b**b question


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As Sweet Kandi said its normal. No one has identical breasts. They might grow and be the same size aproimately. Its actually said that 90% of the time the left is bigger. I'm in the 10% range with my right being bigger!
Its normal. Don't stress
Aw man. Im mainstream.


anyways, yha, its compleatly normal. Its like having one arm longer, or having one foot bigger. Its just how it is.

Its usually, it happends when they grow, they'll even out, change, even out, change, until they are done, they'll be even, right now my right bigger.

I'm a biology major and I don't know why it happens, either! All I know is that more people have it than don't. Almost EVERY woman has one that is at least slightly bigger than the other. my left (non-dominant) is slightly bigger than the right. SO don't worry, it's NORMAL!

Lol. Odd.My right is much bigger.
Same Here.

I feel Lopsided. I'm all "Excuse Me, Lefty, Why Won't You grow? Your Friend Righty is Growing. Don't You want to be like Your Best Friend Righty?." xD. Well, Not Really. I don't actually talk to my Boobs. But I Feel like telling them that. o__o

Is the one the one on your dominant side [the one you write with] larger? Generally your dominant is bigger because you work that arm a little more than your non-dominant side.

It's normal. Just how all the muscles and stuff works. :p
Now im confused, i write with my right hand and the left one's bigger..... :D :( :(

i feel so lonely.... im symetrical...

seriously i think its impossible for me to be symetrical :lol: ''

I had the same worry when my breasts weere just developing, I had this really weird idea that I might have breast cancer and I was freaking out about it :wacko: I finally confronted my mum and she said it was normal and then I felt like an idiot.

I don't have any breasts because I'm only nine well I have small one oh doesn't matter but my friends oldersiter said she thougt the same thing when first had them

Yeah, just like people said, I think it's normal. :) But if the difference is, like, huge, then it's weird! :)

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