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I was bullied for nine years without the teachers doing anything, but it was because i was different in any way. they made a big deal out of everything i did wrong, because they had codes for everything, fashion, choice of subjects, who your friends were... fashoin code for girls were very tight jeans and short tops, even in winter. you could of cousre not wear anything thicker than a college sweather. The other ones smeared their faces with makeup, while i wore almost nothing. they bleached their hair to almost white, while i kept my natural, dark red-brown color and wore long, dark garments (i was one of the only four labeled goths). I paid attention in class, and that labeled me "free-range punching-bag". i READ during lunch and instead of eating cinnamon buns and drinking coke, the fashionable food, i had a packed lunch everyday. once they poured soap into my lunchbox.

in winter, while the other kids almost froze to death in their skimpy attires, i was wrapped in my long black cashmere cloak. i still have that, and it's a daring garment for a narrow-minded community. in my spare time, in stead of hanging out in the malls, i hung out at the coffee shop and the art gallery (i still do). I remember they drew a caricature of me in the girl's room. it was explicit for all the wrong reasons, and the principal contacted the police.

I woke up every morning with a stomach ache. but as they kept it going on, i also thought they were pathetic. they were culturophobic, weak and feeble. it was hard to hold that thought when they spat on me or beat me up for being who i was. sometimes they still harass me on the street, but do you know what? They're losers. i am soon twenty years old, and i have a job and an assigned spot in the local art gallery one month a year. the bullies are mainly workless morons who either still lives at their mom's or is abusing welfare money. I have a life!!!

I have because one day in gym,sice im the worst people that are good but don't follow directions are like "your terrible!"and "im going to pick you so I can beat you"But they must not be good if their picking the slowist and I follow directions and get a B for trying.

Bullies are mean.

I dunt like them.

I just hate the ones who try to act all "Cool" and it works, so they think they have the right to bully people :/

I'm kinda one of those kids who is loved by the teachers and hated by everyone else.

Once I remember I was racing this kid, and I accidentally bumped him, he fell over or something and scraped his arm (Haha, he deserved it.) He was gonna beat the crap out of me, made threats, but the teacher gave him detention for like. . . ever ._.

The only kind of bullying I get now is when someone takes a verbal shot at me or something. This kid Nick or something calls me a b!tch out of nowhere, it ticks me off but I guess I don't really care.

Then there's my friend Austin x3 We knew eachother in grade school, but when I transferred to Crosswinds, I think maybe he went Bipolar? o_O Half of the time he's my friend, and the other half he just randomly comes up to me and makes insults.

Usually I just say "Okay :]" and he gets all ". . . ._." and walks away.

Yesterday,this girl named Sydney got a complatiment from this girl and shes like "because everyone loves me!".

Somtims I just want to slce her open rip out her insides and roaster her over a fire and give her to the sharks and eat the insides for lunch and take her braces and melt them into a key chain and play frisbe with her retainer.Sorry.I see her as and ugly no it all anda stupid Miss.Perfect midegt b****!

I've never been bullied actually. I've been labeled, but not exactly bullied.

However, I am friends with the most random people. Including bullies. Seriously, I don't know why. I'm friends with everyone. This one time I was talking to this really awesome chick in class, and once she left this guy comes up to me and was like, "Why are you talking to her? She's a bully, and it makes you look bad." And I was like, "SO?! She's a very sweet girl!"

I don't like having enemies, and when I do, I try to be their friend or I'll just ignore them. If it becomes a problem, i'll tell an adult.


OH, I just remembered! This girl threatened to beat me up on myspace because she claimed to make this awesome piece of photography that's all over photobucket and I told her that she hadn't taken that picture and she got all butt-hurt. Anyway, when I saw her that week she hid from me and I just laughed at her. She's afraid of me because she knows I'll report her. I have all of the evidence. It's fun to laugh at her face.

I'm the least athletic person in my class.

Because of that, I'm picked on during Gym.

I love gym --especially Dodgeball and ringtoss!-- but they say "Get ____ out, no one will care!" But I care.

Half of the class got detention for wanting to kick me out of Gym fro the rest of the year.

I'm kinda one of those kids who is loved by the teachers and hated by everyone else.
I am for the most part too. Almost everyone at my school is an idiot, so I just try not to associate myself with them and keep my distance, though I must admit, it's hard considering they're constantly there. All my teachers I've ever had (excpet possibly one) love me, but other kids my age dislike me, so in my school I'm an outcast.

