short)

Bonds: 20% Blended Family

Generation: 6G

Character: Ichigotchi


Nutessa: Is Lisa back from her "quest" yet?

Tiny Zac Efron: No. But she did leave a message on my cell.

Please leave a message after the tone. *beep* Lisa: Hi you two! Hope you guys aren't causing any trouble and still updating the log. Hopefully. Hows the log doing? Are we a hot topic yet? Did we get on our second page yet? Well, I'm doing great on my quest. Though Proffessor caused a minor interference (Proffessor: Hey!) so I'll be away longer than I expected. Sorry! Anyway, can you guys mail me a box a sugar cookies? Thanks. Anway, bye!

Tiny Zac Efron: *stares*

Nutessa: You'd think that while she's on her quest, she'd think of of something other than her sugar intake.

Tiny Zac Efron: *snorts* Unlikely. It's LISA.

Nutessa: True.

Tiny Zac Efron: Hey, The potion wore off!

Nutessa: Oh yeah. I kinda feel like the same. You know, the same as when I drank the potion.

Tiny Zac Efron: That explains so much.

Nutessa: Yeah! Wait, did you just call me insane?

Tiny Zac Efron: You said it, not me.

Nutessa: ...

Tiny Zac Efron: D'oh, we sent the reply too early. See what you did?

Nutessa: See what I did? That was obvously your fault.

Tiny Zac Efron: You spelled obviously wrong.

Nutessa: You did too.

Tiny Zac Efron: That's not the point. The point is, we have to mail Lisa sugar cookies. I'll go to Safeway. *runs*

Nutessa: Okay. So...*twiddles thumbs* This is kinda awkward. I'll, uh, just read what my ancestors wrote before me. Be right back.

5 mins later...

Nutessa: Whoa! Myla never got to name SIT!

SIT: Did someone call my name!

Nutessa: Yeah!

SIT: And you are?

Nutessa: Lailah's daughter.

SIT: Oh. Why did you call me?

Nutessa: I want to name you.

SIT: You're not allowed to.

Nutessa: Yes I am. Myla never got around too it. So I'm allowed to. I'll name you Barney.

Barney: What?! Isn't that a dinosaur?

Nutessa: Yes. I don't like him. So I named you Barney.

Barney: ...

Tiny Zac Efron: I got the sugar cookies! Wait, why is SIT here?

Nutessa: I renamed him. Now he's called Barney.

Tiny Zac Efron: Ohhkay...I'm going to mail the sugar cookies now. *gets package out*

Barney: Why do you guys have sugar cookies?

Tiny Zac Efron: None of your business.

Barney: Well-

Nutessa: I think we wrote enough. Bye!

Tiny Zac Efron: But-

Nutessa: Bye!


Name: Nutessa

Bonds: 30%

Generation: 6G

Character: Ichigotchi


Nutessa: Stupid glitch thing.

Tiny Zac Efron: What glitch?

Nutessa: It's not exactly a glitch. It's more like...well...Sometimes, even though no one touched the reset button, it says, Download or Reset. It's so annoying! I'm not 100% sure, but I think that I get younger! GAH!!!

Tiny Zac Efron: Maybe your battery is running out?

Nutessa: I don't think so. The low battery sign didn't come up yet. Good thing Lisa asked for batteries. We have two. Well, Lisa has two.

Tiny Zac Efron: What do you mean she asked for batteries? She went to the store and just asked for batteries?

Nutessa: Heck no! She asked her dad for some. DUH.

Tiny Zac Efron: Oh. That makes much more sense. Oh I saw Myla yesterday.

Nutessa: How?

Tiny Zac Efron: Lisa saw her friend. Myla has a baby boy! But she didn't leave the baby boy yet.

Nutessa: Awwww, I wonder what he'll be named.

Tiny Zac Efron: So Myla is 7 years old, has a baby boy, and the V4.5 will be on it's 3rd generation today.

Nutessa: So it's 3 generations behind us?

Tiny Zac Efron: Yup. I overheard Lisa saying she wanted to get a tamago.

Nutessa: What?

Tiny Zac Efron: She said it was really cool. But she kinda misses getting mail and getting a job for her tamagotchi.

Nutessa: So she won't get one?

Tiny Zac Efron: Well...

Nutessa: *grabs Tiny Zac Efron and shakes him* What did she say?

Tiny Zac Efron: Let go-o-o of me-e-e!

Nutessa: *lets go* So what did she say?

Tiny Zac Efron: She said she might get a Music Star instead.

Nutessa: NOOOO!!!

