Bratz Dolls


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
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British Columbia, Vancouver Island
I'm just curious to hear what your view on Brats dolls is. Do you like Bratz dolls? Do you think they're appropriate for young girls? Why or why not?

In my opinion, I think they're absolutely grotesque. Bratz Babies are definately the worst. I mean, cmon. A baby with her navel pierced and her crotch showing. :eek: I'm sooo glad I'm having a boy, lol!

If I ever were to have kids(which I wont so I have no worries), I wouldn't let them anywhere near bratz.

Last thing the world needs is little girls to learn how to be whores from dolls.

I've been actually hiding this secret for a while...I'm afraid of dolls.Any dolls.Mostly those big old fashioned dressed ones.

If I ever were to have kids(which I wont so I have no worries), I wouldn't let them anywhere near bratz.Last thing the world needs is little girls to learn how to be whores from dolls.
No kidding. I saw this four-year-old girl in two inch knee high boots the other day, holding a half naked Bratz doll. I was like, "...Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?"

It's just shocking, really.

I don't really see the dolls as skanks.

I just think they are pretty.

When I was young my favourite doll was a Little Mermaid doll.


EDIT - Forgot to close the tabs.

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How old are you?
I'm 13.

I don't really see what that has to do with anything though.


The only thing I thought was a bit OTT was the fact that the babies wore G-Strings.

I used to be obsessed with Bratz dolls when I was a kid. I had about 60. =D

They aren't that bad.

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Oh come on. They're not that bad, jeez! They're just dolls. Dolls are meant to be played with, not to be all "ZOMG WTF DIS DOLL IZ SO SLUTTY" God -.-

Oh come on. They're not that bad, jeez! They're just dolls. Dolls are meant to be played with, not to be all "ZOMG WTF DIS DOLL IZ SO SLUTTY" God -.-
Yes, and most people who buy Bratz to play with don't even know what a skank is.

You guys are just making a mountain out of a mole-hill. -.-

I don't like Bratz at all!,

They is this girl who lives next door to me (Let's call her A ) My Mum made me to go A's house , I went in A's bedroom I was like, ' You have loads of bratz , right? ', Everything in A's bedroom is BRATZ! even her draws , blankets and thing that A get changes behind!! it really freaks me out!

P.S I never went over A's house again!

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