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I have been wearing contacts for a long time. I got my first pair when I was in 6th grade. I didn't wear them much back then just yet.

In 9th grade I wore them from then on. :( Back then, I had tinted ones. Royal blue. I loved those. They made my eyes look bright blue. :D

^ Mhm. My brother's are like that. I have blue eyes. Just. Blue~ And in the right light, they will pierce through your soul. > :D

Just kidding.

Anywho, I think I will get contacts later this year. We'll see how that works out.

No. I don't have any glasses/contacts. If I had to, I would wear glasses, but I kinda fear the thought of sticking something in your eye o.e

I have glasses, but I may want to change to contacts.

No. I don't have any glasses/contacts. If I had to, I would wear glasses, but I kinda fear the thought of sticking something in your eye o.e
Yeah, before I got mine, I had the same issue. But once you do it a few times, it becomes really quite easy. :D

No, I don't wear contacts. I have a condition called Ambliopia, or however the heck you spell it, and my eye doctor recommended that I wait another year to get contacts. I'm going to try to get contacts when I turn 13. Then I'll see what the eye doctor says.

I've had my glasses since I was 4, in Pre-K. I never really minded them so much, until I realized how much better I looked without them. But whatever, I'm going to give contacts a try later this year, and hopefully they work out for me.

I want to wear them,But my eye doctor said that my astigmatism was so bad that I she (or he. I forgot.) recommended that I shouldn't.
I have the worst astigmatism EVER and they found me contacts to wear. You just have to find a good brand, because some of them didn't work for me.

So ya, I wear the bendy ones you switch every 2 weeks.

I used to have them. I only tried them on once at the glasses store, but in the winter when it gets cold I put my dog in the bathroom and one day I wanted to try them on but I couldn't find them and I looked in the bathroom and my dog was chewing the contacts case and I never saw them again. I stick to glasses now.

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the hard contacts hurt SOOO much if theyre out of place or im somethings in your eye, but because i wear contacts, it doesnt bother me to have something in my eye when im not wearing them.

I have glasses that I don't wear in public because I look better without them. I trip over stuff in the store when I don't wear them. Random people laugh at me XD I want contacts but my mom won't let me get them.

I don't wear contacts. I am aparently getting glasses soon. I son't know if i'll want Contancts or glasses. Idk!

Yes, I do wear contacts. I started wearing them last summer. They're the soft kind, and they really don't hurt at all! Well, I'll admit that they were a little uncomfortable the first few times I put them in, but other than that they're great. You just have to make sure that they're clean and don't have any tears (as in rips, not tears that you cry) in them. Soft contacts really don't hurt. I love them ^_^ !

I had worn glasses for like 5 years. I got them when I was pretty little (my eyesight's really bad). I still have my latest pair, I wear them in the mornings and the in night when I'm not wearing my lenses. They're not that nerdy or ugly or anything :D -they're rectangular, black rimmed glasses. Nothing too dorky. I just decided tha I would like to try contact lenses. I would recommend them. If you're responsible and can care for them well-contacts are a real good thing :D !

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