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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2008
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My class.

Boys = weird

Girls = crazy

I am errrrr......

Well idk what i am.

I am kind of Punk/rock/tomboy/girly/popular.

Theres this one kid in my class named "lance" and everyone says hes a jerk *which he is*

and if you dont beileve me

well im ok with that.

but he hates my bookmark

and hes scared of it.

so when i show it to him

he screams

and ryan says

"What lance, did you look in the mirror again?"


And bacically school is a rollar coaster

You always have your ups and downs

Smiles and frowns

Love and hate

Fear and fate

Well, I have a lot of classes. The kids at my school are... Ugh. Very... Stereotypical. I'd say we're about 2/9 white, 2/3 either Mexican, Black, or a mix of the two, and 1/9 asian. I'm part of the 2/9 white, and so I get called white trash, preppy, dumb blonde, and some other names that the mods won't let me repeat. It doesn't help that I have a wealthy family and get straight A's. My stuff gets jacked a lot. In all, everything is pretty ghetto. There have been 73 gang fights with blades since the beginning of the year. I'm thinking about transfering, if it gets to the point where I'm too afraid to go to school. The thing is though, I've been with these kids for my whole life, I really don't want to leave.

Soo, yea. Not the best school.

I'm smart so my form class and compulsary subject classes are nerdy kids mostly and not the cool sort of nerdy like me. I can only count -thinks- 5 people including me that aren't completely absorbed in smart stuff and have awesome lives.

Last year I had an awesome teachers-think-were-way-too-loud class and I miss them!

In my choice subjects Ecs is half nerds half loud and obnoxious people

In drama we are all spastic idiots but thats how we like it! [MOTHER DUCK! THE FLOOR IS MADE OF LAVA]

In EVS its 3/4 nerds and in the back row sits me, Maddy, Laura, Paggy[What an unfortunate name] and two others and we are loud and yell alot and get high off crayons, daw ducks and run riot on the school because in EVS 1/2 the period is out doors and often free range.

So I love drama and EVS for the noise! But need to drug my form class.

My school is a Gymnastics school so this year I was put in the Gym Class even though I dont do Gym. So I share a classroom with Year 2's-7's [im a year 7]. But the Year 5's-7's have 1 teacher and the other people have a different teacher. Our little mini class of 5's-7's has about -counts- 14 people in it. There are only 4 boys which are my age and me and my friend are the only Year 7 girls. And there's only 3 loud people in the class so it gets immensly boring [last year, everyone was loud]. Work is easy and boring.

My class is boring.

Our school is pretty cool, as far as schools go. I'm accepted for the fact that I'm clumsy and I've only been labelled "Klutz" or "Airhead" by a couple of the younger jerks. (See, I can label them right back). After around 6 months of living here in America, I've managed to make friends with pretty much the entire school. And the majority are nice kids, but you're always going to get the few jerks who can't accept you if you don't play sports excellently, look beautiful 100% of the time, and have a smooth, cool personality. Naturally, I go against the crowd and be myself; clumsy, my own trendsetter and not so judgmental. But I have my whole group of lovelies, and my class is a really cool bunch, so I get along just fine.

Well, In my class of 27 kids that I have all year.

In every single class.

All day.

They all suck.

I mean, I basically have Sophia, Karen, Michael and Nick.


I'm trying to convince my parents to send me to a public school.

Wish me luck.

Okay, let me clarify.

There are a few "okay" kids.

My good friends.

And then the rest.

Really, I just want to get the hell out of here.

I'm so tired of it.

Today, I'm having a talk with my parents about it.

Both of them.

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I'll explain my classes with smiles.

1st Period; :]

2nd Period; -.-

3rd Period; =D

4th period; D:<

5th Period; .-.

6th Period; =/

7th Period; xD

8th Period; =DD xD :3 :]

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Sky, I'm partially stealing your idea. Now I'll have a place to start.

Homeroom: Homeroom is a fail. I get to see Sarah, but otherwise it sucks. D:<

Period 1: (HONORS ENGLISH 9) The class itself is a terrible fail. The people in it are alright though. I guess.

