Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Teri;

Oh... Well I didn't know that New Zealanders' television programmes were behind.

Oops. Sorry D:

I feel embarrassed and humiliated again. ._.


Dear _ _ _ _ _ _;

Okay. So I've figured out that you don't like me.

How do I know?

When I went into TC you're all "LOLWHOAREYOU?"

Then when I posted my drawings you're all "O__O"

Not once, but three times.

-high fives- Thank you for destroying my confidence.

-Girl you care nothing about.

Dear Alex, Sasha, and Courtney.

SO. Alex and Courtney hate each other.

Sasha and Alex are so-so depending if Courtney's around.

And me? I'm friends with all of you.

So just STFU and how about all of us get along like it used to be.

I'm tired of choosing sides ever single day.

-Girl who always demands piggy-backs

  • Dear Kristin;
    I know who _ _ _ _ _ _ is...I think. I just thought I'd let you know this xD.
    Your stalker
    Dear homework;
    You're highly unattractive. Therefore, I refuse to do you.
    Person who has too much homework for her liking
    Dear old hag who lives across the road;
    Look, if you hate cats so much, why move into the most cat-infested neighbourhood in the entire town? Now, kindly stop wasting my parents time by complaining about what 'horrible things' (or words to that effect) my cats are because one of them sat on your prancing wall. Honestly.
    'That cat girl'
    Dear _ _ _ _ _ _ from school;
    Yes, I know we've had a huge fall-out and yes, some of it was partially my fault (though you'd already made my friends turn against me for all of that last year, I don't understand why you needed to fall out with me and turn them against me again now I've learnt to keep my temper to myself), but when you fall out with somebody, you're generally supposed to avoid them. Only apparently you're not capable of that. Your pathetic attempts to annoy/intimidate me were funny at first, but I'm getting absolutely sick of you and your 'crew' (your stupid word, not mine) sniggering and making comments every time I'm anywhere near you and always insisting on sitting/standing next to me to deliberately make me and my own friend's conversation completely awkward. I bet if I hadn't blocked you on MSN you'd be harassing me right this minute because you're too much of a pansy to actually say anything to my face. Heck, you won't even look at me when you don't have your 'crew' with you. Well you know what, anonymous? Your little 'crew' is getting sick of you already. I don't have to be a complete stalker like you to figure that out. Some day, some day really soon, you're going to be on your own. When that day comes, I will laugh. LAUGH -laughs like an evil genius-.
    Your ex-friend who rants too much
    Dear pasta;
    Cook yourself.
    Hungry pasta freak
    Dear Youtubers;
    Learn to spell. I very seldom see a Youtube comment that doesn't contain numerous spelling and grammatical errors, most of which are due to laziness.
    A raging Grammar Nazi

Dear ___________________________,

It's starting to anger me. You're going on and on about how much that little fudgecake likes you.. First ______________, now you? Then you call 'him' your 'betch' and shove it in my face, by telling me that I'm jealous. I can speak for myself. Then you purposely try to humiliate me in front of 'him'. And then blame me for supposedly not ever talking to him when I fudging do! Going all "ohdear now he likes me?! ahahahaha lololololol" makes you a bit, er, I dunno. What I'm trying to say is that all your little boy talks are getting on my nerves and I'd love it if you stop and turn into your old self again?

- Friend.

Dear Kirsty,

Tomorrow ♥

We may get to see Mr Kouts' nail again!

- AP2.

Dear Purple,

Pfft, it had to be tomorrow didn't it?

When we have double PE.


Dear The Word Masticate;;

This morning I came across a fanfic with you on it and I immediately thought you said .. A word that's not very family friendly.

You know what I'm saying? You get my drift here?

- Embarrassed.

Dear Clara,

I'll have you know, that that France video made me swoon.

If ONLY fictional characters could be real, if only...

Francis is a darling.

- KayBee.

Dear Milk,


- Milk lover.

Dear Mrs Bonnefoy;;

It's all I was listening to before I went to bed.

His voice is so seductive and charming ~

I know some of the lyrics by heart, never mind the terrible pronunciation. (;

- Our Husband's Last Names Both Begin With Bee.

Dear Jay,

Where were you today? I missed you. Even though I managed to catch up in my lessons, I still wish you were there.

I hope you're okay. <3

- Keeley x

Dear weekend,

I think I've earned you.

- Someone.

Dear _____,

Why do you SPAM my formspring? That's kinda mean, now. You make my computer lag. Have a happy life :|

- Friend.

Dear Dad,

How could you?

You said we'd order it during April. My birthday is tomorrow. It's next week.

We're ordering from China. It'll never get here in time.

I was really looking forward to it this year...

- Claire.

Dear _ _ _ _ _ _,

I'm so glad that we didn't lose our friendship over all this. I totally understand you wanting to wait to be anything more than friends (even though we both do like each other >_>), especially since you just got out of a relationship, but darling, please don't make me wait forever. And right now, it feels like we never even found out.. like none of this happened... Sure there's barely any awkwardness anymore, but I miss that awkwardness. And please come back from South Carolina after the summertime. I miss you whenever your not with me, even after you've just left.

Don't make me spend all summer without you..! I've been dreading this long vacation for months now, and it breaks my heart to hear we only have less than a month of school left... Honestly, when my dad reminded me of that today, I just wanted to cry. There's only less than a month of time together.. Less than a month before that final bell rings, and before you step foot off of that schoolbus for the last time... Less than a month before I go absolutely insane </3.

Your "BFF",


Dear Reading Exams,

Go away. No one likes you cause your so hard. Go jump in a bonfire so we can watch you burn.

Thank you and good night.

Dear friend Brianna,

Please Text back I'm board.


Your Friend,


Dear Alfie,

So. much. hate. for. you. right. now.

You are such an egotistical douchebag.

Stop trying to make my life miserable.

I hate you with all my heart.

Go die in a hole.

Hoping you are well,


Dear Jack,


Maria x

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Dear Purple,

"Hell no" ?

I feel dead.

- Hm.

Dear friend,

Seriously. Don't.

You're not the one that likes him are you?

So please. Don't.

- Hm.

Dear Claire;

Happy Birthday~!


Dear Aimee;

When the Hetalia movie is subbed,

you're coming to my house to watch it.

You promised, dammit.

-Your bffl

Dear Cousin-of-Mine I call "Super Blair";

I hope to see you at camp this summer.

Maybe we'll get hired to work on the same week?

Because that would be awesome.


-Your annoying younger cousin

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