Another easy way to hide your tamagotchi in class


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I don't really care. I just leave it on clock mode on my desk. xD People say "my clock" is cute because of the design.
I once tricked my teacher that my tamagotchi was a sharpener. He walked over to me and asked for what was on my desk, and I closed it up in my palm. When he said to hand it over, I told him it was a sharpener and I put my pencil point into my hand and pretended to turn it. He walked away after that.
COOL!I got caught once and never again wil i do that

I've never brought my tam to class. Since I'm on X-mas break I'll have to wait. My parents don't let me bring them to school. I only have 2 working, and I'm thinking about leaving one in my backpack the whole day and checking it on the bus and the other in my desk and I'll shuffle around to make people think I'm looking for something, then pick up my pencil and whisper, "Just lookin for my pencil,". I think I'll do that. Since almost all girls in my class had or have tams, I can't do what xelao did because one of the girls will go "HEY! LOOKIE EVERYONE! SHE HAS A TAMAGOTCHI!!!!" and I'llbe in trouble.
Aw.....i feel sorry for ya.....

Those are great ideas! My teacher caught me one time and i thought he would confiscate it but he said he loved tamagotchi and said that i should play it when class is over because it may distract me. :D

I love the creativity!!! When I was in Jr. High, I would just keep it in my pocket and check it between classes and at breaks, but now I'm in High School and everyone will make fun of me, so I'm going to change the clock and keep mine where it sleeps most of the day, and wakes up a little bit before I get out of school. But on the weekends, I'll set it back to normal.

What you do is if you have an antenna, (like v4 kind) the circle pops out and so you can do what that one girl did. hide it in ur palm and pretend its a pencil sharpener! I did it and my teachers didn't care. My science teacher lets me take it out on my own time same in math class they don't care! I like my teachers i only have 3 that won't let me play w/ my tamagotchi hes evil

Personally, I'd take my tama and attach it to a zipper on my vest, and let it look like a decoration of sorts as I was going about my business in school. I'd mute the sound, too, but look at it periodically, and if someone approached me, I'd switch it to the clock feature and say I'm monitoring/checking the time. That's what I'd do, myself.

I don't really care. I just leave it on clock mode on my desk. xD People say "my clock" is cute because of the design.
I once tricked my teacher that my tamagotchi was a sharpener. He walked over to me and asked for what was on my desk, and I closed it up in my palm. When he said to hand it over, I told him it was a sharpener and I put my pencil point into my hand and pretended to turn it. He walked away after that.
sheesh! *looks into cristal ball* your teachers name is! i once stuffed up my tama by puting that

little peice of paper you have to pull out b4 u play back in (i was 5) and now im 10,after i had read this i made mine into a

shapiner :lol: :lol: :lol: .my teacher was mr gulliebul 2!

i broke the shell off my broken tama and glued a shapiner inside then the deco kit on so you stick

the pencil in the spot were the infared thing was. nice recicoling!

Or another easy way is to turn the volume off and put it in your desk that does not have to be opened and repetadly check on it. I did that and got a high score on jumprope in class! Haha Mr. Bob. Mr. Bob is my teacher but we don't call him Mr. Bob but I do behind his back cause Bob is his first name.
My teachers name is [SIZE=21pt]DARRUS!!![/SIZE]

What a name!!

Shes a freakin girl

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Really nice tips. :lol: I never snuck a tama in class before, but I think I can try. My best friend in elementary school snuck her tama in her backpack. xD :lol:

I don't really need to hide it. My friends find it kind of odd, but after I told one friend about all the options the newer versions have, she even considered getting one herself. She's never had one when she was younger. ;)

My classmates all think it's kinda great, and want to look at it, and even my teacher wasn't really weird about it.

I've also heard of two other 17-year-old students who had Tama's, although it seems like they've got fake ones, but that still means I'm not the only one.

As long as my sound is off and I play with it in my lap so my teachers don't easily notice I'm not working, it's fine really.

