Crazy Hair


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^ you are like my friend Anne. every string of hair is like crazy spirally and stuff...

I'll post a pic in 3 seconds. :)

this is't a crazy one, but my hair has no elastics in it, and it's still in ponytail form: CliCk CliCk NoT CrAzy

this is the somewhat- crazy one: My hair can be waaaaaay worse

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Here I am this morning, before I tackled my hair.
I get up, get dressed, wash my face, brush my teeth, do my make up - hair is always last. So everything was already done (With the exception of hair) when I took this picture.

My hair was wet before I went to bed last, and me, being my lazy self, just threw it into a sloppy bun and slept on it. This was the result:


It actually looked worse in person - this picture makes it look kind of teased and wavy. The back of my head was a bunch of fluffed-out mess.

So then I wet it down, moused it, hair gel-ed it, and pulled the top part up in to a half-up do. The I straightened my bangs and pulled them to one side, and put a clip in a bow in it. Then I hair sprayed the heck out of it. xD

I wish my curling iron worked. Otherwise I would have neatly curled it. Ah well.
You are so stunning! And so is your hair.

It's an amazing shade of blonde and even when it's been put in a messy bun still turns out really cute. <3

This guy in the year below told me today that I should have blonde hair to match my personality. Apparently I'm not smart or serious enough to be a brunette. I told him that I took that as a compliment and I at least know how to wash my hair and don't have my Mum wash it for me every night. Buuurn. Now he knows not to mess with me. xD

You are so stunning! And so is your hair.It's an amazing shade of blonde and even when it's been put in a messy bun still turns out really cute. <3

This guy in the year below told me today that I should have blonde hair to match my personality. Apparently I'm not smart or serious enough to be a brunette. I told him that I took that as a compliment and I at least know how to wash my hair and don't have my Mum wash it for me every night. Buuurn. Now he knows not to mess with me. xD
Ah thanks! :angry:

I honestly don't care for my shade of blonde. I know this sounds crazy, but it seems lighter some days than others. Today it seems really dark to me. D: It's probably just the lighting, but you know. Lol.

About a week or two ago, for the first time ever this year, I just said, "Screw it," and threw my hair into a messy bun and clipped my bangs to the side. And you wouldn't believe how many compliments I got on it. O_O I was like, sure, when I spend about a half hour straightening my hair, and then another half hour teasing it, no compliments. But when I spend literally less than five minutes pulling it up, I get a bunch of compliments. I love how that works out. xD

You do seem more like a blonde Esther. But I like your shade of brown hair a lot. It's prettyful. :rolleyes:

I hate my hair color. It's so light of a brown, that it can't even be considered brunette. It can almost be classified as a dark blonde. I wish my hair was either blonde or brunette, and not somewhere inbetween.

Also, you should totally post some pics of you in a messy bun, Katie! I'd bet it would look really pretty!

Haha I love all the pics! I've been pretty busy lately but I promise I'll come up with some insane idea, eventually.

You do seem more like a blonde Esther. But I like your shade of brown hair a lot. It's prettyful. :)
Awe, thanks. <33

And I am the blondest brunette you'll ever meet. ;]

I hate my hair color. It's so light of a brown, that it can't even be considered brunette. It can almost be classified as a dark blonde. I wish my hair was either blonde or brunette, and not somewhere inbetween.
same here! But people don't know if mine is brown, blonde, or red. So they call it auburn..

but what is it to all of you?? I have no clue.

This guy in the year below told me today that I should have blonde hair to match my personality. Apparently I'm not smart or serious enough to be a brunette. I told him that I took that as a compliment and I at least know how to wash my hair and don't have my Mum wash it for me every night. Buuurn. Now he knows not to mess with me. xD
xD esther. Thats how u dis guys lol

My normal hair is like this...

pardon the retarded pic...

My teased haha "scene hair" (i really like it actually)


Nah, I dont get crazy hair. Well, I do, but I have to wear my hair in a plait at all times [strict mum D:] and if I dont, she'll have to deal with un-tangling it and I'll have to deal with the pain D:

So its not a good idea to kill my hair, but I wanna get my hair cut to my shoulders soon and then it'll be awesomer xD.

^^ yea thats lk my mum so as soon as i killed my hair i hopped in the shower after taking a photo haha

it worked :(

Nah, I dont get crazy hair. Well, I do, but I have to wear my hair in a plait at all times [strict mum D:] and if I dont, she'll have to deal with un-tangling it and I'll have to deal with the pain D:
So its not a good idea to kill my hair, but I wanna get my hair cut to my shoulders soon and then it'll be awesomer xD.
Is a plait the same thing as a braid?


But I have a haircut now. Its awesomer and I have layers. So I wanna try and kill my hair, but I know I'll just get it in a mess. I can try, but it won't work out very good. Neh, I'll just spazzically jump around and it should turn out cool ;3

Here I am this morning, before I tackled my hair.
I get up, get dressed, wash my face, brush my teeth, do my make up - hair is always last. So everything was already done (With the exception of hair) when I took this picture.

My hair was wet before I went to bed last, and me, being my lazy self, just threw it into a sloppy bun and slept on it. This was the result:


It actually looked worse in person - this picture makes it look kind of teased and wavy. The back of my head was a bunch of fluffed-out mess.

So then I wet it down, moused it, hair gel-ed it, and pulled the top part up in to a half-up do. The I straightened my bangs and pulled them to one side, and put a clip in a bow in it. Then I hair sprayed the heck out of it. xD

I wish my curling iron worked. Otherwise I would have neatly curled it. Ah well.
O: Your hair is butiful <3333.

My hair is short and walnut brown and glossy.and i have to wear a hairclip or headband to keep my frindge out of the way.i have this frindge [sp?] that's sideswept and whenever i don't wear a hairclip or headband it covers one of my eyes and then people usually call me One eyed person or Emo girl which is really annoying <_< .

But i like mah hair x3

Sugary~ xD

Nah, I dont get crazy hair. Well, I do, but I have to wear my hair in a plait at all times [strict mum D:] and if I dont, she'll have to deal with un-tangling it and I'll have to deal with the pain D:
So its not a good idea to kill my hair, but I wanna get my hair cut to my shoulders soon and then it'll be awesomer xD.
Ksenia, I can definitely see you with shorter hair. It will look lovely. <3

Here I am this morning, before I tackled my hair.
I get up, get dressed, wash my face, brush my teeth, do my make up - hair is always last. So everything was already done (With the exception of hair) when I took this picture.

My hair was wet before I went to bed last, and me, being my lazy self, just threw it into a sloppy bun and slept on it. This was the result:


It actually looked worse in person - this picture makes it look kind of teased and wavy. The back of my head was a bunch of fluffed-out mess.

So then I wet it down, moused it, hair gel-ed it, and pulled the top part up in to a half-up do. The I straightened my bangs and pulled them to one side, and put a clip in a bow in it. Then I hair sprayed the heck out of it. xD

I wish my curling iron worked. Otherwise I would have neatly curled it. Ah well.
Eww, I love your shirt, you're hair is cute too.

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