Do you believe a freedom of speech?


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Of course. Everyone has the right to state their opinion.

Of course! The government shouldn't control everything we say and do. We have the right to state our opinions.

*Sigh* Eventually the Goverment (Obama =P) is gonna make it a law that we can't say anything. But, as usually. I may be wrong.

But, yes, yes I do.

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*Sigh* Eventually the Goverment (Obama =P) is gonna make it a law that we can't say anything. But, as usually. I may be wrong.
But, yes, yes I do.
He can't change the Constitution.

Try as they might, they can't take those rights away.

True. But, the Goverment hardly gives a care about the Consitution anymore.

What has America turned into....

In my opinion. America is no longer the greatest country in the world....

True. But, the Goverment hardly gives a care about the Consitution anymore.
What has America turned into....

In my opinion. America is no longer the greatest country in the world....
i agree with you 100% but anyay yes i do believe in it but i heard that....nevermind of topic.

Honestly I think we let power go to our heads. Now we think we can blow up a country and run..... No, we have to climb the ladder not jump all the way over it. Because it just impossible to jump over it.


I believe people are allowed to have an opinion but they shouldn't be allowed to insult other or say any racist/sexist/ageist/etc... things or things that are made just to be offensive and have no other purpose.

But people can say what they want.

Yeeeeeeeeah. Of course; Without freedom of speech, the world will collapse, no one would be able to do anything. There wouldn't be music D:

And what about our world leaders?


-World implosion-

*Sigh* Eventually the Goverment (Obama =P) is gonna make it a law that we can't say anything. But, as usually. I may be wrong.
I really hate it when people jump to conclusions about Obama.

But yes, I am 100% for Freedom of Speech.

I believe people are allowed to have an opinion but they shouldn't be allowed to insult other or say any racist/sexist/ageist/etc... things or things that are made just to be offensive and have no other purpose.
So, we can have an opinion, but that opinion must be ____ and can't be ___...? Huh?

That's not free speech.

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*Sigh* Eventually the Goverment (Obama =P) is gonna make it a law that we can't say anything.
I love Obama. Shu'up. xD

No, I'm just kidding. People should have the choice to love or hate whoever they want, and be able to express their feelings through freedom of speech.

[ Seriously, though, I could not disagree more with the quoted post. Of course Obama's not going to take away our human rights. D: ]

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