Bra shopping...


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Purchase a white bra. Other colors of bras can stick out in certain colors of shirts :lol: Also, do you wear short sleeves or just straps? If it is short sleeves, they won't show unless you push them down far enough.

Purchase a white bra. Other colors of bras can stick out in certain colors of shirts :) Also, do you wear short sleeves or just straps? If it is short sleeves, they won't show unless you push them down far enough.
Actually nude is the best color to go with. If you're wearing something that's semi-see through it blends in with your skin, where white stands out.

As for bra shopping in general, I hate it >.<

Actually nude is the best color to go with. If you're wearing something that's semi-see through it blends in with your skin, where white stands out.
As for bra shopping in general, I hate it >.<
I hate it too. Good thing I just get the "one size fits all" bras that dont have teh confusing sizes.

I hate it too. Good thing I just get the "one size fits all" bras that dont have teh confusing sizes.
One size fits all? o.o

Doubt it would fit me XD

I go through hell trying to find a bra, and half the time, I don't find one at all. It's a complete pain. The last bra I bought fit fine, and now it's too small. That was all of like 2 months ago.

One size fits all? o.o
Doubt it would fit me XD

I go through hell trying to find a bra, and half the time, I don't find one at all. It's a complete pain. The last bra I bought fit fine, and now it's too small. That was all of like 2 months ago.
They are reffered to as "one size fits all" because they are ajustable. The sizes are XS, S, M, L, XL so its not nervewracking.

Ok first,Here is how you ask your mom, say "Umm... mom I need a new bra? Can you go with me and help me chose?"


I wear boys t-shirts too. They don't look to bad. If you don't like they way it looks get clear strapped, but I won't lie clear strapped still show ><

Sports Bras look really good with boys t-shirts.

There you go

OMG. thats what I do. It works and i got a really pretty white one with bursts of colour and butterflies on it. Its never failed for me.

Oh god, I hate bra shopping. I go with my friends and their like "omg angie why don't you ever buy lacy bras???" My answer:

"because lacy bras are for w***** who are trying to be older than they really are"

That up there? IGNORE IT!


One word. Strapless. They rock!
[SIZE=14pt]They are good but there's a slight problem with them.Without the straps the tend to shift in flight and slide down. xD very irritaing in class (that's why I switched back to straps annoying as they are)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]They are good but there's a slight problem with them.Without the straps the tend to shift in flight and slide down. xD very irritaing in class (that's why I switched back to straps annoying as they are)[/SIZE]
Ya I agree, that's why I hate strapless... And the cups come out.. :)

When I would like pull it up they would ask if i had stuffed my bra, haha.

[SIZE=14pt]Yeah plus without the straps the bra doesn't look as it's supposed to (as in the cup is supposed to be on the skin but with strapless it doesn't).The top tip of the bra shows too. >< [/SIZE]

well all my bras are uncomfortable so sometimes I even go braless but if i do i just wear like two three layers and wear a jacket

when i brought it up to my mom i said "mom i think its time i get, the NOT sports kind" and she got really exited actually ;) so yeah

Well, since you wear Boy T-Shirts, you should try to hide the bra straps as much as you can, or just wear girl T-Shirts. :huh:

I suggest you buy a plain white bra that is your size. Other colored bras can be seen through some T-Shirts, and that can be pretty embarrassing.

Yes, for the first couple of times I suggest you ask your mom to help you pick out a bra to wear, since you don't know the first few times. I asked my mom, and it really helped.

Good luck. :D

Well If you have anything, Start with an A cup. I wear a 34 A cup. Your Size might vary. Yes! Let your mom help you! She knows a lot more about bras then you do. She will help out! :D

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