Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Beth;;

Welcome baaaacckkk ! <3

Big Time Concert was some amazing Schmidt, right? 8D

Anywho, I've missed ya. ;P

- Clara.

Dear Krystal Maslow;;

Silly goose, you forgot about Carlos !

He was such a goofball. lD

- SeeEss.

Dear Clara Schmidt;


Carlos reminds me a lot of myself, in a way.

Very goofy and silly. :'D

- Krystal Maslow.

Dear Nose;


- The rest of your face...?

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Dear Krystal Maslow;;

Me too. lD

But I'm more.. like Logie.

I always get him on my BTR quizzes.

- Clara Schmidt.

Dear Bangs;;

Why are you so curly and weird today? Dl

What happened to that cool and emo look that you had?

- The Body You're Growing Out Of.


Dear Clara Schmidt;

I always get Carlos. xDDDD


- Krystal Maslow.

Dear Steve Downes;

I wonder if you ever saw my email...

It would mean the world if you did. But you would know that already if you read it.

I should have asked you a question so that you'd have to reply! D;

Oh well.

- Krystal.

Dear Dad,

Why did you give me bread with my soup? You know it makes me feel full and stodgy and uncomfortable.

But I had to finish it or else you'd complain.

-Your daughter.

Dear bread,

Eww. Why must you be so weird tasting? I only like rustic bread, sliced bread is strange.


Dear Shoot The Bullet,

Stop being so goddamn HARD.

- A faithful Touhou fan.

Dear Shoot The Bullet,


- Faithful Touhou fan.

Dear Arch,

H-How'd you get Bel's MSN?

Did Mommy give it to you?

idk if BAD would give it to you, haven't seen you on since Monday...

- Mani.

Dear Miles,

Okaaaaaaaaaay I'm completely in love with you.

But you will never, ever, ever find out.

- Maria.

Dear Jay,

I don't even want to know how grumpy you're going to be on Friday.

You're always in a bad mood in the morning but it's the first day back, too.

Please don't eat me when I talk to you. I've missed you.

- Keeley x

dear k.f.,

i'm sorry you and i got into a fight, even though it wasn't my fault. i wish you would stop being such a jerk and that you'd talk to me again, because i really miss being your friend :C

dear c.e.,

i love you (not in that way) and i think that you're worth it. stop hurting yourself, please. you're a beautiful person and just because your home life is screwed up doesn't mean you're a bad person or anything. you have so many friends that care about your well-being, and we'll always be there for you.


dear mom's boyfriend,

i hate you. you're taking her from me. you try to boss me around when i'm not your blood. go away, leave me and my mom alone so we can be okay and she'll forget about you. things will go back to the way they once were, and she'll love me more than you again. you ruined everything.

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Dear Krystal,

My throat hurts, too.

It's terrible, isn't it? ;_;

Hope your's feels better soon.

- Keeley.

Dear Krystal and Keeley,

I hope your sore throats get better soon.

I don't have a sore throat, thankfully, but I do have a cold and I have a bad feeling I might end up with a sort throat.

Which will suck.


Dear Keeley;

Ahh, they're so uncomfortable. x_x

Mine seems to have gone away, though.

Hope you feel better!

- Krystal.

Dear Vivienne;

Oh. 3: Get well soon, Vivi<3

- Krystal.

Dear dA;

I need to update you.


- MissKayJayDee.

Dear Best Friend,

Thank you SO much for always being there for me!

I love you!!!

We Will always be friends!

Dear Bracelet,

When I bought you, you were pretty and shiny and red and definetely worth what I paid. But now, I stupidly left you on while washing the dishes and now you've faded into an ugly orange colour.


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