Tiny Zac Efron: Or wait a few months until a newer, better tamago comes out.

Nutessa: So we have a few more months until deactivation?

Tiny Zac Efron: Maybe she can handle three at a time.

Nutessa: *stares* During school, she barely got through the 1st generation on the the V5.

Tiny Zac Efron: Oh.

Barney: So you might die?

Nutessa: Or I'll be on pause and be around for a while longer.

Barney: NOOO!!

Nutessa: Oh don't be a wuss.


Name: Nutessa

Bonds: 70%

Generation: 6G

Character: Anesantchi


Lisa: Okay dokay artichokay. What up?

Nutessa: Not much.

Tiny Zac Efron: Except for the fact that Nutessa kept procrastinating so she didn't update for two days.

Lisa: Holy spelling puffs. What?

Nutessa: *hisses* Thanks a lot, mom.

Tiny Zac Efron: No problem. It's why I'm here.

Lisa: You guys WHAT?!

Nutessa: It's no big deal. So we didn't update for two days. Big whupideedooda.

Lisa: That's my word.

Tiny Zac Efron: ANYway, just tell the people what they want to know.

Lisa: Okay, so I came earlier from my trip cause-

Tiny Zac Efron: Not that! About tamagotchis and et cetera.

Lisa: But the public should know why I'm back early.

Tiny Zac Efron: *rolls eyes* Sure sure.

Lisa: So, I'm back cause I decided to visit everyone and see how they are doing. Plus, I ran outta sugar cookies. That is all.

Nutessa: And I evolved!

Lisa: I know! Isn't that great, Tessa?

Nutessa: I go by Nutessa now.

Lisa: Why?

Tiny Zac Efron: Cause she decided that everyone should call her Nutessa during her temporarily insane faze and it stuck.

Lisa: Ohh. Nice. And I decided that I want a tamagotchi ID thanks to some advice that was given to me.

Nutessa: So you are replacing us?

Lisa: Never! Besides, it's crazy expensive. Well, to me at least. So it'll be a while. And maybe a few years XD. My mom won't be happy that I'd be spending 60 buckeroonies on a tiny little thing. That'll mess up my eyes if I don't wear my glasses.

Nutessa: Yay!

Tiny Zac Efron: :unsure:

Nutessa: Cause she'll keep us around for a longer time.

Lisa: At least untill I run outta batteries.

Nutessa: ^_^


Name: Hazelette

Bonds: 20% Active family

Generation: 7G

Character: Tororotchi



Hazelette: *coveres ears* Keep it down! I know you're excited and all, but still!

Lisa: Okay, okay. Fine. Sheesh. It's just that yesterday, I was watching ther Teen Choice Awards 2010 and it rocked my socks off.

Tiny Zac Efron: You aren't wearing any socks.

Socks: Thank goodness!

Lisa: Yeah, wait what?

Hazelette: Shouldn't you be informing everyone of my unique name?

Lisa: I think you don't really need any help.

Hazelette: Okay. So, I was named Hazelette in memory of my mom.

Lisa: She's not dead you know. She's still here.

Hazelette: I know! I'm just saying. Nutessa is like, nut. HazelNUT. And you add "ette" for elegance. So Hazelette.

Lisa: So, ANYway, I'm starting school soon, so I might not be posting that much. :( Yeah, I know. It sucks. But it's not like you guys'll miss me. I'm not even sure people even read this thing.

Tiny Zac Efron: But 150 people read this.

Socks: Or 15 people refreshing the page constantly cause they feel bad for us.

Lisa: Must you be so negative?

Socks: Yes.

Lisa: -.-''

Tiny Zac Efron: *talks into cell phone* Oh alright. I'm on my way. *closes phone* Sorry guys, but I have to go. I have to go.

Lisa: What? Why?

Hazelette: Yeah! Why?

Tiny Zac Efron: I'm sorry, but my time has come. Sorry! I am a businessman/actor.

Lisa: *sigh* I suppose.

Hazelette: But I haven't known you for enough time yet!

Tiny Zac Efron: Sorry, but that's life. So long!

Hazelette: :D Now what?

Lisa: Now we watch television and get fat off of delicious junk food.

Hazelette: ...-.-''

Lisa: What?


Name: Hazeleete

Bonds: 40% Active family

Generation: 7G

Character: Ichigotchi


Hazelette: It's so exciting! I evolved!

Lisa: Yup! When I was watching the season finale of Hells Kitchen.

Socks: I think there's an apostrophe after the "L."

