Another V5 Cheat


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I think i know why it didnt work for some people. Its because you enter it into the 'special' section in the connection icon. You need to select the 'pc' section and it will display a login number. press button b and enter in the free points code for your character. I hope this helps :) :( :p

Hey thats pretty helpful. but ive entered it once and a tried to do it again but it wouldnt let me. so did i do something wrong? or is just a one time code?

help! :puroperatchi:

You must know the "principal" character's name. The one that is on the center of the screen.

For this, you have to go to the first icon (where you can see family's name, hungry, happy...), and there you'll see your character's name. Then you surch into the list, and you type the code on "pc" section ^^

I hope i'm clear ^^'

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i have a Hatugatchi but it isnt on the list! can u please help me?

for those that are having difficulty with these codes, here is another simple solution. You can goto TamaTown, play a game. When you completely win that game, for example the save the earth game, and get the logout number.


You will be able to use this code over and over and over again for that character until they evolve.

This should help those whose Tama's are not on the list.


it doesnt work for me at all im not sure if im do
the code next to ur middle characterS name is the one that u use n after ur character evolves again the name changes n u have 2 find that tamas name n code!!!! if the codes dont work read the directions slowly & carefully & drill the insructions in ur head!!!!!!!!.....

Well done binary! [:

Now with all this points,i'll be able to buy lots of stuffs for my tamagotchis.

Three cheers for binary! :)

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