Decorating Ur Tama!


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Well this is an idea.

You need: 2 peices of felt




Cut the felt peices into a pocket shape. Then soe around it, but leave an opening.


(____) Where the arrow is leave a opening. Now you have a pocket for your tama. :huh:

Ill try the clay idea and bead thing. Ill probubly do the lanyard too the tamagotchi ones i dont like.

Sounds like you got paint inside your Tama, milkymoo. If you're careful not to get it near the places where it could go inside the Tama, it's probably safe to paint it.
Never paint your tamagotchi! Are you crazy?! :huh: :huh:

Ive noticed that on some of the tamagotchi designs, especially connexions, the varnish tend to scrape off easily. I also see that many of the keychain rings on the unit easily get it's tin layer weary, so you can see the brass underneath. This is ugly and it's rusting!

Here is a nailpolish tip that's reliable. I've tried it before, but you have to be patient, so it's best to take out the batteries or wait for your pet to go to bed.

1. Clean the red connection top, and wait for it to dry.

2. Use transparent glitter nail polish only. There are many fun combinations of glitter nail polish.

3. Paint the conexion top with a thin layer of nail polish. Gold, silver and red glitter is the best.

4. It can take up to half an hour before the polish dries, and I would wait for the day after before bringing my tama anywhere. The nail polish is touchy.

5. If you get polish out side the connexion top, use a q-tip to remove it.

Tip 2:

I have two tama beds! They used to be lifeless jewellery boxes made of china. Now they have two homemade pillows, and the lids can be closed easily.

Royal beds!

For my other tamas, I have large match boxes covered in collage pictures of food, fruit and jewels. They have mattresses of my old baby sheets. I have stockings for them too, where they sleep - at christmas.The spirit is just vibrant.

If you're handy you can make little plushies of their parents with a pocket on the stomach. That's cute. Making them has saved me from boredom in art classes were we were supposed to make embroiderings. :unsure:


I like the idea of royal beds!!!! I gonna try make 1 for my future v4 and my darling v3.... You are very good in arts. I like that! YAY!

WOAH alot has happened since i was on this last time!! (2 september 2006!!!)

i read through all the pages and a alot of cool ideas have come about!!

i sed this twice before and i'll say it again

nail polish, liquid paper, paint or anything like that is not a good idea to apply to your tama , i once had a silver tama (v3) and i painted the front with CLEAR POLISH AND IT GOT WRECKED :rolleyes: SO DNT TRY IT.

You know, I WOULD try them...but...I like my tama. Thanks for helping everyone that likes your idea's!! There very creative! :kusatchi: Then again, I would like to say, chemicals in the paint/nail poilsh. I advice you to remember that:

If you want nail/polish remember that it COULD wreack your tamagotchi.

People could think It looks weird.

It wouldn't have the regular "tamagotchi look"

Of course, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying, that, well, like, If you really want to, be careful, and have fun!!

Mametchi_411 :pochitchi:

[SIZE=14pt]HELP I HAVE ABSOLOTLY NOTHING TO DECORATE MY TAMA WITH[/SIZE] and its kinda bland so it doesnt look good

any tips

i will say this: i bought a really ugly v3 not knowing there were cuter and cheaper ones at walmart (avoid online shopping because they really jack the prices up!). it was yellow with orange dots and a turquoise center. to me it was ugly so i painted it with nail polish and i was careful to only paint the top and avoid around the buttons or the side hole where the tab you take out when you first get it is at-because it is direct access to the battery. i would say if you're thinking nail polish maybe ask an older sibling or a parent, and do 2 coats then don't touch it for a few hours. mine is now a glittery pinkish-orange with light pink glittery stripes. it still smells like nail polish and it's been like 3 weeks but it's no longer an eyesore and my tama is fine and on the 3rd generation. be really careful though because tamas are expensive for a toy and you don't want to waste your allowance or your parents' money.

Try coloring on your Tama with a metalic permanet marker. Metalic is so cool but I can make your Tama a bit sticky so becarful not to make new coatings unless ALL the metalic comes off. Black permanet markers might also work. Red would be good only a bit clear.

Since Valentines day is here, get an empty NECCO SWEETHEARTS box and place your Tam inside it with some cotton balls. Then close the top with those flap thingies and you have something cute! Your Tama screen is also seen through the clear heart! Awsome!

Never paint your tamagotchi! Are you crazy?! :p :ph34r: Ive noticed that on some of the tamagotchi designs, especially connexions, the varnish tend to scrape off easily. I also see that many of the keychain rings on the unit easily get it's tin layer weary, so you can see the brass underneath. This is ugly and it's rusting!

Here is a nailpolish tip that's reliable. I've tried it before, but you have to be patient, so it's best to take out the batteries or wait for your pet to go to bed.

1. Clean the red connection top, and wait for it to dry.

2. Use transparent glitter nail polish only. There are many fun combinations of glitter nail polish.

3. Paint the conexion top with a thin layer of nail polish. Gold, silver and red glitter is the best.

4. It can take up to half an hour before the polish dries, and I would wait for the day after before bringing my tama anywhere. The nail polish is touchy.

5. If you get polish out side the connexion top, use a q-tip to remove it.

Tip 2:

I have two tama beds! They used to be lifeless jewellery boxes made of china. Now they have two homemade pillows, and the lids can be closed easily.

Royal beds!

For my other tamas, I have large match boxes covered in collage pictures of food, fruit and jewels. They have mattresses of my old baby sheets. I have stockings for them too, where they sleep - at christmas.The spirit is just vibrant.

If you're handy you can make little plushies of their parents with a pocket on the stomach. That's cute. Making them has saved me from boredom in art classes were we were supposed to make embroiderings. :)
I love the tama bed idea! I think I'll make a few for my tamagotchis (and for my brother, I was planning to make one for his newly bought V4...)

If you like a pouch then ask your mom or try yourself

knit (anycolor of wool youl ike) a pouch any shape but make sure it fits

I asked my mom and she made one now my tama can rest peacfuly without the hard cold desk :angry:

How 'bout using some scoobies because what i don e 4 my tama was make

a scoobie and halfway through i put some Hama beads on and it was realy cool :furawatchi:

psh nail polish never wrecked ant tamagotchi i've seen..... all 3 of mine have nail polish... 2 had nail polish remover. i should put pics of my tamas but i dont know how

I did three stickers, one fell off (probably because it didn't stay on anyway) two have stuck on and will not come off. I don't mind. It's cute! :)

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^_^ ok i put permanent marker it stays but it come off sooner or later so don't try to permanent also stains ur tama...,,,,,
I read this thread earlier today and I thought the ideas were so good, so I decided to give decorating and creating a whirl.

First I found my bag of stickers from Sanrio that I collected throughout high school and chose some for my tamas. I tried to mix-n-match the battery covers on my tamas, but I didn't like it so much so made them normal. :eek:

I liked the baby-sock idea for pouches, but I don't have any. I went to the mall earlier and looked at some cell phone cases that were really cute. I currently have two tama v4s, and another one is on its way so I didn't want to buy a case that only fit two.

I have some Gotchi Gear pouches too, but carrying them all on my neck is such a bunch, so I knitted some pouches.

Picture here! :)

I had replaced the key chains on my tamas with beads before I read this thread, too. :D

hey lil_meiling how'de you make those pouches there're really cute i wanna ask my mom to make em for me!

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