Hazelette: You spelled apostrophe wrong.

Lisa: I thought we agreed to not mention spelling or grammer mistakes!

Hazelette: But the word doesn't look right. And if we mention it, it doesn't seem like we are so stupid we don't notice our mistakes.

Socks: And you mention it cause you aren't THAT stupid.

Hazelette: Right. Wait wha-

Lisa: ANYway, the season finale for So You Think You Can Dance is today!

Hazelette: I thought Glee was on today. And the season finale was yesterday.

Lisa: It was, but it's a two day finale. And I had dance yesterday night so I couldn't watch. :(

Hazelette: So you get to watch today?

Lisa: Shah. There's no Glee, but there are two full hours of So You Think You Can Dance! Yayuh!

Ghost of Present Past: You will not be able to watch So You Think You-

Lisa: How do you know?

GPP: Cause I'm the Ghost of Present Past.

Lisa: But you just told me the future.

GPP: -.-'' That's cause I'm telling you what the present will be like. It will happen, and after it happens, it'll be the past.

Lisa: :gozarutchi:

Hazelette: :kusatchi:

Socks: :angry:

GPP: *facepalm*

Socks: Shouldn't you be called the Ghost of the Future?

Lisa: That's still confusing.

GPP: And it's not as catchy.

Hazelette: How about the Ghost of Future Present.

GFP: I like it!

Lisa: It wounds like he'll be telling you what you got for Christmas.

GFP: Oh.

Hazelette: Downer.

Socks: How about Ghost of Telling Future?

Lisa: That's good enough for now.

GTF: It works.

Hazelette: I think my idea was better.

Lisa: Just think of a better one. For now, he's GTF. Ghost of Telling Future.

Socks: Is it just me, but does "Future" look kinda funny after seeing it 10+ times.

Hazelette: Future future future future.

Lisa: Future future future future. Oh muh gawd it does look weird!

GTF: You sound like Karl.

Lisa: How do you know Karl?

GTF: Because of the quantum dimensions, I'm allowed to-

Lisa: Yeah yeah. Also, if you keep on saying the same word a lot, it sounds weird too!

Hazelette: *repeats "word" over and over* Woah. You're right!

Socks: Cool.

GTF: *massages temple*

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Name: Feather

Bonds: 10% Blended family

Generation: 8G

Character: Ichigotchi

Feather: Whoah. Someone didn't update for a long time.

Lisa: I had stuff to do. Besides, I still made time to take care of you.

Feather: Yeah, but still.

GTF: Bascically, Hazelette turned into an Anesantchi. Then Lisa got mad cause that's her second Anesantchi.

Lisa: You spelled Bascically wrong.

GTF: I have a feeling that you just said that just to annoy me.

Lisa: *gasp* You can read minds?!

Feather: Wait, lets talk about me for a second.

GTF: That's arrogant.

Feather: Not really. I meant the situation. Like how Nutessa, Hazelette, and I were/are Ichigotchis at one point.

Lisa: If you turn into an Anesantchi, I the V5!

GTF: Speaking of which, your friend will return the V4.5 on saturday.

Lisa: Wait, aren't you suppose to capitalize "Saturday."

Feather: I think that summer made you forget stuff Lisa.

Lisa: Isn't Summer suppose to be capitalized too?

Feather: No.

GTF: If Feather gets bonds by becoming a social family, you won't get an Anesantchi.

Lisa: I suppose. I really want another tamagotchi cause I'm so bored with the V5.

Feather: WHAT?

Lisa: Well sorry. I want a Music Star, Tama-go, or Tamagotchi ID.

GTF: Get the Tama-go.

Feather: What? No!

Lisa: Why the Tama-go?

GTF: Cause it's not as expensive as the Tamagotchi ID and it's pretty interesting. You can decorate rooms and go to the playground.

Feather: LUCKY!

GTF: Plus, there's the weight factor so you have a good reason to play games with it now.

Lisa: Hmmm...Should I get the green one or blue one?

Feather: Neither. I'm good enough.

Lisa: *stares* Nah.

Feather: :)

Okay so I've decided not to give Feather and company that much talking room.

What? Why?

Cause you guys ramble to much.

We don't ramble! We-

Ramble. Okay so I'll be in charge of the log more often. But it'll be kinda random. Like tommorow, I'm starting school! But I'm moving so it sucks. I'll be going to 3 different schools this year. First, my school I went last year. Then after 7 days, I go to another school (cause I'm moving). Unfortunatly, the apartment is in the district with the worst middle school, but better than my former school. After a trimester (they have trimesters :kusatchi: ), I'll go to the better middle school cause we'll buy a house in that district.

