Cell Phone Or iPod?


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I know you've probably got one or the other by now, but I just wanna say why I said Cell Phone:

If you got an iPod, you could listen to music etc, but on a Cell Phone you can do that, watch videos, go on the internet, play games etc. A lot of people I know have a phone and an iPod, but I don't get it. You could play music on your phones...

Hope you are happy with whatever you got in the end.


I have an iPhone 3G and I love it. Now I don't need an iPod or a cellphone.

Personally, it's the best phone I've had in my life and I've gone through about nine phones so far (which is odd, because I'm only 14.) You'll have a lot of fun with it, and despite the pay as you go price, I totally recommend it...if your dad is willing to get it for you...seeing as it's pricey.

Yeah, I agree with most people. Get a phone, then just buy yourself a cheap mp3. My old one cost twenty dollars and it held eight hundred songs.

Depends what you want to do with it.

I have an iPod Touch and it does fine for me as I can e-mail peopel straight from it

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