Confession time xD


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Aye. i need to clean my sins.

-I researched shemales/trans and what they do with their extra part.

-I pick my nose (sometimes)

-I bite my nails

-I bite my toenails

-I'm quite vain about my nails.


-I cracked a computer language filter. (Why? it was retarded)

*Edit TamaMum: please don't promote "adult" sites on TamaTalk - keep it family friendly.

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I'm more comfortable on the internet, then in Real Life.

The Neighborhood Pedofile Likes to help people. He's gonna cut down some trees blocking the house, and He's fixing the step on My Aunts house.

I have never even Seen the Other Neighborhood Pedofile. They say he doesn't come out of his house. He lives a few houses down from my house, the other one lives a block away.

I watched Two dogs Get it on down the street last week. One was in a yard , the other one was loose. That was the first time I've seen animals mate, except on animal shows on tv. My Mom also saw, Phoned the Dog's owner, and said "Your dog is getting dogged by another Dog. Just to let you know"

I enjoy going to the Dentist.

Edit TamaMum: references to adult site removed - please keep posts family friendly? Tx

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-When someone says something bad about me, or whatever, it does upset me even if I don't show it.

-I do wonder if my life is full of nothing else but death (Alot of my family have died.).

-When I can't get to sleep, I just lie there and dream about how I would want my life to go or what will happen when I'm older but I usually need to listen to music. :)

-I actually love Ant & Dec.

-When I was younger, I left the Freezer door open, and blamed it on my Brother and still to this day, no one knows it was me. : D

-I never let anyone use my iPod or Laptop because I have alot of video games music and I find it pretty embarrasing.

-I'm usually awake till 4am on my iTouch watching YT vids or on dA. :)

-Even though I'm not doing anything naughty/wrong/bad on the Laptop, when my parents come in, I usually click on MS Paint and pretend I'm drawing on there, I'm really self conscious like that.

-This kinda relates to above. I don't like people being in my room, or using my mobile/iTouch/laptop even if it has none of the music (Read above) on it.

Blah blah, there youu go. I just ranted and ranted and ranted until no more has to be said. ;D

I ate McDonalds today. I hate it, but it tastes so good... That's not much of a confession, but still.

not really a big confession, but i confess that....

im SOOOOOOOOOO cheating on my boyfriend and i have been for almost 6 mos.

Hmmm.... Many confessions. Here are some of them:

- This ones not really big, but I like 4 different guys right now lol.

- My grandma scares me. She has multiple personalities/ accounts on Never Winter Nights and says she is 30- something.

- I am addicted to PainKiller. Epicness!

- I am afraid of clowns, squirrels, and the dark o.0

Those are the first thought's that came to my head, so yeah. There you have it ^.^

I'm sort of a germ-freak. :l

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Whenever I get the chance to swim in the ocean, I pretend to be a mermaid xD

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