Oh so we ramble but you don't?

Okay fine, I ramble. So shoot me. But this is MY log. I can do whatever I want. So there. HA.

*mutters nonsense*

Plus, random people always come into the log. This way, it's just us two.

Oh really?

What now GTF?

I predict you wil let us on the log again.

I know. I already said that. It's just that I'll be posting more than you ugys. You guys get like...once a month to post.

What?! We get to post every day!

Once every other week.

Once a week.

Deal. Anyway, Feather is a Active Family again. Pooh. If I get her bonds from 40% to 30%, I can get a Memetchi. YAY! I can't wait to get my v4.5 back. It's more fun.But then again, the v5.5 is more suited when schol starts. Oh speaking of which, when school starts, I might not reply as much. I dunno though. Anyway, that's it for now.

Sorry I haven't been posting, but I'm going to be moving and it's chaos. So bascicaly, my friend gave me her v3 and i got my v4.5 back. I'm gonna connect them til they marry. Sorry that's it for now.

Okay today here are the stats:


Name: Fujiyoshi (Fuji for short)

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 10G

Character: Mamekatchi

Fuji: WOAH.

Lisa: What?


Lisa: What's with the capitals?

Fuji: I dunno. And don't change the subject.

Lisa: *rolls eyes* I'll be posting more often now that I have arrived at _______. Cause I moved.


Name: Kiana

Training: 4/8


Generation: 4G

Character: Uravioletchi

Kiana: I'm a Uravioletchi! Yay!

Fuji: Yay?

Lucas: She always wanted to be a Uravioletchi. Cause it's cute and all or something. Girls. Pfft


Name: Lucas

Training: 5/8

Generation: 1G

Character: Tsunotchi

Lisa: So, I got my V3 from my friend cause she had two and she didn't want it :) .

Lucas: And cause you asked.

Lisa: No, she offered cause she knows that mine broke so she asked for one.

Fuji: But didn't she already give you me like, a Christmas ago?

Lisa: Pfft she's just a really good friend.

Kiana: So if you give people stuff for free, you're their really good friend?

Lisa: No!

Kiana: But that's what you just said.

Lisa: I meant that well, she's been my friend ever since we were babies. So there. And I gave her stuff too so fair's fair.

Fuji: So you do become a really good friend by giving stuff.

Lisa: GAHH!!!! *stomps off*

Lucas: I think she's mad.

Fuji: No der.

Kiana: You think she'll still connect us so we could marry.

Lucas: That or throw Fuji on the ground.

Fuji: Hey! Why me?

Lucas: Cause you can't connect with anyone.

Fuji: -.-''

Kiana: I think Lisa won't be asking us to help her post anymore.

So Lucas and Kiana married, and had two baby boys. I didn't know what to expect cause I've never had two of my own tamagotchi's marry. It was pretty cool. I sorta neglected them temporarily, so I had to feed them and they became overweight. I really want a Mametchi on the V4.5. Not really sure though. The V5 is still the same. Fuji is still a teenager, who should evolve today actually. My new school starts on Thursday so i'm kinda worried. Oh well. I think I'll name one boy Luke after his dad (V3) and one Fredy (V4.5) Not sure yet. I think I'm going to change their names to something cooler

Sorry I've haven't been replying much. Pfft, I haven't been replying at all. Well, posting at all. It's cause I'm trying to adjust to my new school and catch up with oldish friends. But I've kept my tamagotchis on pause he he. So Fuji married to a memetchi and had one baby boy called Micheal. I decided to name the baby boys Nate and Chuck after the characters in Gossip Girl. The book, not the show. So that's it for now. Sorry for not writing so much. It's hard being bombarded with homework.

AGH sorry bout that. School is so...intenseDramaishStillGettingUsedToANewSchoolAndTeachersAndEtCetera. And *spins the wheel of excuses*, my hands were temporarily paralyzed so yeah. Oh and thanks to my awesome care, all my tamagotchis died (oh dear) cause i forgot to pause them. -.-'' But, I restarted them and LIFE IS CONTINUING ON!!! And I tabbed my V5.5, playing with my V3, and my V4.5 is on pause. I named my V3 Leo and my V4.5 Sasha. I was going to have them marry, but Leo is a teen and Sasha is still a baby (he he...).

Leo: I don't want to marry her anyway

Lisa: Really.

Leo: Yeah! She's just my little sister.

Lisa: OHO! Little sister my foot. You still a rebelous teen. You'll get over it.

