Are you emo?


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Did I already post here? It seems like I always ask that, doesn't it. :hitodetchi:

Anyways, no, I'm not emo. Steriotype-wise anyhow.

Most people think/call me emo. It gets old after a while o.o

So i'm over classifiying people as emo or poser, saying what emo is or isn't, all that XD

One time I was talking to this girl in school and she asked what kind of music I listen to. I said

"Like, Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and stuff like that."

She said

"Oh. So is that why you wear eyeliner?"

So she saw the look on my face and went on telling me how that's emo music and how I wear emo-type eyeliner and emo-type clothes, so now I'm emo. Then this kid came up and told me I wasn't emo, I was scene. they got in this big fight about what stereotype I was, so I walked away o.o

But yeah, the dress style, music, makeup, hair, that stuff, yeah. I like it.

And now I'm afraid I'm gonna get flamed and yelled at that I'm wrong and I'm a hypocrite and I'm wrong becuase they're defenition of emo is different and blah... blah... blah...

And yeah XD

Hahaha. XD I love it when people argue over Emo and Scene. It's so funny.

One time I read a rant from a "scene" girl, yelling about how the real scenes (like her, as she stated multiple times) don't blabber on about being scene, they just are. I was just like "PARADOXPLZ?"

0k. No offense , but I'm so sick of 'emo'. Why do people think this is cool? It makes me sick , really :ichigotchi: I don't judge anyone by they're life choices.. but the whole 'cutting thing' is unhealthy.

i always get called an emo but i dont think i am. i like the odd emo band though

0k. No offense , but I'm so sick of 'emo'. Why do people think this is cool? It makes me sick , really :blink: I don't judge anyone by they're life choices.. but the whole 'cutting thing' is unhealthy.
Emo people don't cut.

It is unhealthy.

I guess people are derpressed do that. No ALL depressed people cut, some do.

Anways, I'm not emo.


On TT? Or on another forum?

I don't like the emo style actually. I mean, I wear skinny jeans, because they look good on me. People tell me I have scene hair, and label me that way, which I hate. I make my hair more towards J-rock and not scene but people still don't get it <o<; So yeah, I love bright colors. Like pink 8D I'm not always depressed, I'm happier than ever right now. And I agree with some people, I am REALLY sick of 'emo'.

I don't like the emo style actually. I mean, I wear skinny jeans, because they look good on me. People tell me I have scene hair, and label me that way, which I hate. I make my hair more towards J-rock and not scene but people still don't get it <o<; So yeah, I love bright colors. Like pink 8D I'm not always depressed, I'm happier than ever right now. And I agree with some people, I am REALLY sick of 'emo'.
Scene hair. =O I always wanted it.

Scene hair is pretty wicked. :3

If I'm lucky my hair will be similar to Alex Evan's when I'm done experimenting with it.

My definition of emo has altered thanks to society. Emo to me now is just some over-rated label used by those who just can't help judging others.

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People call other's Emo because they enjoy labeling people. They want to make people feel bad.

There is a ton of labeling in my school. If you wear slim jeans (no, not skinny jeans just the slim ones.), they call you gay. They aren't tight on me at all. They are loose on me.

People label each other because they have nothing better to do.

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people call me emo....i guess i kind of act it...

I've been called emo before.


"You emo"--Just because of the cloths I wear. >_>

EdiT: I don't think I am by the way.

Last edited by a moderator: i dont really know what i am called Goth,Emo..freak


but really? i dont like labels...people give them out to try and bring others down...

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I don't call it emo. I don't prefer to label myself. I do listen to heavy metal music, I'm rarley happy, write poems and things like that, but still. I don't label myself, it just makes another way to "Read a book by its cover."

[SIZE=7pt]Haha, my other comments were epic. <3 Im like, insane I believe.[/SIZE]

Nah, I'm not emo. I love the scene style, its stellar. People call me emo lots though =P

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