Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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You're not too old for Tamagotchis. Like I said before, if you love them, don't stop because of what people think.


And I have a v4.5, I got mine on Oct 13, which was a Saturday. I love it so much, I'm sure you will, too.


-- Lozle :)

I am 12 and i have 4 tamas! I don't think you can be too old for tamas! If someone says your too old for them, they must be just jealous of them, i bet if they had one they wouldn't say anything any more!

Hope i helped and have a great tama day!

I am 15 and I have 3 tamas. (however, the batteries in them are dead... I don't have much time to play except during breaks)

My parents won't let me have a cat or dog or..... basically anything besides a fish.

It's a great alternative for people who don't have pets.

You can never be too old.

Hi all!

Don't worry, I just turned 18 this year and I really want a V4. I already have a V2 and a V3. I am probably the only person in my school who still play with tamas, but who cares what other people think? Your happiness doesn't depend on other people. Besides, tamas are more of a digital pet than a toy. Hehe...just do what you enjoy - it makes us unique. If everyone simply do things that other people approve, then we would all be the same!


Have you ever heard of Kat, of She's almost 30 now... she loves furbys and Tamagotchis and Aibo's. 14 is nothing, and your never too old for Tamagotchis. Tamagotchis are nothing but loveable little virtual creatures... They can also be a real emotional thing, too. Some kids don't understand that.

So I say keep on playing with your Tamas, who cares if anyone else teases you about them? It's kinda the same thing with pokemon, alot of people think they're too old. Bah-humbug. :lol:

Of course, I'm only 10 (almost 11) with 6 tamagotchis. Like Lozle said, their virtual PETS, not really toys.

I agree with > Bunny_grl07, sometimes you just can't have real pets, because of your parents or whatever, so tamas are the solution.

In fact, in Japan there are kind of tamagotchis that are girlfriends. If you are a bussinesman, and are too busy to have a real girlfriend, you date with ypur virtual have to buy her presents, invite her to dinner, etc. In my personal opinion this more weird than tamas...

but if it makes you happy... :lol:

Lol your never to old im 13 and im a guy but i still like them and usally i hate little things like that. lol just yesterday i got my friend to go buy one and he loves it so far.

You are not too old. No one is ever old for a tamagotchi! I am 16 and i just love playing with tamas!

I hope my somewhat long paragraph has encouraged you that you are not too old.

Too old for Tamagotchis?!?!

Im 16 and I love mine :) I have 1 v1, 2 v2, 2 v3 and a v4.5 lol.

My sister is 14 and shes mental about them tbh.

Nahh you aint too old :)







If you don`t like your tama don`t smash it give it to me!

hmm . . . r the two posts above me considered spams?

aniway . . . who cares what other people thing . . . as long as it's something that u wanna do . . . and it won't harm anione . . . then go ahead and do it . . . i m 22 years old now . . . and i JUST got back to playing tamagotchi . . . i hv missed it so much during the years . . . so i decided to get mah own now that i hv some extra money on mah hands . . . and i m already asking mah friends to help me find older versions that i don't hv . . . so don't worry so much . . . there r lots more "oldies" out there who r still playing with tamas . . . :(

no!!! I wouldn't and don't care what anyone says as long as u luv your tamagotchi's then you stick with it

is this about what your friends think? I'm like almost as old as u r some friends dont care for tamagotchi and turned into makeup zombies but some people didn't I still connect with many people.

once at a football game i connected with some girl who sat in the 2nd stand it was hiliarous now we are good friends

strange right? :kuribotchi: :) :ichigotchi: :)

Im 13 and I still get all the new tamas that come out!

People say to me that I'm to old for "toys" and I ignore them.

Tamas are for all ages, and you shouldn't listen to what other people say, its your opinion that matters! B)

So don't worry! :)

:lol: тαуz :lol:

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