@ Goggle-Face - I'm one of the least athletic in my grade and pretty much everyone in gym hates me, not to mention, everyone expects me to be fast and good at basketball since I have long legs. It turns out, I'm slow and I can barely manage to play basketball without accidently hitting myself in the face with the ball.

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Where I come from, well, it's what they don't say, rather than what they do. Every one of the girls hug each other, tell each other how much we love them, gush about how beautiful they are. It really is a self confidence heaven. BUT, we stick to the saying, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all, so, when they don't constantly complement you, or tell you how much they love you, you know you don't fit in. Luckily, the only kids that don't fit in are the ones that are rude, or if you are racist, or that type of thing. The reason I get shunned a lot is because my family is a little bit better off financial wise. I know you would think that would make me more popular, but it doesn't, it does the opposite. They feel awkward, like they think that I believe I'm better than them or something, I don't really know. Like when I donated $200 to the choir when they asked for 5. I don't know how they figured that out, I tried to keep it hidden, but there really aren't secrets at my school. It's like we're all one person. Anyway, that got me odd stares and several awkward conversations. Also, I get teased a lot for being a dumb bimbo blonde, but that's usually just jokingly. Plus, I kinda earn that title:

Teacher: Phoebe, who was the first president of Texas?

Me: Ummm.... 3?

Another example:

Teacher: Quickly, without thinking, pick a number 1 through 4!

Phoebe: SIX!

Teacher: *laughs*

Phoebe: You told me not to think!

So, yea. My pet name with my lighthearted teachers is blondie.

I have because one day in gym,sice im the worst people that are good but don't follow directions are like "your terrible!"and "im going to pick you so I can beat you"But they must not be good if their picking the slowist and I follow directions and get a B for trying.
Same thing with me, I'm terrible at gym, but I get the opposite reaction. Everyone avoids me in gym, because I damage myself and anyone within a 10 ft radius of me. At first everyone thought it was amusing, and always picked me as their partner, but after several incidents with a tennis racket they learned their lesson and kept their distance. Oh, how could I forget that one time playing baseball with my cousin's stupid perverted friend? Well, I don't really regret that one... *snickers* Also that one time with kickball and my shoe flying off and killing a squirrel. I felt bad for that one for a long time, but my friends thought that it was the funniest thing in the world.

Yes people bully me because I am a kid with disabilities. So they are really mean and guess what i dont see them as much classes as before.

I where bright or nice clothes when i like a boy or more

I where dull colors when i am lazy or bored

From samizer0313 or Steph in club penguin

Disabilities means someone that learns at a slower rate

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I am physically and mentally bullied.

There is this one person who claims to "be my friend". He always hits me and punches me. It really hurts, but I pretend to ignore it.

There is also a group of boys who just annoy me so much. They always make fun of me, over stupid things.

I do have friends though. I don't really care what "social" class I'm in, as long as I have friends which I like and can trust. I am pretty good in school, especially Gym. I get a 100% and I don't even try. It's a nice feeling acing things without having to do anything. :p

I don't like bullies, but there are tons of them at my school.

Been bullied since i was in preskool, every1 knew the "R" word and on the last day, realized they're calling me that!

In kinderguarden i was used by every1. ;) :( ;)

1-5, i was the class idiot when it came to gossip :) :lol: :D

6-7, harrast by boys! (one time i was u-know-wat-harrast) :eek: B) :p

But i'll get my revenge sumday, me and my friends will!!! "MUUUAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" :D :D :D

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Teachers love me.Boys ALWAYS bug me.Im the slowest in my gym class.Scared of balles.Hate running.

Teachers love me.Boys ALWAYS bug me.Im the slowest in my gym class.Scared of balles.Hate running.

Three words 'Bully's are Stupid'...nuff said
Y'know something. Bullies are people so you my friend are calling someone stupid.

Even though they ARE bullies they're still people and people should be treated with RESPECT

heck yes,i've been bullied lots of times,mostly it's because of my shortness (lol!) so they tall guys in my grade give me a hard time(some of the girls 2 sometimes) ;) On the bright side my friends think it's cute to be small.And I like it. :(

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The only reason people talk behind your back, is because you are ahead of them.

I've been called a bully:

I had found out I had three-way on my phone, so me and this girl decide to call my friend, Kate. Well, when her mom picks up, the girl says it's one of the boys in out class. Then Kate found out it wasn't. Within five minutes my dad was yelling because her dad called mine and said I was a bully, and a bunch of other crap, saying that I called her names, and she came home crying. Surrre. Next thing I know, the school is involved.

It didn't get better. I mean, it blew over.. but that was unnecessary.

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