Band Names


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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Ok so me and three of my friends are starting a band and we need a name. Here's some info about our band.

It's me and my three friends, Julia and Hannah. We are all in 7th grade, all pretty tall for our age.

JULIA: 13 years old, brown hair and brown eyes and really pretty. Tall

Hannah: Basically the same as Julia except she's 12 I think

Me: 12 years, almost 13, blonde hair, freckles, blue eyes, tall

I have no idea why I just described myself and them but Idk. So we are doing Pop/Rock music. I play drums, Julia does guitar and Hannah sings.

So give us a name or a way that we could potentially find a good name. That would be sooo great! Thanks!


I had a ketchup sandwich for dinner! Along with an egg. :DD

........not at the same time. ;_;

Spiral Staircases

Junk Wires

I'm lame. I'm very lame.

or maybe I play Sims and have fun with junk too much. :DD


lol random idea

Basically Midnight Massacre

All these names are a bit... Ya know.. Cheesy?

Seems like they've got two random words and put them together, for example, Led Zeppelin. (Although this works)

Wait, ignore my names. They're cheesy for pop and rock but not for a lot of other genres and they'd most likely be really unfitting. XD


Best in Psycho

Red Felt Rain

Wild Trauma << is a band from a book I published

Digi-War Tank

Fourtune Un-Found

Sidewalk Rose

Dream-age Symphonics

Sonic Red

X-factor 4 (I thought this one was cool 'cause most music is in 4/4)


Really band names come from the hopes and dreams, or beliefs of the band members... If you can tell us about things you hold dear, we might be able to come up with better names. Remember, Music comes from the soul. You'd want your band name to represent that.

Vertically Exaggerated.
That's genius~ ;D

I personally think that a band name comes from its members, not random people that you don't even know!! I'd confir with your band members and come up with a title that has special meaning for all of you. n____n

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