Dear Diary, My name is Kishu.......


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December 29, 2006

Hi. I have a small story, that I wrote in my diary (the kind the you don't POST, you WRITE) as I went along with my adulthood. I write in different sections, like, the places Dina went, the things that I got to wear and do, names for my baby, how many melons (my favorite food :ph34r: ) i have eaten (2 so far), etc. This one particular is about the Matchmaker:

When I was 6 years old, I thought the Matchmaker *shiver* might come. I didn't want it to come though.............hours past and it didn't come. I was just so happy!!! I didn't want it to come..........It was my bedtime, I was sleeping peacefully, and no Matchmaker on my mind................Next day, still 6 years Matchmaker...............I became 7 in the afternoon, but no Matchmaker!.....................Dina just went with her guests to the aquarium.........I am in her jeans pocket...........oh no! She sat down and hit the "A,B" button combination! I'm on PAUSE!!! Matchmaker..........hours pass, Dina doesn't know that I'm on pause.........she get in her car, looks at me, "oh no!" she says, taking me off pause...........we are driving home, probably, Matchmaker................I'm getting worried, just like Dina..............I have turned 8 in the next day of the afternoon, but........................NO MATCHMAKER.....................I know it won't come, it can't, I'm too old..........................................Dina just found out that if I turn into an oldie and die, I'll have to RESTART!!!!!!.............................I just went to bed, hoping that those bad news will NOT come true...................Dina wakes me, tricking me by setting the time to 10:29 am, so I would think it's day and get up...........................oh no!!!! She set it to 10:29! She tries to get the Matchmaker to come! The clock is ticking, 10:30 getting closer and closer........It's 10:29, 49 sec..............50.............51........52...............53...........54.........55............56.........I try to rush out the door............58.............I'm so close, the door is a foot away..........59..........I open the door and rush out.........too late: 60!!!!..........Right in front of me pops up a figure out of gray, old, smoke..............She has an old book sown together with yarn, and some pages crumbling up. It was a big book, probably about 4 million thin pages!!! "It must be the book of all the tamagotchis, and who should mate who!" I said quietly to myself..................The old lady was different that all the old ladies now. Her face had more wrinkles than any other old lady. I knew that she did not mix up the houses. She was THE MATCHMAKER!!!! And surprisingly, she heard me through her tiny ears, and said "Yes, that's true, HUSKI, good job. But I just hope not to tie YOU up to a chair, the same way I had to do with your father. So let's make it easy, ready?"................I hung my head low, chin to chest and said, "Fine, *sigh* ready..."

I have to go now, but I'll quickly add: I mated with a handsome Maskitchi, and got a baby GIRL. Red (Maskitchi) and I got divorced, so I got stuck with the girl. I'll name her SUKI (Sookee, NOT Sucky!!!!!!!!) Okay, bye!!!

Huski, and Suki together!!!

January 1, 2007

Dear Diary,

I don't really like posts, so I'll just write in "diary form". (It doesn't mean nobody can post, though :) ) Anyways, my growth story:


I'm asleep peacefully in a small space. Over a while, I could feel myself grow bigger and bigger. I cannot see, but can feel. I can feel that I'm in a small space, big enough for only me to fit. I have walls all around me. Everything is dark. The space is so small, I am trying to kick and punch myself out, hoping a hole would appear and let me out. I can feel myself too. I can feel a big body with my so-called arms on it. Attached to the body are 3 things - 2 things called legs, a sphere called a head, and a long tube attached to my bellybutton. The 2 legs help me kick. They each have 5 things on them called toes that help me grab. The toes are the same things, I noticed, that are on my arms. Those too, help to grab. The head has many things - a mouth that I don't know does, a nose I don't know what it does a well, 2 bump called eyes, which I probably will use to see, and 2 ears, that produce strange sounds. The tube gives me food, that's all I know about it. Something is going on that awakes me. I am being pushed out!


I can see, feel, hear, and breath. I now eat by myself without a tube. My mother, named Huski, teaches me things and feeds me. She reads me stories, which I enjoy. I am trying to write my own story, and the only one that I can come up with is this one. I sometimes visit my grandfather, Husk, who teaches me to draw. I'm amazed at his pictures, but I'm more amazed at stories and how people can write them so good. I'm learning to write stories through story books. My favorite book/story is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Did I spell that right?). I'll continue to write this story as I grow older...


One day, I was trying to read Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by myself. And suddenly, all the words got clear. At first, I didn't understand what was going on. But then I realized - I turned into a toddler, a Mizutamatchi. I'm happy this way, because that means that I have been taken good care of. I can finally read books by myself! My mom used to always read to them, but then she left to a retirement home where my grandfather is, and I never heard any stories anymore. But now, I'm beginning to realize what the letters stand for. I'm trying to write my own story, but Dina says I have too much grammar mistakes. When will I ever correct them? (P.S. Right now, I'm a teen and writing this. The original copy is all messy and it's hard to read. Besides, there's no way I can paste that big paper in a small diary, right?)


Another day, when I came home from a play date with my friend, Tim, I started to write on the piece of paper. But it was weird...the letters were barely clear, and some words were spelled wrong. I was confused about how I noticed it. Then, it struck me! I ran to the mirror, and gasped. I was a teenager, a Hashitamatchi. I don't know what I will turn into when I'm an adult, but I hope it's good. I have copied down everything from the small piece of paper to here, and will continue adding to this copy as I get older. I am 2 years old, I figured out from Dina, and tomorrow, I shall turn 3. I'll be an adult tomorrow, maybe. I can't wait to see what I'll be!

Story Suki, my signature.

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January 5, 2006

Dear Diary,

Today, I was playing tag with my friend, Tim, and his other 2 friends. Then, it was my turn and as I was coming toward them, they started running, but then stopped and started pointing at me and laughing. I didn't know what was wrong, and when I started asking them, they looked at each other and laughed some more. I so embarrassed! I hate it when people do that! They were still laughing and won't stop. I started to give up on asking them what's wrong, so I started to walk away. As I was walking by some clothes shops, in the mirror I saw an ugly tamagotchi. It had a crouched back, some hair on the top, two tiny and skinny legs, a double-chin, and a serious expression. I started to panic and run, since I thought that that person was looking for me. But the person didn't leave me. Instead, it was following me at the same speed. After I past the market, the tamagotchi was gone, I thought. BUT I WAS WRONG!! That tamagotchi will stay with me forever, and ever, beyond forever. Because that person


I turned into a Bill. I don't like that at all! I don't like it not because I might look ugly and like a male, (Since I like all tamagotchis) I don't like it because other people would laugh at me when they see me, and especially when they realize that I'm a girl. I will be humiliated my whole life! At first, Dina was very surprised, in the not-so-good way, but then, she said that she actually found some neat things about Bills. And now, Dina has created a name for me, the name she says she creates for every tamagotchi when they're an adult. There was Kishu the First Tamagotchi, Sui, the Traveler, Around the World, and Kush, The Lessoner, also Husk (My grandfather), the Wings of Art, and of course, Huski (my mother), the Colorful Apprentice, and now, me, Suki, the Sad Storyteller. I shall go now. Good-bye.

The Sad Storyteller, Suki.

how come you dont write any more i realy miss you ive been reading your log for ever they are so good!!!!!!! :angry: B) :)

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