Are you popular?


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Maybe at your school, but at my school they always tease the younger kids and the nerdy ones. I only tease this one boy, Ben. I really hate him. He's so annoying. Believe me, if you knew him, you'd agree. Nobody in the school likes him. He picks and eats his boogars, he farts in class, in band class he won't stop playing his frilly little flute, and he thinks he's mature.
Um... that's a little more than I was prepared to know... o.o

Ugh, I'm just about sick of these topics. Be happy for who YOU are, and live your life being yourself- never be untrue to yourself. ;) Popularity can cause fakeness of personality, and it's just not right.And, for some reason, I would be considered in the group of people considered "popular." I just act like me- and people like me for who I am, so I guess... well, yeah!
*claps hands* well said! i totally agree with you all the way and dont think i'm popular cause oh gosh i'm NOT! i'm a unique one in my school and proud of it!! :)


What makes popular people unable to express themselves? Just because they wear clothing that they think looks good or have a lot of friends doesn't make you more individual then them. I wear boring things all the time, and that doesn't make me popular. Right now I'm wearing a green t-shirt (srs bsns, green t-shirts) on it and black shorts. Yesterday I was wearing a pink t-shirt and black shorts. And the day before that...
I don't see how not being popular makes one more individual. >___> Why can't popular people be individual?

After saying the above, I am not popular. But I didn't really think it was smart to dwell on that.
not starting a flame war or anything and not to be mean but.....i didnt say popular people cant be individual, i just said that because useally the bad "popular" people follow trends and dont start their least thats what they do at my school...please guys no flame wars or arguements ;)


not starting a flame war or anything and not to be mean but.....i didnt say popular people cant be individual, i just said that because useally the bad "popular" people follow trends and dont start their least thats what they do at my school...please guys no flame wars or arguements :)

She wasn't flaming or arguing- she was just stating that it seems from your post that you think of them as a group not as each person for themselves. In other words, generalizing/stereotyping.

not starting a flame war or anything and not to be mean but.....i didnt say popular people cant be individual, i just said that because useally the bad "popular" people follow trends and dont start their least thats what they do at my school...please guys no flame wars or arguements :D

Following trends and not starting your own is a parallel phrase to "Not individual."

Just, I guess, in a nicer way.

>__> I am capable of flame wars. This is not one.

Maybe at your school, but at my school they always tease the younger kids and the nerdy ones. I only tease this one boy, Ben. I really hate him. He's so annoying. Believe me, if you knew him, you'd agree. Nobody in the school likes him. He picks and eats his boogars, he farts in class, in band class he won't stop playing his frilly little flute, and he thinks he's mature.
To much information ;_;

I'm quite the social outcast at my school. I kind of draw people away with the way I dress (band tees and jeans w/a studded belt EVERY DAY), but that's their problem. People should like me for me, and the people who do are not usually popular. I don't really care, I just want to enjoy life with people who enjoy having me in their lives.

I tried to be popular in 6th grade. It makes me laugh every time I think about it.

You need to listen to this song, it's really helpful on this topic, about wanting to be "popular" and about copying other people, but you just need to be yourself.


"Get fit in, or get out"

Here's the lyrics >>Click<<

Man I love that song, but It should teach you something about this little trend. :D

Oh how childish ask if someone's popular. Eventually when you grow up, you won't even ask these kinds of questions. No offense.

Actually some "popular" kids are very nice at school, while some are just plain evil! >D Like pick on what you wear, and etc.

They would be called "Center of attention" It just really shows some of them are just spolied on they way the act.

I forgot to say in my first post: No, I'm not popular. I'm more in the middle section. (Maybe you could say lower-middle class? I don't know. Nobody at school doesn't like me, and I have a lot of friends.) I like all the popular kids at my school. They're all super nice. Except for this group of about five girls, who are mean and nasty to everyone. But, they're not really popular. All the popular kids don't like them. They just think they're popular.

Meh, Popularity isn't one of my strong points. I actually couldn't care less about my Social Stature. Sure, Some of the popular Kids in my class .....

(well, its summer now though)

were, that was only one person though, And the rest, Well All i can say is that the Popular guys at my school are all Jocks, The Popular Girls Are Pretty much nothing but Ditzy, and do nothing but Follow Pathetic Trends and Wear Co-ordinated Outfits and talk in Code. Examples of their "Code" would be "Like, Oh my god, Did you watch the O.C last night, like, i know, Seth is So Hot" I couldn't care less about how hot Adam brody looks with just Jeans and his 6-pac. They could go on and on about crap like that. The only Popular people out of the Boy populars and Girl Populars i dont mind are the Boys, They talk about sports and i like sports, But Other than that. Well, yea. Thats my opinion on popularity.



woah this topic has gotten pretty long! a lot of replies with just one wuestion lol :mellow: but anyways............if you think your "popular" go right ahead! but to me there is no such thing as "popularity" :ichigotchi:


Meh, Popularity isn't one of my strong points. I actually couldn't care less about my Social Stature. Sure, Some of the popular Kids in my class .....(well, its summer now though)

were, that was only one person though, And the rest, Well All i can say is that the Popular guys at my school are all Jocks, The Popular Girls Are Pretty much nothing but Ditzy, and do nothing but Follow Pathetic Trends and Wear Co-ordinated Outfits and talk in Code. Examples of their "Code" would be "Like, Oh my god, Did you watch the O.C last night, like, i know, Seth is So Hot" I couldn't care less about how hot Adam brody looks with just Jeans and his 6-pac. They could go on and on about crap like that. The only Popular people out of the Boy populars and Girl Populars i dont mind are the Boys, They talk about sports and i like sports, But Other than that. Well, yea. Thats my opinion on popularity.


I wear coordinated outfits & more expensive clothes then my friends. But I'm not popular I just like to get clothes that suit me. I don't think clothes have much to do with it, Goths spend alot of money on them huge shoes.

I wear coordinated outfits & more expensive clothes then my friends. But I'm not popular I just like to get clothes that suit me. I don't think clothes have much to do with it, Goths spend alot of money on them huge shoes.
I don't know if what you're getting is not all popular people wear expensive clothes or expensive clothes aren't always worn by popular people, but where I used to live if you had some sort of upper social status to live up to, you wore more expensive clothes. Atleast that was my observation.

Of course, I couldn't afford those clothes or the products they used which usually led to outcasting in my homeroom.

I don't know if what you're getting is not all popular people wear expensive clothes or expensive clothes aren't always worn by popular people, but where I used to live if you had some sort of upper social status to live up to, you wore more expensive clothes. Atleast that was my observation.
Of course, I couldn't afford those clothes or the products they used which usually led to outcasting in my homeroom.
Yeah that's what I mean is just because someone wears nice clothes doesn't mean they are popular it's just that they like/can afford them.

When I was in High School some of the popular people wore the worst clothes I have ever seen - they still do. I'm not being nasty, but it's true.

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