Are you a...duh duh duh...Christian?


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You're a little late, the discussion is a bit different now.  :huh:
@ tamaw/pants:  That did help explain what I was questioning, thank you.

Of course, I still don't agree with it, but now I understand better the "opposing" opinions.  :lol:
Yeep yeep, no problem.

I think alot of people see Chrstians as science hater which, as I said before, is totaly false. On some topics we go hand in hand and others we conflict. It's not like we conflict with the majority- actualy only a few main subject like evolution, stem cell research, ect. we have opposing views too.

Glad to be of some help. :]

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I guess that's where people get in a huffy over Christians, because stem cell research, abortion, gay marriage, etc. is all very big issues.

Iowa just passed it so that gay marriage is legal here. :lol:

I guess I'm just really liberal and am all for stem cell research, abortion (if you've ever gotten pregnant on accident, you'd understand--every single day I wish so bad that I would've had an abortion, even though I went the adoption route due to parental pressure), gay marriage, etc.


I was born a christan but not anymore......It dosent make sense to me so know im a Atheist

And im proud :^D

(but my stpide friend told everyong im atheist and people say like "Oh you going to hell and burn!" And even my teacher kinda found out i was atheist and she had a weird face, heres the story (we were learning about religions and i asked "What does it mean if you belive in no god?" And everyone was looking at we weirdly even the teacher and some people asked "Hey Skylar do you belive in god?" in a very snobish voice)


[SIZE=8pt]I am Wiccan, and proud of it! but I respect other religions too, but what bugs me is when people say "you're gonna go to hell because you don't go to church" in my town, EVERYONE goes to church, and NOBODY in my town is Wiccan. so what? I believe what I believe, and everyone else believe what they believe. Just don't belittle my religion.[/SIZE]

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Its all about faith karma and your positive energys. The world is an orb feeding off positive vibes and sending them alll around. God is a big lie. We (me and my friends) Have our own beliefs about it so we came up with our new religion. I respect it if you choose a different religon its up to you but i will forever believe that God is a lie and the world was made by science and i feeds off positive vibes and thats why the world is getting worse cos our attitudes are cr*p these days.

Its all about faith karma and your positive energys. The world is an orb feeding off positive vibes and sending them alll around. God is a big lie. We (me and my friends) Have our own beliefs about it so we came up with our new religion. I respect it if you choose a different religon its up to you but i will forever believe that God is a lie and the world was made by science and i feeds off positive vibes and thats why the world is getting worse cos our attitudes are cr*p these days.
Ok, fine, but I have to ask, what is your basis? I mean, you have to have some evidence to support it for anyone to accept it at all.

Well, where the evidence that God is real? theres none. If I believe it and so do others then thats enough for me.
Obviously we can't really do a 5th grade science experiment 'Does God exist?' but there is some evidence pointed to higher creator. I don't just blindly believe and just take no evidence- there is some. Ultimatly the desicion to believe or not is up to you and I can't force you to believe in God.

*hits with Bible* Just kidding! :mellow:

Anyway, I'm open to discusion and debate it out through pm. I'm not an expert in the field of Christian apologetics- although I would love to be- but this awesome woman at my church is actualy an apologetical [however you say it! xP] person that can aslo help. Just give me a shout. ;]

That doesnt mean it going to be God. It could be a fat guy eating donuts called Billy-Bob.
We could debate this all day and never get anywhere but I believe there is evidence for God with a capital G. If you want a good book to read, read The Case for Christ. A non-Christian reporter guy set out to prove the Bible wrong. It's actualy a very good read.

You might as well. Got nothing to loose. :]

You may want to try to find the student addition, though. It's alot easier to understand but if you can suck in all the big words [i couln't! xP], go for the regular one.

[bTW- Love the avvie! xD]

thanks. I love the eat until your teeth rot thing. Its quite true.

Yea umm.. I will see if i can find the regular as i am (according to tests) the best reader in the school. i am very accidemic. so i'll challenge myself

We could debate this all day and never get anywhere but I believe there is evidence for God with a capital G. If you want a good book to read, read The Case for Christ. A non-Christian reporter guy set out to prove the Bible wrong. It's actualy a very good read.
Does he end up proving anything or is the case open ended?

Oh yes, by the way I'm Christian. :mellow:

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im a presbitarian (is that how to spell it?!?!) and i've read the bible, theres alot of things i dont agree with, and alot i do. let me lay it all down, they're proof of jeasus, so no dis-beleifs there, theres no proof of god!!! jeasus is a high life form of apes and monkeys, thats what i beleive. im pretty sure theres no god, and if there is, why isnt he making my uncle better after all my prayers? presbitarians are supposed to beleive, but im not one of them!

btw, what does it matter what religion we have? we're all the same, and were all made the same way, the only way live things are made.

