Are you emo?


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I don't understand why you were so defensive. Who knows why in the world she would say that but don't fight fire with fire.

Honestly you're just helping in keeping the crazily defensive it's not even funny and foul mouth that can't control themselves stereotype alive. :D

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Yeah, I agree with tamaw/pants, I mean I'd get mad about that too, but its just some random woman... i'd just leave to 'cool down'.

to me, emo means you cut yourself, if someone else has a different deffinition ok then but this is what i consider it.

i don't cut myself but i love black and punky bands and my clothing style is kind of "gothic" and different but i do not consider myself an emo.

(just for the record, i am NOT against emos. i have a friends who have cut themself and i do not approve but they are still my friends that i love in that love-your-friends way. [by the way, notice how i said HAVE. they dont anymore.] its not like i hate emos or anything. and i'd say i'm pretty close.)

i guess emo also can mean someone who is carried away by depression. i do not wish to go further describing what i mean by that.

So the other day I was wearing my Mikey [you know the word MCR fans] Way tee that I got at a recent concert. My friend and I just exited Hot Topic and a lady (she was about 30) comes up to me and asked to see my wrists. I showed her and she pulled up my MCR arm band and asked me what type of cover up I used. I got so pi**ed that I was ready to slap her across the face. My friend had to drag me away while I was spitting/cussing/flipping her off. Little did I know she had a 10 year old daughter with her...maijor oops.  :D P.S. recent meaning april 3rd
i'd get the fsecurity or call the police!! thats like abuse!! not to mention bad social skill!! and couldnt she like get arrested or something?!!?! sorry about my "cencored-ness" but i just HATE people like that!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Edit- **ing out words do not make the okay for TT. It's just as bad as typing the whole thing out. -TW/P*

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Nope. I'm not emo. But I like black alot I useally wear black clothes. Does that count for goth? :D I kinda wanna be goth. I don't really know there ways of life. But I LUV black. I like wearing it. I useally wear dark jeans with a black shirt. Or I wear black pants and a black shirt.So, I kinda wanna be gothic. I don't care if ppl call me "goth" or "emo". I just care if they be mean and say other words that make fun of me. So yeah.
I suggest you dress how you like and don't worry about stereotypes.

'Goths' don't have a different life style. More like a different mind set, a different way of looking at things. You want to be gothic? It doesn't matter what you call yourself or what others label you as.

If you love wearing black, then wear black. It's as simple as that.

I'm not emo, or what people think is emo.

I get called emo, though, because I shop at Hot Topic and listen to certain bands. Apparently, I have the look, but not the personality, according to people who I know have talked about me. Word gets around.

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Okay, no I'm not mad i'm just clearing things up. Firstly, I think it is really, really rude to go up to someone you don't know and say "Do you cut?" which was bacicly (sp) what that woman said. Secondly I have had bad experiences with people asking me if I cut and/or telling me I'm emo. As in if I said, "No, I don't cut" they would beat me up for "lying". So that hopefully explains the defensiveness. Thirdly I'm sorry for the "bad" word. I kinda grew up aroung swearing so I don't know what is considered "appropraite" for TT. Sorry if I offended any one. And fourthly, today I saw a girl with the COOLEST jeans. They were red.

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Okay, no I'm not mad i'm just clearing things up. Firstly, I think it is really, really rude to go up to someone you don't know and say "Do you cut?" which was bacicly (sp) what that woman said. Secondly I have had bad experiences with people asking me if I cut and/or telling me I'm emo. As in if I said, "No, I don't cut" they would beat me up for "lying". So that hopefully explains the defensiveness. Thirdly I'm sorry for the "bad" word. I kinda grew up aroung swearing so I don't know what is considered "appropraite" for TT. Sorry if I offended any one. And fourthly, today I saw a girl with the COOLEST jeans. They were red.
exactly. it is SO rude. my friends friend went to mexico and she's considered "emo" and [it's said to be on the news] they're abusing and killing emos in mexico. frikken steryotypers. and friken careless stupid mindless bleepin people who are against people like this. MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD. lickilly she came back alive.... she said she had to dress different while she was there. but the world's people suck these days. sorry for that word. had to.

Okay guys, calm down.

It's rude but keep in mind every group at some point is targeted. For being the little normal Christian girl people look at me like I have to be perfect but I'm going to make mistakes; For the "prep" people look at her and say stupid blonde though she could actually be really bright; The nerds are targeted for being so smart and if they don't cave to the pressures of bullies they could get beaten up.

My point is let's not be 'woe is us, everyone hates emos, the world hates us so I can hate them’ but remember that it’s not just this one group so why dwell on it?

How about next time instead of giving the reaction the people want, you upturn the stereotype and react in a calm and peaceful way?

Everyone at school says and calls me an emo because I have my fringe drop into my eyes and I've dyed my hair dark brown, and usually wear mascara and eyeliner. =/

I'm not though. =]

My point is let's not be 'woe is us, everyone hates emos, the world hates us so I can hate them’ but remember that it’s not just this one group so why dwell on it?
I [we] don't hate the world because they hate us, i only don't like how some people do things like what that lady did to inSANE. i won't say i hate those people, i'm just saying i hate what they do.

Everyone at school says and calls me an emo because I have my fringe drop into my eyes and I've dyed my hair dark brown, and usually wear mascara and eyeliner. =/I'm not though. =]
Well people who say that are just silly :(


You are a person =D

I don't believe in emo, or really any type of stereotype O:

I mean, ew. Who would want to live their life according to what a label thinks they should be?

I'm not emo. I'm Rebecca =D

Emo is a type of music.I am Emotional and to shorten it i just use emo.Emotional is what i am and you can say ohh shes emo because she crys at almost everything and this week she was sad but all i am is emotional and sensitive.I've been through alot in life and you can call me emo as an insult as much as you want but it wont bug me because i know that it actually means emotional.And trust me emo doesn't mean your deppressed.

and dont try to be emo just be your self

I don't see why anyone would waste their time being so depressed and crying over depressive music! I mean, I understand if you're having a hard time, but sooner or later you'll get over it right?! I think this 'emo' thing is just a phase. I'm a happy person though ^O^

Well, I've had a change of heart. I've met a few "emos" and it's really more about the state of mind, music, etc. Most emos don't cut themselves.

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Emo is stupid. Its just a type of music. Anyone who calls themselves emo is a poser. There is no true emo because emo is a type of music, and you can't become a type of music.

Emo is stupid. Its just a type of music. Anyone who calls themselves emo is a poser. There is no true emo because emo is a type of music, and you can't become a type of music.
See, that's the exact thing I hate.

A poser of what?

The term 'poser' merely has started to infuriate me. If your innocently listening to metal because you love it, but you aren't a metalhead and don't say so, you're TTLY poser. like, lolwut?

Or, if you have a purple mohawk, and you aren't punk, your TTLY poser!!!!111

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