Christmas Group Hatch Log!


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Hello all,

Sorry I did not update last night was in a really lazy mood and was just chilling watching films and eating hehe!

Tabitha evolved into Yumeitchi, I am really pleased with this as she looks absolutely adorable.

Nothing else to really report apart from the usuals: I played some games (balloon being my favourite), Tabitha attended dream school to perfect her perfoming skills and she also attended Yumex TV and put on a little show with her friends which was really cute.

Tabitha is currently just having a chilled morning pottering about her living room whilst I am currently hard at work (well pretending to be hahah)


Species: Yumeitchi

Age: 3 years

Weight: 19 lb

Gen: 1

Class: Performer

Gotchi points: 21400p

Hunger hearts: 5/5

Happy hearts: 5/5

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Let us all give a warm welcome to... Joely the Purimatchi! Probably the first adult in this hatch, it seems (EDIT: totally didn't read the post above me! xD Joely is the second adult). She evolved not too long after she (and I) woke up. I have to work a 9 hour shift today and will probably end up pausing her. It's either that or pause my 32 year old Otokitchi on my V3, which I don't want to do.

Isn't she pretty? Here she is trying out the skirt I found in the shop when she was just a baby:

I think it suits her quite well. She should be getting to choose a job tomorrow; she evolved with her skill points 138/61/29, so I'm probably now going to work on the other categories so she has a better chance of getting a good job. I'll probably be back to update tomorrow, see you all later!


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Anyone else here forget to bring a light source out with a Tamagotchi in the dark?

Day Something:

9:42 Gotchi King won't stop with giving me pencils like crazy.



(nts:insert img soon)



One Train Bar before full.


And... More pencils. ✏ ✏ ✏ ✏



Pie is now a Uramemetchi

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It seems like today is Melodytchi's birthday.


Sorry I haven't been posting! I've kinda been ignoring the twins so they've been on pause for awhile (opps D:). Both of them are still just teenagers, but I'm hoping to take them off pause later this evening and then really start paying attention to them again. That's all I've got for now but I promise I'll have more next time I post! ^_^


Hello all, sorry for the late update, but here is our Wendula!!Shes actually 3 years old as i type, and she should be evolving tonight or tomorrow morning! Just as i expected, she evolved into an Oniotchi(low-care teen), i looove this teen despite my carelessness leading to this growth.

For the past 3 days I've been taking very good care of her, but her happy Hearts dropped a lot quicker than her hungry Hearts which is pretty typical for low-level-care teen. Three times I found her happy hearts down to two, but I think she should be fine.

I'm currently afflicted by an "average-care-curse" where all I get are average-care characters, but I'm hoping I get a good-care or a great-care character this time around. I'll update after she evolves. Im getting Nyorotchi vibes :s they always pop up on this v2..

I love this photo, look at the hot, crispy little onion x)

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Name: Terubotchi

Age: 0

Weight: 29g

Gen: 7

Sex: female

My Nokobotchi transformed into a Himespetchi. I already got Himespetchi... ;o;

I still had "special moments" with her ewe

I hope my Terubotchi transforms into Neotchi so I could get Yumemitchi~


So tons happened yesterday and today.

Yesterday in the evening, Lil' Ugly evolved from her toddler form into her teenage form. I ended up getting the middle care evolution, which for Music Star is the lil' strawberry Tamagotchi thing. Today in the morning, she started her first day of school and started a band with the monkey tama and the fire lump tama (man, I can't be bothered to even look up their species name X3).

So far Lil' Ugly's been mostly living offa donations from the king. Money's tight so she's only been eating cheap junkfood like hot dogs and.. mostly hot dogs. Today, the king sent her a Latino music album, which we can't even party because we got no stereo and apparently she's underage(??). For no good reason there are some items you can't use if your pet's not old enough.

I dunno how the heck Lil' Ugly manages to find amusement in a mirror. How's that even a toy ·<·?

Update @ 12:40 am: My tamagotchi evolved into a Violetchi in her sleep.

