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I can feel hapy one minute, then the next I just want to be alone, and at that time everything bad happens, and it makes me sink even lower, I hate the fact that my fvorit ecolor is black and my friends sa I am gith, I amnot! And all my friends get so mad at me sometimes. BUt whats worse is that in school i NEVER cry and all those emotions have to go somewhere, they get bottled up in my brain, and I get depressed, I never cry... ever! The last time I cried was two years ago when my cat died, before that I cant even remember.

I bottle my emotions up and I sink, the are like an anchor that pulls me deeper into my depression. I need something to live for. My username tells exactly what I cant do, shed a tear.


Shed a tear.

yes i am sorry to say most of the time i am depressed

i have a habit for taking things out on my self like cutting

i don't mean to do it it just happens

right now i am trying to get therapy

please pm me if u have any ideas of how to get therapy

My mom is really sad and I can't help her so that makes me feel like I am useless. I start feeling depressed when I see how other kids parents aren't seperated and they are happy. My mom lives a continent away and I only see her on summer. But my mom always lies to me. My mom keeps saying that I will live with her every year. But then she makes up an excuse of why I shouldn't come. Then at school I am usually the smart one but I am always left out. I try to put a happy face so nobody will know that I am hurt because then people will worry about me. I just feel down when I am starting school and then at summer I feel great. Good thing it's summer.

I am sometimes deppressed.

Once I was so depressed, I thought about seuicide. :angry:

And, I worry that kind of depression is going to came back again.

very very very very rare like I only ever did it once when I was 7.

I cut myself once.

Does that make me an emo? :angry:

When I do get deppressed it always has been about stress.

My teachers nice but pushes us way over the top.

I mean suprise tests everywhere I turn.

And, she gives us inposible questions, like whats 167, 798,567,916,657, 976 divided by ...

I number bigger then that. >_< T-T

And homework OVERLOAD! She gives us like 5 million pages of homework.

I asked everyone in the class about are teacher all of then said" nice but WAY TO STRESSFUL!"

very very very very rare like I only ever did it once when I was 7.I cut myself once.

Does that make me an emo? :(
Well, you have emotions so that technicaly that makes you emo[tional]. ;]

If you are talking about people who cut themselves, no, that doesn't not make you emo in that sense.

I'm not depressed, but a friend of mine is or used to be. She would slit her wrists (no joke) which is very serious. She has completely changed but now shes getting better and has stopped cutting. She also told me she has thought about suicide! But not anymore.

-Happyqueen :huh:

I appear to be afraid of practically everything, which sometimes makes me feel a bit down in the dumps. I'm afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of flying, I'm afraid of being in the rain (because I have my Tamagotchi with me most of the time), I'm afraid of travelling, I'm afraid of going virtually anywhere other than home.

My teachers make me sorta stressed because they don't let us go to the toilet. I am female! What about "that time of the month" when you tend to go more?! One time I had to pick up rubbish just because I went!

My mum is going to complain to the school :blink:

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when i'm sad, i draw the person that made me sad or mad. i draw them how i want and in any situation, [falling out of planes] and things like that. then i put the drawing an my drawer. then watch tv or go on computer for about 10 minutes. then when i look at the drawing again, i laugh and feel better.

There's this guy in my class that I really like, but he was depressed 'cuz his parents were jerks and he was sorta an emo outcast. One day, he starts trying to slit his wrists in the middle of the class. The teachers didn't notice, the guys didn't care, and the girls were all grossed out. But, I didn't really care, because he has problems and he's trying to solve them and I didn't wanna make them worse. Now, each and every day, I find myself becoming more like him. Depressed, thinking about suicide, not really caring about much at all.

Yes I do get depression. Since I have left primary school, I've been a bit down and I'm always thinking of an activity happening at my old school for example, Talking with my friends or walking to school. But when I'm with my friends I cheer up

I have said, I am deppressed before, but now I have became very very deppereste. -_-

I cut myself all the time, and I am acctually trying suicide now...I am going through therepy, and now I can't even be left alone in almost any room anymore...let alone my house. -_-

So I have a babysitter. :mametchi:

I am sad all of the time (I have even been in the hospital once)

I never was ever happy before.

My therpist never really helps that much, I cry ALL the time and cut myself.

I have to say, I have never felt so deperested in my life ;_;, I just hate myself.

Does anyone have any ideas, to help me stop this?

Please, Please help me!

I'm not sure whats wrong with me... I've researched all the Disorders I can think of and have come up with Social Axiety Disorder or Seasonal Depression. My mother thinks I have a touch of OCD, but I don't see how. Yes I worry about things most people my age don't but it doesn't make me have OCD. I don't go around washing my hands over and over again. Neither do I feel the need to put things back in order, well... except for the gum rack at work. I'm someone with OCD's Worst nightmare, I'm very dis-organized, I can't find my stuff half of the time.

My mother thinks she knows me inside and out when really she knows nothing about what happened to me. I tried to tell her a long time ago and she blocked it out like it didn't happen. I swear if I ever have children I'll never let anyone put a hand on them. If they do they are a dead. I guess you can say this is why I'm so messed up, I never said a word and let it build up these years. Resently I've been getting it out and have been brave enough to tell my mother theres something that everyones knows but she refuses to. I don't know when but one of these days I'm going to shout out to her what happened, I just hope she doesn't pretend not to listen. I need a theripist... never thought I'd say that...

Tamasluvfritos99, just try cheering yourself up, thinking about how God created you, and you weren't a mistake and how sad he would be if you committed suicide. Think about that :angry:
Ty, for the tip. It helps a little. :angry:

if u are reading this and u find urself depressed fallow these steps (PLEESE READ!! this could very well save ur life)

1. focas on the positave.

-Ex: i know its rainy and gloomy outside but there is sun just over those mountains :D

2. really... all u have to do is make ur life better..simple as that! ur life isnt really bad! :angry: its all about atittude!

3. read chiken soup for the soul. i never feel sad but i read it any way the storys are so good!

4. take time to apreciate what u have, do u have every thing u NEED ( not including that new vidio game ur mom wont buy u! :huh: )

hope i helped! :eek: :angry: :ph34r:

I'm not sure whats wrong with me... I've researched all the Disorders I can think of and have come up with Social Axiety Disorder or Seasonal Depression. My mother thinks I have a touch of OCD, but I don't see how. Yes I worry about things most people my age don't but it doesn't make me have OCD. I don't go around washing my hands over and over again. Neither do I feel the need to put things back in order, well... except for the gum rack at work. I'm someone with OCD's Worst nightmare, I'm very dis-organized, I can't find my stuff half of the time.My mother thinks she knows me inside and out when really she knows nothing about what happened to me. I tried to tell her a long time ago and she blocked it out like it didn't happen. I swear if I ever have children I'll never let anyone put a hand on them. If they do they are a dead. I guess you can say this is why I'm so messed up, I never said a word and let it build up these years. Resently I've been getting it out and have been brave enough to tell my mother theres something that everyones knows but she refuses to. I don't know when but one of these days I'm going to shout out to her what happened, I just hope she doesn't pretend not to listen. I need a theripist... never thought I'd say that...
wow thats deep! well... pleese pm me and i can help u! im good at these things :D

P.S what DID happen to u? :angry:

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