Dear Diary, My name is Kishu.......


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December 15, 2006

I will soon turn into an adult! I am 3 years old, and will turn 4 today. I will either change today, or tomorrow. I am almost done with my teen drawing. I'll have it ready soon! By the way, Dina's winter break is starting Monday, but today (Friday), instead of ending at 2:45 pm, her school ended at 12:10 pm. Okay, that's it. bye!



December 15, 2006

Hi, again. I finished:


This painting shows of me as I am right now, and it took me so long because I had to sketch over and over again, for very long time. (You know, it's a lot harder to look at a mirror and paint, then to look at a photograph and paint. Well, duh, but still.) I think this is the best drawing so far. I want to make 2 drawings of me as a Bunbuntchi, and as me, painting a picture. Hey, what's that? Dina is lifting me and looking at me. Her eyes popped open! What happened?!!! Please tell me!!! Great, she says nothing, but.....holds up a mirror. This is strange.........I don't see myself. Instead, I see a bird, with tiny wings, circlural feet, and 2 things that look like branches-flowers sticking out of its head. Wait a minute, thats me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TURNED INTO A PIPOTCHI!!!!!!!! AND JUST NOW!!!!!!! I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So long for my Bunbuntchi picture!!! Dina says that I look so cute!!!!! Okay, talk to you later. Bye!!! :angry: :pochitchi: :mametchi: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :nyatchi:



December 16, 2006

This is me as an adult:


It might of not turned out so good, because the paint smudged all over the word "pipotchi", but I accidentally driped paint :( , so yeah, and I couldn't paint the word over, or else it would smeer more. :mimitchi: Oh well, i think the rest is great! I will draw how I look like in the mirror, and a picture I always draw with a pen (im not telling what picture it is yet!!! :mimitchi: ) Okay, bye!



December 18, 2006

Today, Dina doesn't have any school!!! Hooray!!! She said that her school has vacation from now till January 2nd! Woopie! Sorry if I'm acting strange. I'm just so happy that Dina finally gets to stay with me the whole day! Anyways, I've decided that I should quit on drawing pictures of myself, and start drawing pictures of the great world!!! (First of all, when I draw pictures of myself, it's like braging :angry: Second of all, the world is full of beauty :angry: , so I should go on and draw pictures of it!!!) This is my first painting of landscapes:


It shows a sunrise at an ocean, with a dolphin (I CANNOT draw a dolphin, GRR!!!), a whale blowing out air/water, and it shows how powerful the sun can be!! I like the sun, and I'm amazed at how it hurts your eyes to look at it, so I drew it as a powerful thing. Anyways, I hope you like it. And feel free to post!!



December 18, 2006

[SIZE=14pt]Oh no!!! On one of my posts, I signed "Kush" instead of "Husk". I'm so sorry! There is nothing I can do to change it! I was just thinking of my dad, and feeling excited about how surprised he would be to find out what I turned into, that I signed with his name!!! I hope not to do that again!!![/SIZE]

Husk, NOT Kush!!!

P.S. My father was REALLY surprised!! :angry:


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December 18, 2006

I was just peacefully walking around, and was coming to the shop. "It might have something good," I said. Just then, before I got to the store, a figure standing 50 feet away stopped me. It was an old lady, carrying a book as big as herself. Her eyes were glancing back and forth between the crowd, so it was obvious that she was looking for someone. Suddenly, her eyes stopped on me. The old eyelids separated, making her eyes look as big as ever. I didn't have time to think. I turned around and darted to my house. I could see it get closer and closer.......I knew if I made it, I would lock everything and be safe. I turned my head to look back. I knew that the old lady was after me. And luckily, there was nobody there. I turned my head back at the house door and froze. There, 6 feet in front of me, was the old lady with the book. It was just like magic!!! I didn't know what to do. And before I could turn around and run back, the oldie jumped toward me, and caught me. Surprisingly, she was very strong, so I couldn't get out. She took me into my house, and tied me to a chair with itchy rope. I tried yelling "Please, no!!! Let me go!!! Someone save me!!!", but the words couldn't come out. I was stuck. My peaceful life beginning to shatter into tiny pieces. I heard about this lady. I saw the picture of her book in a history book. Fear was coming into me. I was feeling dizzy. Dina was nowhere in sight.. Then, the oldie turned her sour lips into a small smile, and calmly said, "Hello, Husk. Nice to meet you. I am..........................................................................................................................the MATCHMAKER."


