Are you short or tall?


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Same here for me: Normal/Small. Both my parents are short. Then again, my best friend is one of the tallest girls in our grade, so... I dunno! :D I don't mind being short, but I do mind not being able to do things just because I'm short, you know?

Same here for me: Normal/Small. Both my parents are short. Then again, my best friend is one of the tallest girls in our grade, so... I dunno! :D I don't mind being short, but I do mind not being able to do things just because I'm short, you know?
How tall are you?

I dunno, around 5 foot I guess. I haven't checked lately. :D I'm in 5th grade (well, going into 6th in Fall) though.

I dunno, around 5 foot I guess. I haven't checked lately. :D I'm in 5th grade (well, going into 6th in Fall) though.
Lol, that would be tall compared to me! I'm nowhere near 5 foot- I'll be 12 in July. :p

I'm short. I am 4"5. I am going to 6th grade in the fall and I'm 10 and a half. I was the smallest and youngest when I was in 5th grade. I don't mind being short. I can fit in small places. But I do mind not being able to do some things tall people can or reach high places. But hey I'm a good climber! :D






(To RM) You just said you were 4"9! That's near enough to five foot for me! xD That's weird. I'll be twelve in August! :D LOL Anyways, back on topic.. Yup, I have a ton of nicknames that involve something of being short from my friends. I don't take any offence because we joke around like that a lot. :p

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(To RM) You just said you were 4"9! That's near enough to five foot for me! xD That's weird. I'll be twelve in August! :D LOL Anyways, back on topic.. Yup, I have a ton of nicknames that involve something of being short from my friends. I don't take any offence because we joke around like that a lot. :p
Well, nearly 4"9. :p xDD

Only one person cals me titch.

Im 5''9 and a half. ^^

Im taller than my mom, brother, and sister (My mom is 5''3, my sister is 5''8, so is my brother).

Im pretty tall for 12 1.5 years old XP

Im 5'5 a few Milli-inches taller then my mom. I get it from my dad's side, his family is tall :/ I want to be short though ><

Hey, I'm the tallest here! That never happens! I'm 16, and I'm 5'4" about. I was 5' even until this year; I'm still the smallest in my class. :D
I'm about 5'5, 5'6. The guy I like, Connor, (who maybe some of you have seen my topics), is like, idk, 6'3, which is tall. But I found out he's 16 and still in the 8th grade. I'm kinda short, but I like being short. I like the look of tall boys but tall girls kinda creep me out. I don't see tall girls too often.


Hey, I'm the tallest here! That never happens! I'm 16, and I'm 5'4" about. I was 5' even until this year; I'm still the smallest in my class. :D
Lucky. >__<. 5''4 is about the Height i would like to be..

Im 5''9 and a half (like i said previously) and im only 13. Its okay, like i usually have to get everything out of the cupboards at home, but i dont mind.

:D Wow, I guess not! You guys are tall! In seventh grade I had this friend, and she was 5'8". No joke! She was really tall! A lot of the boys in my grade are almost 6'. My boyfriend is pretty tall, too. He has a few inches on me!
I'm probably going to be like SK when I'm 18- I'm going into highschool and I was 4 1/2 feet this year.

I like being short [God made me that way] but it makes it alot more difficult when you have people- strangers and friends- making fun of you. :[ It's irritating when someone thinks you're in 6th grade instead of 9th, but it's uber annoying when your own friends call you short/verticaly challenged and crack 'oh so funny jokes' everyday of your life. I like myself as is, but it makes it harder when your friends say you aren't up to par.

I'm probably going to be like SK when I'm 18- I'm going into highschool and I was 4 1/2 feet this year.
I like being short [God made me that way] but it makes it alot more difficult when you have people- strangers and friends- making fun of you. :[ It's irritating when someone thinks you're in 6th grade instead of 9th, but it's uber annoying when your own friends call you short/verticaly challenged and crack 'oh so funny jokes' everyday of your life. I like myself as is, but it makes it harder when your friends say you aren't up to par.
You think that's bad? People always mistake me for a 1st grader. :) It sucks.

RabbitDog saw this photo of me- she thought I was 2 in it, but I was 11.

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You think that's bad? People always mistake me for a 1st grader. :) It sucks. RabbitDog saw this photo of me- she thought I was 2 in it, but I was 11.
Ok, nobody unless they REALLY have a screwed up age-guessing gage, would say you are two and in reality you are eleven. They were probably just messing with you. ;]

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