All The Right Moves


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Easily picking up on the coldness in Ze's voice, Steven nodded. "Good to know. Well, guys, what do we do now?" He turned to the rest of them.

Fizz sighed. "Yep, I got powers too" she muttered, glancing at Steven. "I dunno.. avoid the stalkers?"

"Well, yeah. But what should we do exactly to get away from them? Since they seem to have powers fit for a stalker, they'll find us easily.. Unless, we hide out somewhere."

Fizz tapped her chin. "Well, we'd hafta find somewhere.. I'd go to my house, but my sister wouldn't take too kindly to people staying.."

"Well, hiding seems to be useful," Tyler said, leaning against the wall and playing with a button on his shirt. "I suppose...I suppose I could make a forcefield around here. Virtually indestructable and you can't teleport into it." He glanced at Ze. Alysa grinned. "I could blast people with fireballs if they come near us."

"Good idea.. Although this place is way too crappy to use as a hideout for a few days, since it's an abandoned diner. We need to get food and stuff.. Oh, and if you do make a forcefield, I could probably use my powers to kick ***," Steven said.

('Nother charrie!)

Name: Hailey Kendrick

Age [13-18]: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Hailey is rude and is rather blunt. She's free with insults and doesn't care whether or not she hurts someone's feelings or not. She's not completely heartless- she'll help people in need and the like, but that won't change her attitude towards others. Around friends, she can still be rude, but will be loyal and bearable.

Looks: Hailey has dark, reddish brown hair that she normally keeps in a ponytail. She has dark green eyes. Hailey is 5'8 and has a small build. She's pretty muscular and strong, and is good for physical fights. She normally wears a light, black jacket and jeans or a hoodie. With a t-shirt underneath of course since if she didn't wear anything underneath I would be worried.

Powers [Reasonable description please]: Hailey has control over nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Basically, she's a living sun. She can emit radioactive power, and is basically a living nuclear plant.

Other [Likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc. etc.]: She is almost always eating something. She likes food, and people who aren't annoying. She hates annoying people, little children, and naggy people. She also hates people with overly giant dreams.

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Tyler shrugged. "I-I could even make one while we're walkig, if that's any help." He looked up from his button. "And I suppose we can go buy food from the store...What about school, though?" Alysa was interested in a very different subject. "Hey, can you mess with elements and stuff? 'Cause then you could make lots of oxygen, and it would make fireballs massive."

"Awesome, Tyler. Sweet, let's head to the local Wal-Mart and stock up on provisions, and then head off to a hotel or somewhere we can sleep." Stopping to think for a moment, Steven replied to Alysa, "I probably could.. If you want me to.

Fizz nodded. "Alysa has a good point. Steven, your powers could help ours.." she trailed off, thinking about Tyler's school comment. "I'd miss out on my football matches"


"Well, I'm gonna go, unless you guys need me." Ze told them, leaning against the door. He looked at all of them, relieved he wasn't the only one with powers.

"Well, it depends." Steven chewed his gum and then blew a bubble. "Do you wanna come with us, or do you wanna go get kidnapped by the stalkers? Chances are, they'll come running for you too since they have an odd obsession with stalking people with powers. Stalking people is the absolute worst way to get someone to join/like you, by the way." Turning to Fizz, Steven said, "It would be hard for us to all attend school since that would mean we'd all have to stick together. Unless Tyler can make several powerful barriers at once."

Kat randomly piped up, "I have powers, but... they're ridiculously stupid, so I'm not going to go any further than that." She sighed and crossed her arms, looking away with a forlorn expression. "I like the idea of hiding. I don't think kidnapping would work out very well for me. Too stressful, y'know?" She gave a shrug, then sighed calmly. "But whatever happens, happens. Right?" She sat down and stretched her arms, relaxing herself with a smile.

"Aw c'mon, don't be like that. Tell us what your powers are," Steven grinned, facing Kat. "I doubt they'd be able to kidnap us, since there's me, you, Fizz, Tyler and Alysa vs. them three. We could easily take all three of them down. I dunno about Ze, though. Hey Ze, are you gonna come with us, or are you gonna go join the dark side?"

"Well... essentially, I have the power of... sewage and garbage," she stated with hesitation. "As in... like... human waste, animal waste, trash, landfill stuff, raw sewage from the actual sewers... and I can also manipulate radioactive and toxic waste without being harmed. I have accidentally exploded my neighbors' septic tanks one too many times, so I moved here to forget I have powers, or find someone who might have a cure."

"That's actually not bad. You could use your power to cover the stalkers with piles of radioactive and toxic trash. It would be perfect."

Ian started coughing. He dragged the girls away from the house and left them under a tree. Enraged he followed the others, and morphed into Steven's worst nightmare....

Runner, your other character is accepted. Internet was down.

"I think we'd be alright at school," Tyler stuttered, shrugging. "Besides, it's not like they can hurt us. We have powers too." Alysa smirked. "Hey, for one, I agree with the goofy guy. We'd be safe. It's just the face that it's really, really annoying."

Steven listened to Alysa and Tyler, but shook his head. "I'm not quite so sure about that. These stalkers have no lives and I get the feeling they'd follow us. Paranoid sounding, I know, but better to be safe than sorry." He proceeded to blow another bubble with his gum. That was when he saw a stack of plutonium. "Oh look, plutonium. Oh pretty. Since it's an object, it can't really move. How sad. I get the feeling it's an illusion since it wasn't there before. Some peoiple can be so dense. It's almost sad."

Hailey sat on a fence while eating a hamburger. Yawning, she thought about taking a nap. Eh, that would make her way too vulnerable to attacks, so no.

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Alysa looked at the illusion, then rolled her eyes. "What a pretty illusion. Not." She jumped up, sauntering over, then she kicked it. "Want me to do that again? Get out of here." Tyler frowned. "Yeah, but...uh, doesn't matter. Really." He looked over at Alysa, who was now repeatedly kicking the illusion.

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