"god created the heavens and the earth" is the first sentance in the bible. well, if he did? where did he live before he created those things, and how was eve formed from one of adam's ribs or whatever, and if they had 2 sons, either they had more kids or one of eve's kids had s...e...x with her!

for all we know there could be a purple old man/lady named sue-bob-george whos our "god" no one knows for sure, and we NEVER WILL! quit debating if "god"'s real or not! its pathetic, beleive what you want to, no one cares!

Religion sort of 'scares' me now, after reading all opinions, I am worried about if there is no God. Don't get me wrong, I still have faith, but like, what if there was that slight possibility? Where were we before birth and why can't we remember? And what happens after death?

Also, when people say "Oh I survived cancer because I prayed," why didn't God help everyone else who was dying and praying? Was it their fate to die? I'm not sure.

Well, I'm Christian and not afraid to admit it. I'd also like to say (not in a flaming way) that I do in fact "fear" God.

"Twas Grace that tought my heart to fear, Twas Grace my fears releaved"

I'm not a cult. I'm just a sensible person that believes in sensible religion. I have actually known several people that I could name right now but I won't for safety reasons that actually have had their lives saved by God. Please don't flame me, because I'm just stating what I believe. Thank you.

(not to mention that my belief has saved my life as well. Notice I didn't that that "christianity" saved my life. Christianity is just a religion. God is living breathing savior of the world.)

im a presbitarian (is that how to spell it?!?!) and i've read the bible, theres alot of things i dont agree with, and alot i do. let me lay it all down, they're proof of jeasus, so no dis-beleifs there, theres no proof of god!!! jeasus is a high life form of apes and monkeys, thats what i beleive. im pretty sure theres no god, and if there is, why isnt he making my uncle better after all my prayers? presbitarians are supposed to beleive, but im not one of them!
btw, what does it matter what religion we have? we're all the same, and were all made the same way, the only way live things are made.

"god created the heavens and the earth" is the first sentance in the bible. well, if he did? where did he live before he created those things, and how was eve formed from one of adam's ribs or whatever, and if they had 2 sons, either they had more kids or one of eve's kids had s...e...x with her!

for all we know there could be a purple old man/lady named sue-bob-george whos our "god" no one knows for sure, and we NEVER WILL! quit debating if "god"'s real or not! its pathetic, beleive what you want to, no one cares!
It might help your case if you could spell Jesus right... :)

#1- Praying to God doesn't ensuref that your uncle is healed. He may heal Him but He may not. By all means, spill your gut to Him- prayer=good- but that it's not like a deal where you pray only because you didn't study for a test and you aren't doing so hot on it.

#2- Obviously it does matter. Why? To put it simply it's because we believe there are eternal consequences if you don't. That's why.

#3- God made everything out of nothing. He made time so time is not a matter for Him. He is infinite but since we are living in a finite world so we can't even comprehend. A creator is not ruled by the rules of His creation.

#4- The gene pool is different then it was then. It was pure and it sounds gross now because if we all interbreeded in the same family we'd have a huge amount of issues because of that. It was waaay different back then it is now. Brother and sister had to reproduce and eventualy spread humans all along the earth. After a good population size, it was looked down upon by society- and still is- to interbreed for gentic reasons.

If you haven't noticed people DO care and the least you could do is have some sence of respect.

Religion sort of 'scares' me now, after reading all opinions, I am worried about if there is no God. Don't get me wrong, I still have faith, but like, what if there was that slight possibility? Where were we before birth and why can't we remember? And what happens after death?
Also, when people say "Oh I survived cancer because I prayed," why didn't God help everyone else who was dying and praying? Was it their fate to die? I'm not sure.
Well if you think about it. you can't possible hope to "understand" God.

I remember in scripture when Jesus was walking to the city where he was to be martyred, a man, who was blind, approached him. Someone asked, "Was it this man's or his parents' sins that he is blind?" the person asked. He said "it is not his nor his parents' sin that he is blind. It is to show the glory of God" and he healed the man so that he could see.

What it's saying is that some people have miracles in their lives to prove the glory of god, but let me ask you something (retoricle question) Do you think that there were still blind people in the world. If all suffering and death and disease were to just "stop" from a miracle, than what would the whole point be? It would conpletely take away from the compleate glory of God.

I hope that answers your question.

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