Leo: Have you been reading those parenting magazines? And you spelled rebelous wrong.

Lisa: Pfft, I don't need those magazines. And tell that to my language arts teacher. Cuz I got 100% on my spelling test FYI.


Lisa: What?

Leo: What Ever Major Loser.

Lisa: Whatever is one word.

Leo: -.-'' Well, soree Miss Grammer Lady. I don't go to school.

Lisa: You will now. :)

Leo: *mutters and stomps off*

Lisa: Like I said, rebellous teen.

Leo: *from a distance* YOU STILL SPELLED IT WRONG!!

Woah Tamatalk changed A LOT so this will take some times getting used to.

Leo: *shyly* Hey Sasha

Sasha: H Leo! *jumps up and down* Ohmigosh I'm so excited. I can't wait to read every post in this log! I'm finally a teen!

Lisa: Leo? You're lookinga bit pale.

Leo: Uh, what? Sasha, I don't think you should read the posts...

Sasha: Okay!

Lisa: *snickers* Oh yeah! Cause Leo said that- OW! You bit me! And how is that even possible?

Leo: *shruggs* I dunno.

Okay I had them go play checkers or something. I'm going on vacation soon so I'm uberexcited. And I know I keep saying this, but I will post more and more. At least until I go on vacation. And when I come back, I'll post more. I'm still waiting for my pizza, but I think that's it for now. SAYONARA!

P.S. I'm NOT going to Japan. Psh, I wish.

ASDFKLJASLKDFJALSKDJF I haven't written anything since...almost a year D: In my defense...I moved, again, then lost my batteries, then moved, again (same city, just bought a house) and yeah. Alright and I tabbed my V5.5 (so smart :3) before I moved so IT STILL WORKS. Alright, stats:


Name: Ren

Bonds: 0%


Character: Omututchi

Hold on, I'm gonna go play a game so their happiness hearts are filled and so I can ramble about my life:

Wow, I suck at this D: Well anyhoo I earned 100 GP so I'll start rambling now.

I'm naming Ren "Ren" after Tsugura Ren from Skip Beat ^.^ I love that show. Anyhoo, I'm also writing a story on so I will do my very best to post at least once a day o: And hum...that's it for now.

Ren: Yeah, don't I get to say something first?

Lisa: ....sure why not?

Ren: Where is everyone else?

Lisa: I'M BROKE I'M SORRY D: I need to buy batteries.

Ren: You have 10 dollars in your wallet right now.

Lisa: e.O How did you know that?

Ren: -__- And you had two batteries in a box thing.

Lisa: -__- You're a smart one. Well, it's cause school (ewh) is going to start soon so I can only take care of one of you guys.

Ren: Then who am I gonna marry?

Lisa: Hello, there's a dating show for a reason. Duhh.

Ren: -____-

Lisa: ;3


Name: Ren

Bonds: 0% Sociable Family

Generation: 1G

Character: Ahirukutchi

700GP D:


Ren: .....what...the heck?

Lisa: I have writer's block. SO I CAN'T WRITE CHAPTER 14 OF MY STORY. BOO):

Ren: Well, that sucks for you.


Ren: Anyhoo, I was reading previous posts, and through technology and crap, I found Barney!

Barney: I hate that name -_-

Lisa: Aren't you Supervillian-In-Training?

Barney: D: I was. Then I was named Barney D:

Lisa: Well I like SIT better so you're SIT now.

SIT: ...

Lisa: *nods* You're welcome.

Ren: This is so boring.

Lisa: You can shut your face -.- I'm going to go take a shower so you guys be good!

Ren: Alright, alright.

SIT: So...

Ren: That makes everything so awkward. Why would you say that.

SIT: ):

Ren: -3-

SIT: ):


Name: Ren

Bonds: 30% Sociable Family

Generation: 1G

Character: Mamekatchi


Lisa: Eh?


Lisa: Well, I've been busy. So hush.


Lisa: You can go shut your face -___-


Ren: Anyhoo, I evolved. And then I went on the travel show D:

Lisa: I was busy!

Ren: Mmhmm D: Sure.

Lisa: -A-

Ren: Anyhow, at least the family bonds are higher now.

Lisa: -A- Thanks to all my hard work. I wanna get 100% one day.

SIT: *snort*


SIT: Uh huh.

Ren: Alright, don't you have something to do Lisa?

Lisa: Oh yeah! 'Kay bye guys!

Ren: See ya.


Lisa: That's...not awkward.

Ren: I know right?


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