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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
The Stars
i just got a v1 today yay but i also have a v3 v4.5 and a v5. so i hatched it ad got a babytchi! i named it josh. so it was REALY hungry and REALY unhappy so i feed it and played some games with it untill it was full on both. it lost harts quick and went to the potty 4 times when a baby. well 1 hour later it evolved. yay its a yellow blob tama but on the game it looks like a big shronibabytchi. it pooped 2 more times as a totler. it also got 1 training bar!!! ill add more tomorow.

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my tama got 1 more training bar to make it 2. i also played dance and filled up all happy harts! i also conected to my v3 and my v4.5. ooo it pooped again. i'l post when soething new happens.

my tama was roaling around the screan. aww. and it went potty again. (sigh).i played jump once and lost 3 ponds. it should evolve tomorow. yay. i also feed it one bread. i'll post when more happens.

ok today i got 2 more training bars,played 1 dance and 3 jump,cleaned up 2 times,and it sang to me for a while and for the first time it was taking a bath! i'll post more soon.

a bit erlyer my tama was running around the screen. it also was mad so i praised it to get another training bar. it should evolve tomorow hopfully. i'll post more later.

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my tama woke up and called for me. it needed a time out now it is only 1 bar away from being full!!! josh will evolve later! i also feed it a candy ad played jump. I'll post more when more happens.

sorry i haven't been able to post lately. but josh is a mametchi!!! :furawatchi: it is 4 years old and 42 ponds. i'll play games with it after tamatalk. pm me anytime. ill post soon.

oki will now start puting the stats of my tama here. ok here it is


name josh

age 4

training all

wight 39

gen 1

hundry 4

happy 4

caricter mametchi <_<

ill post more soon.

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ok here are my stats befor it went to bed

name josh

age 5

wight 61( i realy need to play some games

happy 4

hungry 4

gen 1

training all

i'll play games as soon as i get the chance.

ok i've decited to start postinng about all my tamas!!!! ok this is how its going to work i'll post about my v1 when something happens and 'll post about my v3 v4.5 and my v5 at noon and once when they go to bed.(on school days ill just post at night.) here are my other tamas stats


name josh(i realy like that name)

age 4

gender boy

gen 4

wight 45

hungry 4

happy 4

training all

stage mimichi :D

and my v4.5

(brushing teeth)

name josh(again)

gender boy

happy 4

hungry 4

age 5

gen. 5

training all

state ura mametchi

job resterunt smile 114

sparcle 47

smart 87

and my v5

family pika

stage pure mametchi family

bondege 10

happy 5

hungry 5

gen 5

ill post more tomorow

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here is some stuff i forgot to add yesterday

v3. it evolved yesterday

v4.5. got 1600 gp. from the king

v5. got 10 bondedge

ill pos more later

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ok here is a runthrouth of my erlyer generations

v3. i got my v3 1 1\2 years ago. my very first tama was a ketipatchi :furawatchi: . i didn't know how to pase so it left when i was at school. on my v3 i had a gen 4 then reset it because i left it off pase then i had 7 gen. but it turned into an olde so i reset it and here i am now.

v4.5. i never reset it and never had one turn in to a angle. i got it 1\2 of a year ago for crismas.

V5. again no resets no angles and i got it about the same time as my v5. my 1st gen. was a clock tama,a violetechi, and a song noate tama. i've had 2 pure familys a easy-going family and a smart family which i have now.

i'll post more later
