Catch phrases


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Um I got this one from an icon. I say:

[SIZE=14pt]"Harry Potter,you're the one. You make bathtime lots of fun!"[/SIZE]

XD XD I say that weird silences. Once when we were taking a Social Studies test and the teacher had to leave the room for a minute and I yelled that out and made the whole class crack up!! XD

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I Like Cookies xD


that is so... IDOL

* IDOL is a chat phrase i invented...*





it's used when being sarcastic..

This is seriously an inside thing, but if someone is acting like a nerd. (I usually have to deal with it, so yeah) I say "At least you dont have a braid" >D

Mine is "I like Skitty!"

Lol, I have a few catch phrases.

1. (Me and my friend from school) "God, your such an idiotic frick!"

2. " I'll get back to you on that one."

3. (XD From me and my best friend) "Mohito"

Heehee, my two best friends (including the one above) and I always say "Meeehhhh..." when we have nothin else to say. :furawatchi:

Most of my catchphrases include filthy language. =3

But I say "Oh meh gee" when I'm feeling sarcastic. >=P

I often say: 



"What the heck!"
Yeah. I actually agree with you on that one.

I go like "Coolness" when someone says something smart,

and instead of saying, "What the Heck!"

I go "What the Hey?!"

Whenever someone mentions cricket (either the sport or the insect), I go "YAY!". Cricket is my favourite sport.

I also say fluke and flukey alot. Rhymes with Luke :eek:

Lol funny. When I've run out of things to say or there's an awkward silence, I usually say "I like cheese." I like potatoes too so once I went around school with a "Do the peace sign if you like potatoes" sign.

Mine are... "W00t! boyz r coming!!1!1" :eek: and "Oh mah Godz!!1!11!"

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Um I got this one from an icon. I say:
[SIZE=14pt]"Harry Potter,you're the one. You make bathtime lots of fun!"[/SIZE]

XD XD I say that weird silences. Once when we were taking a Social Studies test and the teacher had to leave the room for a minute and I yelled that out and made the whole class crack up!! XD
LOLZ. Sometimes I say ' I think i'm getting weird looks' or 'don't look at me weird or i will pokey you'

I always say 'lovely' at everything. Ash sat on me and i simply said 'lovely'. I also say 'Owwies' alot as i always get boo boo's

Beastly, I icked it up from my cousin.. Beast and Beastly mean awesome. She is a nut, but I love her. XD

And I say 'like' about 5 times in every sentence.
I generally say (for some weird reason):

I reside in the north pole, where do you reside?


On the weekend, I died.


I go a wobbling all day long. (it's on Friday I say that. OH YAY, I CAN SAY IT TODAY!!!)

or, this morning, i rang my aunt, she asked me what i was doing today. This is how the conversation went:

Aunt: What are u doing today?

Me: I'm dying.

Her: That's a terrible thing to be doing, why are you dying?

ME: Tropical disease, i can't seem to get used to the heat here, I'm so used to residing in the north pole.

Her: AAAAAaaaaaaaah, I see.

We have these kinda jokes all the time.

Yeah, every time I say 'like', mum starts putting on this really irritating american accent (we're Australian) that sounds NOTHING like an american accent. I say 'like' too much, everyone at school does.

I know. This actually happened with me and my friend at the mall.

Me: We could, like, buy, like, all of these, like, things! They're like, so awesome and, like, so cool.

Friend: Stop saying like! You said it 5 times!

Me: Sorry, but, like, I can't, like, help it.

My friend thinks it might be some sort of stammer. =S

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Mine's probably ''Wow...'' and ''I know what you did, *sob*, I didn't think you'd have to lie to me, *sob* So NEVER talk to me again!'' I always say that to ma friends and guys in my class. And their like ''WTH(heckness)?'' xD

Ohh and here's how a funny conversation went yesterday:

Me and Crystal: *helping out by bringing chairs into a classroom*

Me: *knocks on door*

Boy: *answers door* Yes? (he was the elf in our christmas preformance)

Me: not an elf. GOD! *sob* I didn't think you'd have to lie to me...I thought we'd be truthful from now on. *sob* So NEVER talk to me again!"

Boy: What!?

Me: *scratches finger* Aw..*sob* And now I'm BLEEDING! Your so mean to me! Wow...

Crystal: *bursts out laughing*


PWN3D! For example (AIM conversation):

Me: Hi


*10 mins of random talk*


Taylor: lmho

Me: Andrew just got PWN3D!

Taylor: wat do you mean? he duznt have an AIM

Me: I dunno. I just like to say that

Taylor: kk bye

Oh yeah, and "Whateva, whateva! I do what I want!" Like Cartman.

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