Are you teeth....


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Have any of you ever had to have surgey on your teeth? I have -shivers- it was NOT fun. The first time I wasn't scared at all because I didn't know what to expect. The minute my parents went away from me I started crying. I screamed when they gave me that icky goofy gas. When they put it over my mouth, I turned my head then they held my head still and was forced to breathe that crap!!! The room was all spiny. o_O The next few times they just gave me an IV. Which wasn't bad at all. My parents agreed to stay in the room until I fell asleep. It was really interesting when I fell asleep with my iPOD on.

I haven;t had a surgery on my teeth or anything in a few years, which is good. =)

Have any of you ever had to have surgey on your teeth? I have -shivers- it was NOT fun. The first time I wasn't scared at all because I didn't know what to expect. The minute my parents went away from me I started crying. I screamed when they gave me that icky goofy gas. When they put it over my mouth, I turned my head then they held my head still and was forced to breathe that crap!!! The room was all spiny. o_O The next few times they just gave me an IV. Which wasn't bad at all. My parents agreed to stay in the room until I fell asleep. It was really interesting when I fell asleep with my iPOD on.
I haven;t had a surgery on my teeth or anything in a few years, which is good. =)
i brush my teeth properly so it is white but i eat lots of candy right afterwards so its brown(because i love chocolate croissants). and i have had surgery on my molar because it didn't grow for a long time after the dentist extracted it so they used laughing gas and like 4 dentists had to make a cut on my left jaw and they had to make stitches. i couldn't brush my teeth for a week after so i used a special mouthwash. i didn't cry but they gave me IV too and gave used an oxygen tank. it actually wasn't that scary.

Oh and also I had a tooth in my jaw and if they hadn't have finally forced it to grow up to my gums, they would have had to break my jaw =O

I use whitening strips once a year, and I've liked the results ever since.

I had to ask a dentist about them before I had permission to use them, and now I feel great about my teeth.

A year ago, I hated my teeth.

The strips taste a little funny, but they are worth it. :D

Well...... I used to have really, really white teeth. But then I got my braces. Now my top teeth are still pretty white, but the bottom ones (especially half of my teeth under the brackets) are more yellow, because it's hard to fit a toothbrush under there.

Mine are white, but not pearly white. xD I have braces and i have this special toothbrush that cleans my brackets really well. ^O^

I use whitening strips once a year, and I've liked the results ever since.I had to ask a dentist about them before I had permission to use them, and now I feel great about my teeth.

A year ago, I hated my teeth.

The strips taste a little funny, but they are worth it. :blink:
Really? I've been thinking about trying some. n___n

I'll admint that I've been slacking on brushing my teeth. D: I dun have braces, my teeth are very straight. It's my least favorite of all hygenic chores... I dun know why though. D:

I don't like brushing my teeth in the morning, especially during school. I grab a peanut butter bagel to eat on the bus with me, and if I brush my teeth before hand, my breath ends up smelling like peanut butter in the end anyway, and the bagel tastes like crap. So most of the time I just don't bother, and take some minty fresh gum with me to chew afterward. :)

Mine are fairly whie with some yellow hints. I've had two cavities~one when I was little in a baby tooth, so that's all gone now. Another one more recently... only it was in between my sealent & my tooth. That one is not my fault. Sealents are put in to prevent cavities between teeth, not give me them. The novacaine hurt like heck when I got that one filled, it was way in the back of my mouth. D:

Aiiee. DD: Someone ELSE used my toothbrush for some weird, disgusting reason, and we got some new ones, but I can't find them! I need to go get my travel toothbrush.


Ugh. My teeth are weird.

I could eat tons of chocolate, drink a gallon of tea, and eat the most teeth-yellowing foods... and they're still pearly white.

I mean it's a good thing that they're like that but it's very weird. Now I'm gonna get braces pretty soon. :rolleyes:

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I gots me some yellow teeth! I am not exactly proud of them, I have never been one to brush my teeth, bad habits die hard unfortunately.

I have had 5 teeth removed (3 wisdom teeth and 2 molars that we couldnt save) and most of my teeth have fillings in them. My dentist said if I dont stop drinking soda and brush twice a day then I will eventually end up losing them all and getting dentures. Well, I live off soda and I still dont brush my teeth much so looks like I will be able to remove my teeth at will when I am old. Yeah, getting teeth pulled hurts like the dickens, but my teeth are so shot as it is (and I know this is bad to say, but at least I am being honest) and I am not willing to stop drinking my wonderful Dr. Pepper and I can try and brush my teeth more but I never actually do it....dont know why, I just forget -shrugs-

So yeah, I have more of a problem with getting fillings than I do with getting teeth pulled. They can drug me up for the pain after a teeth pulling whereas they always screw up my fillings and I have pointy spots and rough edges and I am scared to death of the novicane needles. I have no problem with them hooking up IV's, taking blood, giving shots, etc. Needles have become a close friend of mine in life I guess you would say, but when it comes to my mouth....I dont think I am afraid of anything more than that (except maybe swimming in open water). So yeah, I would rather lose all my teeth and get dentures in the end.

Listen up kids! Smoking....stains....teeth. You thinking about trying that cigarette? Well, dont. It is one of the worst things out there that stain your teeth. Meth ROTS your teeth quicker than anything I have ever seen, sometimes you will hear people talk about meth mouth....yeah, just imagine a person with black teeth that are little falling off in chunks...thats what they are talking about. Coffee stains teeth badly as well, along with tea and soda. So, want white teeth? Dont smoke, dont drink coffee, dont drink tea, dont do drugs, and most of all BRUSH OFTEN!

Take it from me, you dont want teeth like mine lol.

It's my time of year for my teeth to get loose, so I can't whiten them until then, I think. So right now they're yellowish. I don't show my teeth when I smile, and if I did you only see my top teeth. My top teeth always cover the bottom ones, so I have an overbite.

omg i hate my teeth i went to dentist and told him to put my teeth all white but just says ok and doesnt do anything and my mom doesnt want to buy me white strips idk why but my teeth are half white and half yellow

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