Anorexic Tamagotchi


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As many have stated earlier-a glitch is probably the culprit of this problem.It doesn't matter whatsoever.If you are worried,just feed your Tamagotchi back to an acceptable weight. The acceptable weight for teenager Tamagotchis are around 15 pounds.

But after that,if the problem still occurs after your Tamagotchi evolves,then consider adding on pounds to its proper weight.

Hope I helped `

same but mine got up to 2 pounds i was like what the hell :eek: :) :p :( :eek:
First, please don't say what the hell on TT, please, thank you. >(*-*)

Anyway, is your tam a connection or connexion? If yours is a connection, you can get down to that weight in the connexion instructions. Well, hope it helped.

Later my mates, ~Christail~

Is it an Ichigotchi?

Those tend to get down to around 1lb.

It happened on the V4 aswell, no need to worry though. Its normal. The Ichigotchi glitch= Goes down to 1lb.

It'll soon go back up once it reaches it's adult stage, i would advise looking through the instruction booklet again. :(

Good luck.

I just want to make things clear, ITS NOT THE STRAWBERRY DUDE! but thanks for helping me. I suggest if you are going to add something look through what everyone has said because alot of people are repeating things about 20 times each!

Teehee, the Ichigotchi glitch.

If your Tama is not an Ichigotchi, the same thing can happen. It's just a silly glitch that happens with some Tamas, resetting and downloading usually solves this. If it dosen;t, you might need to reset. =/ Though it might be solved once your Tama evolves.

Zoria :p

I just want to make things clear, ITS NOT THE STRAWBERRY DUDE! but thanks for helping me. I suggest if you are going to add something look through what everyone has said because alot of people are repeating things about 20 times each!
Then it must be Ura Yangu Furawatchi (Ura Young Violetchi).

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