Period 2: (WEB PUBLISHING) I have no friends in this class. There are only like, 10 kids in the class anyway though. It's so much fun though. I can get on here and Gaia and stuffs. :3

Period 3: (HONORS BIOLOGY) This is probably my favorite class of the day, or one of them. I sit by Sarah, Logan, and Sammi. We have so much fun. And the teacher is really nice. :]

Period 4: (HONORS WORLD HISTORY) Probably my LEAST favorite class of the day. I don't have any friends in that class, and we always do group work. D:<

LUNCH! I don't have many friends in lunch - our lunches are split up into 2 periods, and 4 different cafeterias. D: Last year at the Junior High, I sat with like, 10 (or more) of my friends. This year, I sit with 3. D: But it's alright.

Period 5: (HONORS GEOMETRY) I hate this class a lot, too. I don't understand geometry. I just don't. I'm a whiz at algebra, but geometry I just don't get. And I don't have any friends in this class, either.

Period 6: (CHORUS) I like this class, but I'm usually too exhausted by this time of day and don't feel like singing. The people in there are pretty nice though. :]

Period 7: (JAPANESE 1) I love this class. The teacher hates me, but meh. I have so many friends in here. :]

Overall, I get along with the kids at school pretty well. None of the guys are hot, and everybody says that. We have our cliques, but it's not too hostile or anything. I dunno. I don't have a problem with it.

^ *Steals Idea. D: *


1st + 2nd Period: 3 boys in my class are posers. -.-

3rd period [spanish,Gym or Health] : I like almost everyone in my class.

4th Period: ROFL LUNCH. xDD

5th Period: Band: I love everyone there. <3 SSR: -.- ROB: I hate ROB.

6th Period: I have posers in my class. -.-

7th Period: Dr.Battisti immitates students, and Steve always gets sent to the office. xD But I kinda like the class.

8th Period: My classroom is okay...

Jazz Band: -Everyone: That's not a class.. -.- - I like everyone there, but sometimes the Trumpets forget to play. ._.

Well, boys in my class aren't very interesting. Some of them are stupid perverts and some of them are nerds... Ugh.

Girls... Well, my friends are kinda nice, but other girls are just annoying. Making fun of me and my friends. :)

So, our class isn't so great, but I've got used to it! :) And now I think it's kinda fun to be together!

Well, I have a lot of classes. The kids at my school are... Ugh. Very... Stereotypical. I'd say we're about 2/9 white, 2/3 either Mexican, Black, or a mix of the two, and 1/9 asian. I'm part of the 2/9 white, and so I get called white trash, preppy, dumb blonde, and some other names that the mods won't let me repeat. It doesn't help that I have a wealthy family and get straight A's. My stuff gets jacked a lot. In all, everything is pretty ghetto. There have been 73 gang fights with blades since the beginning of the year. I'm thinking about transfering, if it gets to the point where I'm too afraid to go to school. The thing is though, I've been with these kids for my whole life, I really don't want to leave.
Soo, yea. Not the best school.
Why don't your parents just pay for a good private school..? If there were 73 gang fights at my school my parents would never let me go there unless I HAD to and even then. O:

My classes are pretty okay. My favorite class is my web design class. <3


I'm stuck with my Homeroom for 3 periods a day, and we are mixed in 4th period.

According to my friend [Another HR] My class is retarded.

Just the other day someone wrote 'Ducksauce' on the board in Algebra. Everyone started laughing like crazy when the teacher noticed [she was going over the problems on the board, then noticed. It was funny]

Elective class, basically ghetto. I sit next to a quiet girl in this class, and 2 groups of black girls who laugh at everything. I was helping a boy throw his project together last minute, and he was constantly acting like he was from the street.

My Ancient History class is nerdy.

Maths class is alright.

Same with English

Science is boring, but my friends make it interesting sometimes.

HPE is good. My teacher is awesome, so the class is awesome ;)

Pastoral Care.. Gahh, I hate it.

Work Education.. Even worse than PC.

I like my class! =)

Except for this boy who is like, a teachers pet and annoys everyone. He talks like, non stop and never gets in trouble.

^ Lol! The principal came because someone threw a pencil?

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