I mated with a Gorazutchi. I didn't like them at first, and I still don't, but this Gorazutchi was different. She came up and touched my heart right away. I fainted when I saw her, so that's why I was so sad when she left, and left our baby girl to me. I love my little girl. I think I'll name her "HUSKI". I know that that's after me, but I'm the only thing that she has right now. I couldn't name it after Dina, because that's the only OTHER thing that my baby has, since she said that the names have to be from "KISHU" and there is no "D" in "KISHU". Oh well, I like that name better than mine. Huski *sigh* such a lovely name! I shall teach my baby everything! Anyways, I think that I'm typing too much! I shall draw pictures of Huski, too. Bye!!


Husk, and Huski :lol:

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December 19, 2006

One day, when I was walking around in my neighborhood at night, I saw this pair of red eyes in the bushes. I turned around and ran back to my house. Here is a painting that shows pretty much of what I had seen:



Husk, and Huski


December 22, 2006

Hi. It's me again. I turned into a Nikatchi! But unfortunately, Dina hasn't been able to get me my faorite food! :wacko: I am 2 years old right now, and weigh 20 pounds. Dina keeps me at 5 pounds overweight because she wants me to turn into a Mimiyoritchi. I am an odd generation, you see :wacko: . I want to turn into either that, or aLeaftchi. :rolleyes: Dina also is trying to keep me at 5 training bars. I so far have 4. I have to go now! Bye!

Huski, the color lover!.

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December 22, 2006

My first color painting:


There are some "glitches", like I put "in" instead of "is", and the words go on each other, but if you tried typing in, you'll get why it does that. It types in a whole different way when you actually save it, then it does when you actually are typing it!!! Grr........... Anyways, here's the poem:

Color Color

Color in a square,

Color Color...


Red Orange Yellow

But Green is too Mellow,

Blue Purple Pink

Gee, that paint is starting to stink (P.U.!)

That leaves us off

With Black Gray and White,

They're not there in the day

But will be there at night!

By: Huski. I just told you that, because in some places, it's hard to tell what the letter are sometimes.


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December 23, 2006

Hi. I'm 3 years old, but STILL A NIKATCHI!!!!!! I want to turn into an adult so badly! Oh well, I just have to wait *groan*. I still weigh 20 pounds, (5 pounds overweight) but I now have 5 training bars! I also have 9481, but NO DRUMSTICKS!! (They're my favorite food *yum* !) I love all colrs, but my favorite one is blue and gray, because Huskis are blue-grayish. I can't wait till Christmas! :lol: It's so exciting how, in a whole year, you get to be THE tamagotchi that is alive in Christmas. My relatives are happy that they get to be alive in this time of year too. Dina is preparing me already for my adulthood. She bought me a fishing pole, and a ticket to Switzerland (She said that it was on sale!). I'm excited to go! I finally thought up a nickname! I think that it should be something like, A Colorful Apprentice, since I like colors, and I'm sort of apprenticed to my dad. I'm learning how to draw and stuff. My dad teaches me a lot of things!!!! I love him!!! I never wanted him to leave me, but I know that I can visit him whenever I would like! I think I've been writing too much, so I'll go. Bye!

Husk, The Colorful Apprentice!



December 24, 2006

Guess what? I turned into a.....................................................................................








........................nope :D .................................


....................YEP!!!!!!!!!! I turned into a MIMIYORITCHI!!!! The one that I wanted to be! Dina tried every item on me, and she said that I look cute on the rollerskates and shoes. She even tried the hair gel on me, a ONE TIME USE ITEM!!!!!! COOL! I looked funny in that thing. I have 9999 points currently, and Dina says that she has a friend who's getting a tamagotchi for Christmas. She says that she will give all her extra items to her, and also buy her stuff!!! Anyways, I better get going! Today, Dina has guests over, so I better get ready!! Bye, and have a SUPER-COZY (I made that word up, he he) Christmas Eve and Christmas!!! :D

Huski, The ColorfulApprentice!


December 26, 2006

Hi. Its me again. You might think, "Well, duh it's Huski, who else would post here?" Well, actually, I might have already married and had a baby, right? But luckily, the Matchmaker B) didn't come yet. Hooray ;) !!! But today, when Dina went to a Museum, I pooped 3 times, got sick, was all hungry and of course not happy at all!!! I WAS GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! But I didn't, for then, I won't be writing. Nothing else happened besides that, except for I won the art contest at this place called, Art With Color. I got 2nd place!!! Well, 2nd place isn't THAT great, for the fact that there were only 20 people in the contest. But it's cool. My painting is now shown in the Art With Color Exhibit. Sorry, so I can't show the painting. Anyways, bye!!!



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