britney spears


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Shes still a person who deserves to be treated equally. Do you think she would be like this if she was normal? No. You would go insane if people stalked you, spread rumors in magazines and judged everything you do...

I do feel sorry for her because people hate her just because she has kids and shaves her head, but did you know that she shaved her head because her hair was very unhealthy. She kept bleaching it so she had to do something. I feel terrible for her.

Yes, Chris Crocker.
If you're serious, then don't worry--I don't make fun of her.
CHRIS CROCKER! HE MAKES FUN OF HER! U PPL DONT SEE IT BUT HE NO CARE. ... unless this is a user on TT and not the youtube account. The youtube chris crocker = BAD... BAD.. AND, BAD!

I feel somewhat sad, but some of the things she did were her choice to do, and if she used better judgement they wouldn't have happened.

Why do more ppl hate Miley Cyrus than Britney Spears? I dont get it. Miley haven't done anything nearly as bad as Britney.
Seriously. This is a Britney Spears topic. Not a Miley topic. :/

I think people just need to leave her alone. *shrug*

She'll get better, I would think.

I wish everyone could forget she exists. I mean.. I am not at all a fan of hers but no one deserves to be exploited and betrayed the way she has been. She has made some poor decisions, but everyone who is supposed to be close to her has sold out some secret to the tabloids rather than considering trying to help her. She is clearly in over her head, whether it is stress or a mental illness like depression or Bipolar Disorder, and the attempts to help her have been slim to nil. Her friends and family should be ashamed of themselves. I hope things become more stable for her so she can get herself out of this terrible mess she has created.
I agree. Her friends and especially her family need to support her instead of treating her like dirt. I know she's made some poor decisions in her life but I mean she didn't ask for her manager to secretly put loads of drugs into her food and everything and she's been stressed though in a way, part of it is her fault. They SHOULD be quite ashamed of themselves.

She just needs those reporters to stop stalking her 24/7. It's like shes taking a turd and evreyones like OMG BRITTANYS TAKING A TURD then evreyone takes pictures of her doing her buisness if those reporters just buggered off her life would be less stressful.

In short talk I pity her :(

I wish everyone could forget she exists. I mean.. I am not at all a fan of hers but no one deserves to be exploited and betrayed the way she has been. She has made some poor decisions, but everyone who is supposed to be close to her has sold out some secret to the tabloids rather than considering trying to help her. She is clearly in over her head, whether it is stress or a mental illness like depression or Bipolar Disorder, and the attempts to help her have been slim to nil. Her friends and family should be ashamed of themselves. I hope things become more stable for her so she can get herself out of this terrible mess she has created.
i Agree, she dident grow up in a very good family eather.her parents were always fighting, she had to call her uncle to get away from it, i dont really care about her and dont feel bad about what she did to herself she can work it our

why cant she be like Shania Twain and pack up and move to switzerland or somewhere like brazil? Bryan Adams is retired. Why cant Britney? well in our society, its NEVER enough. Fame. Attention. wealth. Its taken some (hint hint) celebrities over. It can go to their heads. I'd retire after making a couple million. Its enough for me.
I know its off topic but Shania moved to Wanaka.

Back on topic...

I think you'd go insane if people stalked you and your whole life was someones joke.

Just imagine someone following you just for random STUPID things like, a different haircut or new outfit you got, wouldn't you go crazy, I sure would. If Paparazzi, photographers and other types of Media would stop being up her face I think she would be more healthier *sycologicly* Like when she was innocent 16 yrs old.

Also comedy acts, and channels make fun of Britany Spears, like she is poser and other some what,bad things. I would also go crazy.

Just think of it this way, some *rude* Girl or Guy was being up your face making fun of your cloths, religon ( or something ) and doing it NON-STOP every single day, would you be at least a tad or even more then a tad upset? I would go crazy in sadness.

Just as other TamaTalkers have said Just leave poor birtany alone!

Britany Get better!

~TP~ :D

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