I love living in Kansas. Lots of people are decent to you, and I live out in the country but not so far from big cities that I can't go shopping. We get all the weather extremes here, 100 degrees or so I the summer, and below 0 in the winter. Tornadoes, thunderstorms, ice storms. The only thing I don't like about living here is the ice in winter. I like snow, but ice scares me because of the potential for power outage. :s Other than that, this is a great place to live!
I don'tknow where else I want to live. I do NOT want to live in a big city. Not the life for me. I want to visit China and Australia, but I don't think I canlive there due to the lack of bird vets, in case something happened to my parrots. I don't know. I guess I will just see where life takes me.