Are you concerned about Global Warming?


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2005
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Post here and say whether you're concerned about Global Warming or not.

I am. I hate high temperatures. I'm more used to the cold than the hot.

Not really but then again I don't know what will happen if it keeps occurring.

I agree with Sweet Kandi. Even in Australia, where it's summer AND close to the equator, it's cold.

It could just be El Nina since we're getting a lot of rain, but, I'm more concerned with Mt. St. Helens erupting than global warming at the moment.

I still believe it's happening but, right now, it's more like global freezing.

I agree with Sweet Kandi. Even in Australia, where it's summer AND close to the equator, it's cold.It could just be El Nina since we're getting a lot of rain, but, I'm more concerned with Mt. St. Helens erupting than global warming at the moment.

I still believe it's happening but, right now, it's more like global freezing.
I'm only concerned about Mt St. Helens because it's about two hours away from me.

It had a mini eruption in 2004, and it's been having 'volcanic activity' lately.

Ohh. Weird.
You can come live with us if you want ^^


I hope it doesn't erupt while you're there. They'd give you notice before it did erupt, right?
I don't think it would effect me.

The most we would get is probably just dust like we did the years back.

I don't know as there really is any way to warn us.

In 2004, the only way people knew it did was either seeing it or seeing the dust it left afterwards.

Don't you think global warming is a bit scary?? There has been a few thunder storms here :p

I don't belive in Global warming. I belive in phases and Global Climate change. It's freezing here, but it's always cold where I am.

@ SK: I heard about the Mt St. Helens thing. Didn't it eurpt in the 80's also?


I really couldn't care less, to be honest.

My main concern about global warming is the way it affects our ocean. It is causing coral bleaching in the upper levels of coral formations, killing the corals themselves because they are very delicate. It is affecting marine creatures' life cycles from the smallest lifeforms to the largest whales and their migrations. There is even reason to believe that it may be causing the increase of Giant Squid carcasses washing up on the beaches. Believe it or not, there are many marine creatures that are so used to a very precise set of environmental factors they cannot tolerate even a very small temperature increase, as it also directly affects water chemistry.

The Northern polar regions are seeing the effects of loss of ice floes and solid icy ground. There is less and less solid ice for large marine mammals to haul out on(walruses, seals, etc), and therefore less hunting ground for polar bears. They are all going to have to adapt somehow, but for the more specialized creatures there, the changes could prove too dramatic over time.

I believe global warming is cyclical, but I also believe that it is happening at a much faster rate than it has ever before, which we know is a fact, because of our effects on our environment. I will not put full blame on either factor, but it up to us to do something as soon as we possibly can. We cannot reverse the natural cycle of the climate, but if we can just slightly reduce our effects on the environment, it will help more than many people realize.

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not really

I'll die

when I die

even if it is I'll burn up


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I'm more concerned about the possibility of Mt. St. Helens erupting.
It's absolutely freezing here. Global warming doesn't exist to me.
Did you see that show on Discovery a few years ago? That thing was uh-mazing. o...o

If it erupted, over half of the U.S. would be covered in ash and the skies would be dark and soot-y and then everyone moved to Texas and Mexico. It was fictional, obviously, but the power in that thing now is crazy.

No, I'm not worried. I think it's just trends in the earth's weather. I agree with Starman.exe . Whatever he says about GW, I'm probably going to agree! xD

I don't belive in Global warming. I belive in phases and Global Climate change. It's freezing here, but it's always cold where I am.
@ SK: I heard about the Mt St. Helens thing. Didn't it eurpt in the 80's also?
Yup. The biggest Eruption was May 18, 1980. I can't remember the number of deaths though.

TWP: When it had a mini-eruption in 2004, a lot of Western Washington was covered in ash.

Hopefully it one have an eruption like it did in 1980 for a long while.

Global warming only exists to the Lefties (Democrats) you will never hear a Republican talk about it. *fun fact*

Global warming by humans does not exist. Dig deep in to the research not funded by Lefties.

Umm, what else did I want to say? Oh, the high today here was 1 degree. Tomorrow will be the same. Minnesota will be colder than Syberia and will be one of the top coldest places on earth this weekend. I am in Southern Minnesota.

Saturday's high should be around -10 and Sunday will be -15 or lower. Please global warming, come here.

Cars on the Iron range freze out while driving. I am sure they would love a few degrees more.

I'm not even going to try to start my car this weekend even though I should go to work. Too bad!

Global warming isn't popular at all in my country.I live in some country in Europe and It's sunny here altough it's Winter ^^

PS---> Can you explain what is exactly is Global Warming? (Please note that Global Warming isn't popular in my country :/ )

Global warming only exists to the Lefties (Democrats) you will never hear a Republican talk about it. *fun fact*
Global warming by humans does not exist. Dig deep in to the research not funded by Lefties.

Umm, what else did I want to say? Oh, the high today here was 1 degree. Tomorrow will be the same. Minnesota will be colder than Syberia and will be one of the top coldest places on earth this weekend. I am in Southern Minnesota.

Saturday's high should be around -10 and Sunday will be -15 or lower. Please global warming, come here.

Cars on the Iron range freze out while driving. I am sure they would love a few degrees more.

I'm not even going to try to start my car this weekend even though I should go to work. Too bad!

I'm gonna try to not complain about being cold after hearing that.

Bundle up!

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