Contact Lenses?


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Sep 5, 2004
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Anyone here wear contact lenses? I got some recently and I seem to be going pretty good with them. I'm really paranoid about infections so I am being really clean with them and stuff. If you have them, what type? I have daily's - so I throw them out after each use. :lol:

So yeah, just wondering. :(


I've had them for about five years. I actually recently stopped wearing them because I got new glasses that I actually really like and think are cute so that's what I've been wearing :lol: ... My contacts are Acuvue Oasys, and they are SUPER comfortable. When I first got my contacts I was super careful and paranoid about infection, but over the years I've gotten really lazy. I have never had any infections, but I probably should be a little more careful with them. I hope you like your contacts! They're a bit of a weird experience at first, but next thing you know you couldn't imagine not wearing them!

No. But I want to Get Contact Lenses

I lost My Glasses....About 2 years ago.

If I did Get Contact Lenses. I'd Get a different Color other than the Color my eyes originally are.

Maybe a Really Light blue.

or Lime Green.

Or Yellow...Like, Cats eye Yellow. xD

I'd be Paranoid putting them in my eyes though.

No. But I want to Get Contact LensesI lost My Glasses....About 2 years ago.

If I did Get Contact Lenses. I'd Get a different Color other than the Color my eyes originally are.

Maybe a Really Light blue.

or Lime Green.

Or Yellow...Like, Cats eye Yellow. xD

I'd be Paranoid putting them in my eyes though.
I was SO paranoid when I first put them in. Plus it was really difficult, because my eye wasn't used to having something in it so it kept trying to close constantly while I was putting in the lens. Talk about frustrating!

Yeah. They were a little challenging at first cause like, you don't usually go around sticking your finger in your eye. But after a few turns of it you get use to being hygienic about it and putting them in and taking them out. Overall I am pretty happy with them. :lol:

I wear Contact lenses and Spec - at different times - :(

I used to have soft / disposable lenses, but I found that I couldn't wear them during the summer months because I get hay fever and the pollen was irritating my eyes when I had the contact lenses in.

I switched to gas permeable - semi-hard lenses - and they are great for me. Good hygiene is important because you wear the same lens every day - I just get a new pair once per year :lol:

I still wear my specs some days too - same as liongirl - because I really like the design :(

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I don't have lenses or glasses :p

Both of my parents need glasses and have pretty poor vision, so most likely I'll end up with some too :p

I have been wearing contacts for a long time and have never had a problem.

I got my first pair in the 6th grade. I didn't start to wear them every day until a couple of years later when I got tinted lenses. Those were so cool.

Now I have AcuVue. I think I'm just supposed to wear them for a week and throw them but I have had these for at least 6 months. Oopsie!

Anyhoo, if you are doing well with yours, there shouldn't be much to worry about especially if you are tossing them every day.

If you get tired of tossing them, there should be no problem with just taking them out every night and putting them in to a case like normal and keeping them around for a week or so. I just use the One step solution.

I don't have contacts, but I do want them.

They look like they hurt, although so many people use them, so I know about them.

I'll probably get them the next time I check my eyes.

Some of them let oxegen in, so you can wear them for multiple days, but need a good cleaning afterwords.

mametchi ;)

i wear glasses, but only when I'm watching TV or reading the blackboard at school.I want contacts but my dad thinks they're unsafe.><

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I don't have contact lenses!and hopefully will never have them!!

:kusatchi: :mellow: :mimitchi: :nyatchi: :mametchi: :pochitchi: :ichigotchi: :marumimitchi: :furawatchi: :kuribotchi:
Control your smilie use, please and thank you. :unsure:

No, I do not have them. I am not sure which brand, but my Dad wears them.

I have contacts. Not sure what kind but they're special because my prescription is a bit it's different on the sides than the middle.

I throw mine out every...4 weeks or so. I don't wear them on weekends, though.

I wear glasses, not contacts. I'd be too scared to put them in my eyes. ._.

...If you get tired of tossing them, there should be no problem with just taking them out every night and putting them in to a case like normal and keeping them around for a week or so. I just use the One step solution.
Good thinking but I don't think you can. I think the daily's are designed to last a day, not a week or so. I could be wrong but I was told that after every days use, to throw them out. What do others think? :huh:

I've got 2 box's of 90 (cause my eyes have different levels of sight) so I'm not going to run out any time soon so I don't really have an issue with tossing them. The only problem is price.. Daily's are more expensive but I'm willing to pay so I avoid infection and other problems. :D

TamaKitten, I was too. But I got over it somehow. Its pretty easy using contacts, as long as your hygienic. :angry:

....I think the daily's are designed to last a day, not a week or so. I could be wrong but I was told that after every days use, to throw them out. What do others think? :)
He he ... I'll share a little secret with you that a good friend of mine told me.... about Bausch & Lomb

Bausch & Lomb make good quality contact lenses and spectacles.

When they first launched daily disposables onto the market, it was for hygiene reasons only - in other words, they saw a need in the market for people who don't care for their contacts and would be better off if they wore a clean, new pair each day.

The Bausch & Lomb contacts lenses were exactly the same model as the weekly, monthly, etc. lenses :ph34r:

Now, that was a few years ago and it's possible the manufacturing quality and design have changed since then and this bit of inside info no longer applies.

But my friend worked for a B&L supplier company at the time and wore B&L lenses herself - she had the monthly lenses because (with the information she knew) she did not see the point of paying more for the same kind of contact lens :p

I notice Mothra wears weekly lenses and admits she doesn't change them weekly :p

It's all about good hygiene vs convenience. If you are the kind of person who gets into an eye care routine then you should have no problems with weeklies or monthlies.

I remove/clean/rinse/store my lenses every evening after I've brushed my teeth before bed - it's just part of getting ready to turn in for me and it never feels like a chore B)

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