I don't really care what people think anyway, some oeple play with their Nintendo DS, I play with my Tamagotchi. Hell, mine is a lot cheaper too. :eek:

If you have a locker, put it in there. Nobody is allowed to go in your locker, right?
Some times people or a pest could wreck or steal or touch and break your tama so:

My school doesn't have lockers but I suggest:

1. Bring a lock and a key to school

2. Decide weather to hide your tama in any lockable places in school

3. Lock your tama in your decided4. lockable place (eg. bag, locker, pants eg.)

4. Unlock your tamagotchi when ever you want to because:

If you lock it up it will give the tama less noise that makes the class get disturbed.

Also it will be easier to find out what is happening to your tamagotchi sometimes?

Any other places????

Or ideas????

I see some of my friends play with their tamagotchi in class,

Some get caught by getting seen or by the tamagotchi sound and sometimes they don't



I don't take mine to school but heres a trick to keep it safe.

For V 4.5 (well thats the only one I KNOW it will work)

1. Before you go to school, set the time to like 10-11 Pm

2. your tama will go to sleep

3. When you get home, just reset the time

I don't take mine to school but heres a trick to keep it safe.
For V 4.5 (well thats the only one I KNOW it will work)

1. Before you go to school, set the time to like 10-11 Pm

2. your tama will go to sleep

3. When you get home, just reset the time


I bet that everyone might be doing this at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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thanks for the advice but it doesent help me my teacher has a tamagotichi so he can smell one from 1 mile.  thanks any way, royal_tama_king
:ichigotchi: Why would he care if he had one? You have one weird teacher!

I have some ways for passing the dress code!

If you buy a small slash purse for you to hang over your shoulder, Almost the size of a coin purse, You would wrap your tama in money in teh purse, Say, Lunch money. Then when you go into the restroom stalls you can play with it. Teacher asks? Open the purse and show her the money. She/He won't bother any more! :p

Another way, If you have pockets just wrap the tama in money, and do the same trick as above.

:D Maybe this will help with schools with dress code?

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I hold in the palm of my hand, and except for when I have to do writing. I keep my hand under the table. I glance down at it every now and then. Much more simple and still not noticable.

If my teacher sees that I use tama, she just says "put it away! You can use it after school." I'm lucky :D

I'm in the 12th grade and I bring my Tama everywhere, including class. I just keep it on my desk and tend to it whenever it needs me. My teachers don't seem to mind at all, and generally no one really gives it a second thought. I always have it in my hand when I'm walking down the halls and such as well.. the only reaction I've got so far is pretty much: "OMGgG TAMAGO T CHI I REMEMmber THOSE!!11!1!!1 CAN i PLAY WITH IT?!?/1/11111eleven"


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I live in England, and I'm in year 9. I dunno what grade that is.

I have to wear a uniform with a skirt and a blouse, so no pockets. Everyone round here knows what tamas are, so I can't leave it out. I tend to keep it in the small pocket in the back of my bag, and when the teacher looks away at the start of the lesson, I slip it into my pencil case. That way if a teacher comes over I can hide it easily.

For gym, I make sure it's not hungry or anything (cos I hate pausing it). We have to take our valuables up to the gym with us and leave them with our shoes at the side, otherwise people come into the changing room and steal our stuff! We take our mobiles, mp3 players, purses, and our make-up if we have any with us and we stick it all in a huge make-up/cosmetics bag so it doesn't get lost, so it's easy to hide it.

Some people notice my tama and call me a baby for it, but I just live up to that if they make fun of me. If they insult me I pretend I don't understand and talk in goos and gurgles!

Heres my tips I've learnt from this:

• keep the sound off

• remove any charms or the chain it comes on, to reduce noise

• don't play games during lessons

• play with it during a movie. no one will notice

• always have a notebook and pen handy so tht you can pretend to make notes if a teacher comes over

• never leave it on your desk

• keep it in your pencil case/purse/pocket

• if you have to wear a dress/skirt to school, leave it on your lap, and hide it in the pleats of the skirt

• don't get it out during a test

• check on it during registration

• play with it during break or lunch time
