Closet fan or out in the open?


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I'm always kind of hesitant to pull out my Tama and check on it in public, but lately I'm trying to get over it. Back during the 90's Tamagotchi, there was a huge backlash in elementary school by teachers who'd be like, "YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ANY... GIGA-PETS OR WHATEVER." Let's see how Tamagotchi holds up in high school in 04. :)

I'll tell everybody but my boss, I don't want him fussing that I'll be messing with it at work. Though I need to master the art of taking care of it without taking it out of my pocket so I can still take really good care of it without flashing it around the store. Back when they first came out I had a wallet chain with a hook on it that I would hang it from, that was really convenient 'cause it didn't get pocket lint in it. Shame I don't use that anymore...

yea i've been trying to get over showing it in public too. i had the same experiance in school with my teachers... they kept taking them away, poor little guys... :lol:


oh and trixter, if you ever do master the pocket-care, please give me some tips - I'll have a heck of a time trying to get away with this at work...

I show my tamagotchi to all of my friends (like, every few minutes... "Look what it's doing now!!!!!!") and I take care of it pretty much wherever (the bank, college offices, up-scale grocery stores, pretty much everywhere EXCEPT work, I'm way too busy to take care of it). I'm trying to get all my friends to buy tamagotchis too, so they can all play together. :lol:

oh and trixter, if you ever do master the pocket-care, please give me some tips - I'll have a heck of a time trying to get away with this at work...
I think I'm just going to have to memorize how many pushes of which buttons it takes to get to all of the functions. I'll just have to keep it happy with snacks during work, since I'm sure I won't be able to play the games like that.

I try to tell only certain people. My cousin thinks I'm crazy but I don't mind her seeing it. Most people my age are more and likely would laugh at me and call me imature. :lol: I'm going to really try to not care what others think but its going to be hard.

Speaking of school, when I was a senior in high school a few years ago, I brought my old tamagotchi to school and one of my teachers took it away because I was playing with it instead of working on the school newspaper. It felt like 1997 all over again.

I never hesitate to look after my tamagotchis in public. In fact, I take them wherever I go. One of my sister's friends once remarked that they were like my siamese twins! :lol: To be honest, I don't see the point in being ashamed. After all, they don't hurt anybody... *sigh*

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I think I'm just going to have to memorize how many pushes of which buttons it takes to get to all of the functions. I'll just have to keep it happy with snacks during work, since I'm sure I won't be able to play the games like that.
Or when it needs a game, take a restroom break! Wouldn't it be funny to be sitting in the restroom and hearing all these beeping sounds over in the next stall?

hahaha!! i used to do that!!!! (go to the bathroom when i needed to care for it)

My mates keep saying I'm stupid for buying my new Conx, but I keep getting aksed what it's doing, and if it's still alive etc etc.

Not just people in Aus use the word mates for friends. People in the Uk say it too. I know someone from the uk online that calls me mate. As in friend...

woah woah woah sigmund, your "mates"? u mean you've had more than one? or do you mean friends? or are you austrailian?
Yeah, we use the term "Mates" for friends, or even just whoever we meet. I supose "Buddy" would be the American term.

My friends know how obsessed I am with tamagotchis or anything japanese orientated....But random people in schol make fun of people constantly like me so I try not to announce it. I play with my tama in my purse lol so noone can see.

A little from column A, a little from column B. =)

Being as old as I am, if some random person saw me playing with it, I might be embarrassed. I was a little flushed when I bought mine yesterday.

But eh~ If you like doing it, why not do it, right?

Funny, we never got them confiscated in 1997, we just got a punishment for playing with them in class... I remember my best friend had a Gen 2 and I had an Angel... such good friends those two were.

I take care of my Tama whenever I want, but this year I'm not too sure about high school . We are allowed electronic devices, but i doubt we can play with them in class.

i remember back in 4th ade we had jumpers with holes in the pockets, so you could stick your hands in the pockets and hold a tamagotchi with both hands. Me and Nicole took advantage of these to unwrap candy under our jumpers, lol.

i take my tam every where and some times i get funny looks but i just shrug it off some ppl just dont under stand how important a tam is.

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