Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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I am 14 years old and I have a v2 and v3 and I want a v4.5 and a v4.However, I don't know if I'm too old for Tamas.

Thank you.

Maisy Gotchi
I'll be 31 years old in 2 more days, and I still play with them. So no, you're not too old.

I don't think it's possible to be too old to play with tamagotchis!

^_^ B) B)

You can never be too old for a Tamagotchi. Think about how much happier all those old people in their retirement villas would be if they all had a Tamagotchi. No more sitting around hoping someone comes to visit, or staring at a television all day long. Got a Tamagotchi - get up, go find someone and connect; make friends. :furawatchi:
yup! that's right. you are NEVER to old to have a tamagotchi.

my friends say having a tamagotchi is for 10 year olds, but that is only because they are 12 and we are all in our turning point into pueberty. I am also 12 by the way. But it makes me relaxed that i'm NOT the only 12+ person to have a tamagotchi and ACCTUALLY like it(love it really). Tamagotchis are the best. I'd be even more impressed by the maturing of saying to any tama-hating friends(or enimies if you have any) that you still have aand are still playing with a tamagotchi.


Think of it this way, it's a great way to make friends and they are fun and addicting. Besides I am 13 and have a 4.5. ^_^

I'm 24, and I like Tamagotchi's... There's a lot of adults and young teens that love Tamagotchi's... You'll see a lot of them on this board... You're never too old to like Tamagotchi's... Simple fact.... ^_^

I am 19 and i ADORE tamagotchis ^^ i remember my first tamagotchi when i was 9, i remeber it growing into a dinasour and other stuff. ^_^

no ur not i have a 33 year old freing thet has a 4.5, a 4, a 3, a 2, and a 1

no... i'm 13 and my birthday's in two months. i have like 12 tamas in all. =D


you can NEVER be too old for tamagotchis.!

im 14 and i LOVE them.!

i thought i was too old for them and i gave my v4 away and now i miss having one.!

lol... I'm 21. Just celebrated my 21st a few weeks ago. I went out to the club with my tamagotchi in my purse. :huh: Your never too old. Forget what people say, its what you like!

[SIZE=12pt]No your not to old I'm 18 and I have one and my mother is 51 and she is getting one for Christmas 'cause she likes them too.[/SIZE] :eek:
I'm 22 and have one. I admit I’m a little ashamed if someone finds out, but I don't let that stop me!!!! :huh:

I originally had a giga-pet someone gave me, but I always wanted a tama since 8th grade. I just got one about 3 months ago! I can’t give it up now!!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :D Hope I helped you! :unsure: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

My friend knows someone that is 98 years old, I am 9 but anyways, I don't think you are too old

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Well IDT you are! I got mine when I was 9.... When i first got one, it died 10 minutes after birth! LOL

BTW no your not to old!

No, I'm 35 and I have 11 tamas (2 V1's, 1 V2, 2 V3's, 3 V4's & 3 V4.5's) that I still take care of.

im 11 and peopl tell me im to old but i dont care u shouldnt care either

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