Another easy way to hide your tamagotchi in class


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Tamagotchis were banned in my school 3 years ago, so I just have the time set to the bed time and the go to sleep and continue to grow!

Those are some really good ideas, but I live in Australia, and I have to wear a dress uniform with no pockets. And the jumpers/jackets have pockets where the tama would slip out.
lol,I live in Singapore and we wear uniforms too,but I have a deep-enough pocket~

That would seem very nice, but pockets aren't the best place for Tamagotchis. Buttons can tear off of it, damage liquid crystals, and it might even break if you bend down.

I hang the Tamagotchi pouch on a key-ring and let it hang on my pants. When I want to play with it, I put my hands in my jacket, take the Tamagotchi, open the zipper up a little bit so I can see the screen, and play inside my jacket. xD

What I do with my Tama is check on it during bathroom breaks. If the teacher has left the class for a moment or has her back to you, take it out quick and shove it in your desk under a lot of papers or in the back. KEEP THE SOUND OFF!!! Then check on it every now and then.

Thanks TamagotchiGurl18 i can bring my tamagotchi in school now hehe...

when im not bringing my tmagotchi in school

when i come home and take a look at my pets

my pets do this:

1.make a mess 3 times

2.became sick (there is a skull icon)

3.lost all the hearts in happines and hungry

4.they became hungry of course

but thanks to you TamagotchiGurl18!!!!!

I don't have to hide it, I can keep it in my desk and as long as I don't play with it in class,my teacher doesn't care...

sometimes she even checks up on it at the ed of the day :D

I NEVER bring my tama to school. Once I did, I walked into the school and felt something in my pocket! It was the Tama. I will never do it again but at least I had something to play with on the way home on the school bus!

i keep my tamagotchi in my shoes. i have ugg boots ,the tall kind. u slip the tama into ur boot . and pretend to ich your leg or something, but really just take care of ur tama. NEVER LEAVE THE SOUND obvously. and dont play games if u think ur teacher will notice. ask to go to the restroom about every two or one hours and you can play a game with ur tama in the b room.

PS this will work with other kinds of boots ,but make sure thier tall! i recomend ugg boots even though there 150$ there sooo comfortable and stylish (for girls mostly) ;) :( :( ;)

well i have suggestions!!

you can put it in your shoulder bag (if u have)

and everytime you go to the C.R. you can check your tamagotchi

hahah... that's cool they believe its a clock

if your classmates dont know tamagotchi i suggest you also tell them its just a clock!! :ichigotchi:

lol good idea except my teachers dont really care if I play with it or not :ichigotchi: One time my tama was dying and I screamed, "No Robby, don't die on me! Nooooooooo!!" really loud and the teacher just said "That's nice Jessica."

xD Yeah I do.but I'd rather not, because I hate when people take my things and they're like "OMG I REMEMBER THESE FROM 10 YEARS AGO, THEY STILL MAKE THESE?"

and they start pressing random things. and 90% of the time, they're like "how do I kill it?"

I don't have a purse. 8D I'm a guy.
Everybody says that to! ''How do I kill it, How!?''

Some people even starts punching me realy har just beacuz I got over 40 tamas! ;)

It's so annoying! Everybody should be able to like what they like whithout getting bullied! :eek:

//danieeel971 :D


i just tell my teacher that its my clock. im in 7th grade and alot of myy friendsz aree likkee wow youurr cooll?? lol :) butt ayeeE..its fuunnn:) lol i gott like 5 friendsz to buy them after i let them playyy widd minee lol:)


Those are some really good ideas, but I live in Australia, and I have to wear a dress uniform with no pockets. And the jumpers/jackets have pockets where the tama would slip out.
your a doctor who fan im a doctor who fan luv it luv it luv it luv it +

me i never wanted to bring my tamagotchi because i might get in trouble or detention because i really hate detention!!!

Those of you who have to wear uniforms could just tie a string around their waist and put the tama on that. This works especially well if you have to wear a uniform with buttons, because you can just play with it through the front.