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Hello all,

Tabitha got married to a dashing Kuchipatchi.

They both hatched an egg and currently spending time before leaving bubba in my care and go explore the world together.

Final Tabitha stats:

Species: Yumeitchi

Age: 5 years

Weight: 21 lb

Gen: 1

Class: Performer

Gotchi points: 26400p

Hunger hearts: 5/5

Happy hearts: 5/5

I'm going to miss Tabitha but I wish her all the best on her journey and look forward to looking after & reporting on the bubba!

Oops. I've been out with strep throat, sorry for slacking.

Wuback (4U) is a Pondetchi (lion guy) and is killing me with his kawaiiness!!! Rayza (4U+) is an Orenetchi! The neglecting paid off and I'm really happy :)

Idk what else to post. They both got their 48 hour care tamatomo's yesterday, and I found some of Wuback's others.

Bye for now!

Totally forgot to update yesterday because I was really busy. Joely is doing great, as always. She's now five years old and the matchmaker should be coming for her tomorrow. I won't be continuing on to raise her baby as I want to go back to running my Plus or my Angel. I definitely had fun with the V4.5 though.

Joely got to choose a job yesterday and ended up being accepted for the first job she tried for - catching balloons at the circus.

I can't for the life of me figure out the minigame for it, though.


Totally forgot to update yesterday because I was really busy. Joely is doing great, as always. She's now five years old and the matchmaker should be coming for her tomorrow. I won't be continuing on to raise her baby as I want to go back to running my Plus or my Angel. I definitely had fun with the V4.5 though.

Joely got to choose a job yesterday and ended up being accepted for the first job she tried for - catching balloons at the circus.


I can't for the life of me figure out the minigame for it, though.
I realized that technically our Tamagotchi are twins :eek:

What are you gonna try to marry her to?

Back on topic:

The Train Bar is full

113 /131/ 62

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Ehh, today was sorta uneventful. Or maybe that's just because I don't remember much of it? Lil' Ugly's skill stats are all over 600 now. She spent her last day at school with het band mates and successfully pro debuted after their second try.

Finally don't hafta worry about living off the king's handouts.

She moved up the charts pretty quick and is probably ranked 5th in the world right now?

Also, her band members evolved into a robot tama and the fuzzy blue tama with the yellow hat. I'm planning to marry Lil' Ugly off to one of them this time. As of right now, all she's focusing on is practicing on the drums and playing with the mirror. She is a simple woman.

PS: Still can't figure out photos.

Hello all!

I forgot to mention Tabitha had a baby boy which I named Toby (sticking with the T theme.)

Toby evolved into a Turtletchi yesterday and just evolved into Cosmotchi (super cute!)


Species: Cosmotchi

Age: 1 year

Weight: 17 lb

Gen: 2

Class: Chef

Gotchi points: 23000p

Hunger hearts: 5/5

Happy hearts: 5/5

Toby is really interested in becoming a chef as he has taken after his father (Kuchipatchi) for his love of food. He has attended Chef class and is hoping to perfect his cooking skills.

Update: After attending several cooking classes Toby achieved the chef class and is delighted, we're going to celebrate his cooking skills with a trip to the music cafe!

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I forgot to add Kujakutchi's sprite on my previous post... :p

Here it is:



"Cup 'o tea anybody?? They call this one Smoked dragon tea, and it's rather quite exquisite.."

So just as I said, the curse strikes Back. I'm pretty happy with my results considering there was still some sort of plot twist being Kusatchi as opposed to Nyorotchi. This character is from one of the original versions. Such a pretty name for such a beautiful plant. I'll be updating in the next days and after Wendy meets the Matchmaker.




~Happy New Year!~

(You can also click on that image to get the .jpg file for the background)


Joely married an Ura Kuchipatchi this morning and had a baby girl! As I said, I won't be raising her daughter right away, so I'll be out of this hatch after she leaves tomorrow night. I have a picture which I'm going to edit in momentarily since my computer is not cooperating right now.




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